Thursday 17 October 2024

All glory to GOD

 Dearest CHRIST followers  we are so blessed to serve a GOD whose arm is not too short. With our FATHER everything is possible.

We have very good reports about Kelly today. She is improving and the doctors are very satisfied with her progress.

I am so grateful to GOD for HIS mercies and grace.  All glory to GOD

Prayer:  ABBA FATHER  I thank YOU that YOU are gracious and merciful to me and my family. FATHER we ask that Kelly be healed and that this is all to YOUR glory. I humbly pray this in the Holy Name of JESUS CHRIST. Amen. 

Stay faithfully JESUS blessed today!

Tuesday 15 October 2024

Glory to GOD in the highest!

 Dearest CHRIST followers, I very seldom write personally.  However, my youngest daughter Kelly has had a massive stroke.  We are praying to GOD to show HIS glory in this.

I am not sure why this has happened to Kelly, but we accept GOD has a plan and HIS plan is perfect.

I would ask that you all pray for Kelly and Jeandre, (her husband), my other daughter Nikki and her family and please keep our family in your prayers.  We are in need of a miracle from our FATHER in Heaven if this is HIS will.

Prayer;  ABBA FATHER, I humbly pray that all reading this know that whatever YOUR plan is, it is a perfect plan and that YOU are our CREATOR FATHER who loves us all.  FATHER we pray for a miracle for Kelly and we humbly ask that YOU heal her completely.

We ask this in the HOLY Name of JESUS CHRIST.  Amen.

Stay faithfully JESUS Blessed today!

GOD has the perfect plan

 Dearest Christ followers, we can never know the plans GOD has for us.  What we are sure about is that whomsoever calls upon the name of the LORD shall be saved.  

We need to trust GOD in everything because GOD is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow and HIS way is the only way. 

Today, let us call upon the name, JESUS CHRIST, and believe in our FATHER and HIS redemption. HE has given us life eternal through our SAVIOUR.

Prayer; ABBA FATHER, I love YOU and I thank YOU that YOU loved us so much that YOU sent JESUS to die for our sins and to give us eternal life.  I thank YOU in the HOLY name of JESUS CHRIST.  Amen.

Stay faithfully JESUS Blessed today!

Sunday 13 October 2024

Grow our faith through the WORD of GOD!

 Dearest CHRIST followers we need to hear the word of GOD to grow our faith.

We need to listen to GOD speaking to us.  We can "hear" from GOD by reading from the Bible daily.

Today, with media so readily available, we can listen to a sermon or a short Bible reading on our phones or tablets.

We need to be in fellowship with like-minded CHRIST followers, either in our Church or in smaller groups.

Communal prayer is also required for us to "hear" the Word.

Let us resolve today to grow our faith.  Let us read the Word, listen to the Word and pray to our FATHER in Heaven to help us to grow in our faith through listening to HIM.

Prayer: ABBA FATHER, I thank YOU for YOUR Word.  Help me to grow my faith daily and to be in YOUR Word daily.  I humbly pray this in the HOLY Name of JESUS CHRIST.   Amen.

Stay faithfully JESUS Blessed today!

Our FATHER keeps HIS promises always!

 Dearest CHRIST followers, we serve a loving merciful, gracious FATHER.  Our FATHER loves us all.  This is why HE sent HIS Son to die on the Cross for us all.  Our FATHER sent JESUS to die for everyone.  Our FATHER told Noah to build an ark and all were welcome to get on the ark. 

Our FATHER will keep HIS promises to punish those who reject HIS word and who scatter HIS flock.

We need to know that because our FATHER is just and Holy and righteous, HE cannot leave sin unpunished. 

All those who do not repent and accept JESUS as their SAVIOUR will face the righteous judgement of our FATHER.  We have only this side of the grave to decide.

Prayer: ABBA FATHER, I worship YOU and I honour YOU and I adore YOU.  Thank YOU that YOU have given us a way to spend eternity with YOU.  I thank YOU for JESUS CHRIST, my REDEEMER.  I humbly thank YOU in the HOLY Name of JESUS CHRIST.  Amen.

Stay thankfully JESUS Blessed today!

Saturday 12 October 2024


 Dearest CHRIST followers in Heaven the angels sing to the LORD "Holy Holy Holy, LORD GOD ALMIGHTY" in reverance to our FATHER.

We, here on earth, should be praising our FATHER too.  Our FATHER has given us life in abundance, and HE has given us HIS SON as propitiation for our sins.

We have done nothing to earn this, and we cannot earn it by working or doing good deeds or being good people.

The only way to get to our FATHER for eternity is to accept JESUS CHRIST as our LORD and SAVIOUR.

Today, let us make a decision to worship, honour and praise our FATHER every single day.  Let us lift our eyes to the Heavens from when comes our help.  Our help comes from our FATHER and from nothing else.

