Friday, 17 January 2025

Trust in the LORD!

 Dearest CHRIST followers we need to know that our FATHER is completely trustworthy. HE will never leave us nor forsake us.

When we place our complete trust in the ways and the will of our FATHER,  HE will direct our paths.

Prayer. ABBA FATHER I humbly thank YOU that I am able to place all my trust in YOU alone.  FATHER I pray that YOU direct my paths.  I pray this in the Holy Name of JESUS CHRIST Amen 🙏 

Stay faithfully JESUS blessed today 🙏

Tuesday, 14 January 2025

GOD will strengthen us!

 Dearest CHRIST followers we need to know that our FATHER loves us and as long as we are in a living relationship with HIM,  HE will keep us and strengthen us.

The only way to be in a living relationship with pur FATHER is through our faith in JESUS CHRIST.   JESUS is THE WAY, THE TRUTH and THE  LIFE. 

Prayer ABBA FATHER I humbly thank YOU that YOU are with me always. I humbly thank YOU in the Holy Name of JESUS CHRIST Amen 🙏 

Stay faithfully JESUS blessed today 🙏

Monday, 13 January 2025


 Dearest CHRIST followers we serve the CREATOR  of everything on earth and in Heaven.

There simply is nothing that could ever be greater than our FATHER.

Prayer. ABBA FATHER I humbly thank YOU for YOUR grace and favour.   FATHER I thank YOU for everything that YOU have done for us and given to us.  I humbly thank YOU in the Holy Name of JESUS CHRIST Amen 🙏 

Stay humbly JESUS Blessed today 🙏

Sunday, 12 January 2025

Pursue Righteousness!

 Dearest CHRIST followers we need to be ambassadors or CHRIST on earth.  Therefore we need to pursue Righteousness.

Our behavior towards others needs to be gentle, loving and kind. 

Our faith must shine like a light in this ever darkening world.

Prayer. ABBA FATHER I humbly pray that I may grow to be a good ambassador for YOU  on earth. Help me to be Righteous, faithful,  kind and gentle. I humbly pray this in the Holy Name of JESUS CHRIST Amen 🙏 

Stay faithfully JESUS blessed today 🙏

Saturday, 11 January 2025

Obedience to GOD!

 Dearest CHRIST followers Our FATHER in Heaven has given us a day of rest. This is a Holy day and it is dedicated to GOD. 

However our FATHER also knows that we need rest. We also need time to spend with our FATHER.  

Personally I believe that we shoukd give at least a tenth of day to the LORD.

In other words we do not just tithe with money but with our time.  After all our FATHER has given us our time as a free gift   

Do we spend the Sabbath day worshiping GOD?  Do we give a tenth of time back to the LORD?

Prayer. ABBA FATHER I humbly thank YOU for the time YOU have given me on earth. FATHER I pray that I may serve YOU with my time by spending as much time in my day worshiping YOU as I can.

I humbly pray this in the Holy Name of JESUS CHRIST Amen 🙏 

Stay obediently JESUS Blessed today 🙏

Friday, 10 January 2025


 Dearest CHRIST followers we need to forgive just as we are forgiven.

If we cannot forgive, we cannot expect forgiveness.

Prayer ABBA FATHER I thank YOU that YOU forgive my sins. FATHER, I humbly pray that HOLY SPIRIT  convicts me  where I have sinned so that I might ask YOU to forgive me. I humbly pray this in the Holy Name of JESUS CHRIST Amen 🙏 

Stay forgivingly JESUS blessed today 🙏

Thursday, 9 January 2025

Stand firm in our faith!

 Dearest CHRIST followers we need to stand firm inour faith. We cannot be tossed about and waiver.

Our faith should grow daily as we read the Scriptures and pray and learn to know the nature and character of our HEAVENLY FATHER  

Today, if our faith is not growing let us resolve to spend much more time with our FATHER. 

Prayer. ABBA FATHER I thank YOU that YOU loved me so much that YOU sent JESUS to redeem me from my sins. FATHER I humbly pray that YOU help me to grow in my faith daily.  I humbly pray this in the Holy Name of JESUS CHRIST Amen 🙏 

Stay faithfully JESUS blessed today 🙏

Wednesday, 8 January 2025

Glory to GOD!


Dearest CHRIST followers we are called to show the Glory of GOD on earth.

As children of GOD, we need to be ambassadors and good examples of how all people on earth should conduct their lives.

Prayer. ABBA FATHER I humbly thank YOU for YOUR grace and favour. Help me to shine YOUR light on earth in such a way that it brings glory to YOU, ABBA FATHER. 

I humbly pray this in the Holy Name of JESUS CHRIST Amen 🙏 

Stay wonderfully JESUS blessed today 🙏

Tuesday, 7 January 2025

Redemption cannot be bought

 [01/07, 21:42] Bev Smith: Dearest CHRIST followers Redemption is a free gift from GOD. The only way we can have Redemption is by professing that JESUS CHRIST is LORD and that HE is the Son of GOD.

We simply cannot buy our Redemption, contrary to what is often believed.

Prayer. ABBA FATHER I thank YOU for YOUR grace in send JESUS to redeem me from my sins. I humbly thank YOU in the Holy Name of JESUS CHRIST Amen 🙏

Stay faithfully JESUS blessed today 🙏

Monday, 6 January 2025

Born again?

 Dearest Christ followers we are children of GOD when we profess JESUS CHRIST as our SAVIOUR.   We become "born again" at that point.  No longer are we children of the will of our FATHER but now we are under the Will of GOD.

No one, who has not been born again, can enter into the Kingdom of GOD.

We must believe in JESUS as our REDEEMER.

Prayer ABBA FATHER I humbly thank YOU that I am a child of YOURS.  I thank YOU in the Holy Name of JESUS CHRIST Amen 🙏 

Stay faithfully JESUS blessed today 🙏

Sunday, 5 January 2025

Great forgiveness!

 Dearest CHRIST followers in Luke we read about a woman of ill repute who washed the feet of JESUS with an expensive jar of oil and dried HIS feet with her hair.  All the while she was performing this very loving act, she wept.

JESUS forgave her sins, which were many, because she loved greatly.

We too, can be forgiven when we truly accept and profess JESUS as our LORD and SAVIOUR and when we love HIM above all else as this woman did.

Our SAVIOUR shed HIS precious blood to pay for our sins.  HE quenched the wrath of GOD which would be poured put on us if we did not come to CHRIST in humble adoration.  Today profess JESUS as LORD and SAVIOUR and love HIM greatly.  We are forgiven indeed, no matter how much we have sinned.

Prayer.  ABBA FATHER I humbly thank YOU for YOUR great sacrifice for the forgiveness of my sins. I adore YOU ABBA FATHER.   I humbly pray this in the Holy Name of JESUS CHRIST Amen 🙏 

Stay lovingly JESUS blessed today 🙏

Trust in the LORD!

 Dearest CHRIST followers we need to know that our FATHER is completely trustworthy. HE will never leave us nor forsake us. When we place ou...