Prayer: ABBA FATHER, today I say HOLY HOLY HOLY LORD GOD ALMIGHTY.  FATHER, I worship YOU.  I honour YOU.  I adore YOU.  Thank YOU for giving me life and all that I have and all that I am.  I humbly praise YOU and thank YOU in the HOLY name of JESUS CHRIST.  Amen.

Stay faithfully JESUS Blessed today!

Friday 11 October 2024

Commit thy works unto the LORD


Dearest CHRIST followers, we need to take everything about our lives to the LORD.

Before we do anything, we need to pray to GOD and ask HIM to direct us as to what we should do.

It is then, when we have waited on the LORD for HIS direction that our thoughts shall be established.

Our dependence upon our FATHER needs to be for every aspect of our lives.  Our FATHER wants to guide our paths.  HE wants a living, loving parental role in our lives.  We are HIS children and HIS way is perfect.

Prayer:  ABBA FATHER, I thank YOU that YOU are my FATHER.  I thank YOU that I can take everything to YOU in prayer.  FATHER guide my thoughts and my paths.  I humbly pray this in the HOLY name of JESUS CHRIST.  Amen.

Stay faithfully JESUS Blessed today!

Thursday 10 October 2024

MY sheep know MY voice!

Dearest CHRIST followers, we need to build our relationship with JESUS to such an extent that we know HIS voice.

When we are in a living relationship with JESUS we know HIM and HE will lead us.

JESUS gives us eternal life and we shall never perish when we are in HIM. 

In the verse above, JESUS tells us that no one can snatch us out of HIS HAND if we have accepted JESUS as our LORD and SAVIOUR.

This is a wonderful assurance of our salvation!

Prayer: ABBA FATHER, I thank YOU that JESUS is my LORD and my SAVIOUR.  FATHER help me to know YOUR voice so that I may always follow YOU only.

I humbly pray this in the HOLY Name of JESUS CHRIST.  Amen.

Stay faithfully JESUS Blessed today!

Wednesday 9 October 2024

In all things GOD works for the good of those who love HIM!

 Dearest CHRIST followers we need to trust all our plans to GOD.  It is no good rushing into things and then when the wheels fall off, praying to GOD to help us.

We need to go to GOD first about everything.  If it is the Will of GOD, GOD will help us.  If not, we are going to find roadblock after roadblock

The real issue is that we lean on our own understanding and do not trust in GOD to direct our steps. 

Today let us resolve that we are going to take everything to GOD in prayer, before we start anything.

Prayer: ABBA FATHER, I humbly pray that YOU direct my paths.  Show me YOUR will for my life.  I humbly pray this in the HOLY name of JESUS CHRIST.  Amen.

Stay prayerfully JESUS Blessed today!

Tuesday 8 October 2024


 Dearest CHRIST followers, the Heavens declare the Glory of our FATHER.  The earth shouts out that a divine CREATOR made it.

We are unable to make a planet or a sun or a moon.  We are unable to make the sea or the tides.

Our FATHER made it all and gave it all to us to show HIS glory.

Therefore, there is no trouble too big for our FATHER to deal with.  As the Psalmist wrote "lift up our eyes to the hills, from where our help will come.  Our help comes from the LORD who made all of this."

We serve a Mighty, Gracious, loving, merciful FATHER.  Nothing is impossible for HIM.

No problem is too great or too small.  

Let us revere our FATHER and give HIM all the glory today!

Prayer: ABBA FATHER, I humbly thank YOU for YOUR creation and that I am so privileged to live in it.  FATHER, I thank YOU that I can rely on YOU for all my help.  I humbly thank YOU in the HOLY name of JESUS CHRIST.  Amen.

Stay gratefully JESUS Blessed today!

Monday 7 October 2024

Bless Israel!

Dearest Christ followers, Israel is GOD's chosen nation out of which our MESSIAH was born.

Therefore, the LORD says, "I will bless those who bless Israel, and I will curse those who curse Israel".  (Genesis 12:3).

Today let us pray for Israel.  This is in obedience to the Word of GOD.

We do not have to agree with everything Israel does, but we do need to obey our FATHER in Heaven.

Today, as the people of Israel mourn the events of October 7th, let us stand with them in our hearts and our prays.  Let us be obedient to our FATHER.  HE sent HIS Son through the line of King David, the second king of Israel.  Our SAVIOUR was born of the tribe of Judah the lineage of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.  

Without our SAVIOUR, we would have no hope of eternity with our FATHER in Heaven.

Prayer: ABBA FATHER, I humbly pray that YOU soothe the hearts of all who mourn the events of last October today.  I pray that YOU give them YOUR peace which surpasses all understanding.  I humbly pray this in the HOLY Name of JESUS CHRIST.  Amen.

Stay peacefully JESUS Blessed today!

All glory to GOD

 Dearest CHRIST followers  we are so blessed to serve a GOD whose arm is not too short. With our FATHER everything is possible. We have very...