Thursday, 30 June 2022

Obedience to GOD!

 We have choices to make.  That is the great love GOD has for each one of us.  We can freely choose what we want.

Obedience to GOD keeps us in a relationship with GOD.  Obedience from GOD shields us from sinning or the desire to sin.

And when we look back on our lives, surely the unhappiest times of our lives were when we were sinning and living for the flesh and not for GOD.

The seasons are very clear.  The things of this earth are spinning rapidly towards the rapture.  We have choices to make.  GOD and obedience to HIM or the desires of our sinful natures.

Choose life everlasting.  Choose obedience. Choose Jesus Christ.  He came to this earth to free us from the burden of our sins.

Prayer:  ABBA FATHER, I thank YOU that I am a child of YOURS.  I thank YOU that I have Jesus as my Lord and my Saviour.  I thank YOU for the Holy Spirit who lives in me and convicts me of my sins.  I thank YOU in the Holy name of Jesus Christ.  Amen.

Stay truly GOD blessed today!

Tuesday, 28 June 2022

Do not make Jesus a liar!

 If the word of GOD is not in us, if we deny that we are sinners, we make Jesus a liar.  And then we reject the propitiation carried out by Jesus on that cross of Calvary when He took your place and mine and suffered the wrath of GOD for our sins.

However, if we confess that we are sinners and have sinned and we confess our sins to GOD, GOD is just to forgive us.  GOD is merciful and gracious and righteous and Holy.

GOD cannot be in the presence of sin.  This is why Jesus came to pay for our sins.  Jesus came to give us a way to spend eternity with GOD.

Today, accept that we are all sinners and that we have sinful natures.  Confess this truth to GOD.  Ask for forgiveness.  Accept Jesus as Lord and Saviour.  Say yes to eternity with our FATHER in Heaven.

Prayer:  ABBA FATHER, I thank YOU for YOUR grace and mercy.  FATHER I am a sinner and humbly beg that YOU forgive my sins.  Jesus Christ is my Lord and my Saviour.  Jesus is my Redeemer.  I pray this in the Holy Name of Jesus Christ.  Amen.

Stay graciously GOD blessed today!

Monday, 27 June 2022

Our advocate Jesus

 We are born sinful.  Even when we accept Jesus as our Saviour, and we are filled with the Holy Spirit, the new spirit living in us is constantly at war with the old sinful person.

Sin is a fact and all of us sin.  But when we are filled with the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit convicts us of our sins.  And immediately we confess our sins, Jesus steps in and becomes our advocate with GOD.  Through Jesus Christ, once we confess our sins to GOD and ask for forgiveness, GOD assures us that our sins are removed as far as East is from West.

This is only through the Grace of GOD.  And through the propitiation of Jesus who took all our sins, past, present and future onto that cross and He paid the price in full so that we can live a life unburdened by sin.

Does this mean that we can go on sinning?  Absolutely not.  We need to stop sinning and although it is difficult, we will constantly be reminded by the Holy Spirit when we sin.

Having a living relationship with GOD also helps us to grow more and more like Jesus.  The more we read the Bible, the more we fellowship with other Christians, the more we pray the less we are likely to sin.

Prayer:  ABBA FATHER I thank YOU for Jesus.  I thank YOU for YOUR grace.  FATHER help me to sin less and less.  I humbly pray this in the Holy Name of Jesus Christ.  Amen.

Stay truly GOD blessed today!

Sunday, 26 June 2022

Confess our sins!

 When we admit that we are sinners, Jesus stands in our stead and mediates between us and GOD.  Jesus has paid the price in full for our sins.  There is no more condemnation of our sins.

But this will only occur once we believe in Jesus.  And not any Jesus.  Our Jesus

  • Born of a virgin mother
  • Lived and righteous, sinless blameless life on earth
  • Performed many signs and miracles including : 
    • walking on water
    • turning water into wine
    • feeding the multitudes twice with very little
    • cleansing people from disease 
    • healing the lame, the blind and the sick
  • Jesus was crucified on a cross
  • Jesus died
  • Jesus was buried
  • Jesus rose from the dead on the third day
  • Jesus ascended into Heaven after 40 days
  • Jesus sits as the right hand of GOD our FATHER.
  • Jesus will judge both the quick and the dead.
When you believe this with your whole heart, you are saved.  You are filled with the Holy Spirit.  The Holy Spirit convicts you of your sin. 

Once you accept Jesus and call on His name as YOUR redeemer, you will know that you are a sinner.  But GOD promises to remove your sins as far as east is from west. 

Today believe in Jesus. Confess your sins.  Accept redemption and a life in heaven!

Do not wait.  Tomorrow it may be too late.  You can only do this on this side of death on earth!

Prayer:  ABBA FATHER, I thank YOU for YOUR grace and favour.  I thank YOU for Jesus Christ my Lord and Saviour.  I pray that YOU forgive my sins today.  I pray this in the Holy Name of Jesus Christ.  Amen.

Stay faithfully GOD blessed today!

Friday, 24 June 2022

Grace and peace multiplied!

 The more we come to know GOD and what HIS will is for our lives, the more grace and peace we also have.

Our peace comes from knowing that GOD is in charge of our lives.  Our grace is multiplied when we know that our FATHER has us in the palm of HIS hand.

Nothing has been left to chance for our salvation.  GOD sent HIS Son to this earth so that we could be saved from an eternity spent in hell.  Jesus took all our sins onto that Cross and paid for them all.

We have to believe this, and have faith that GOD has wiped our sins out when we accept Jesus as Lord and Saviour.  We then are filled with the Holy Spirit and He convicts us of our sins.

No longer are we slaves to sin.  We are set free.  And our desire to know our FATHER and HIS word grows within us.  We want to read the word of GOD each and every day.  We want to pray and most of all, we no longer want to carry on sinning and living in our old ways.

This knowledge multiplies our peace and the grace of our FATHER makes us realize that we serve an awesome wonderful CREATOR FATHER who loves us!

Prayer:  ABBA FATHER thank YOU for YOUR grace and peace multiplied in my life as I come to know YOU more and more.  FATHER give me wisdom and humility.  I pray this in the Holy Name of Jesus Christ.  Amen.

Stay truly graciously GOD blessed today!

Thursday, 23 June 2022

Be Holy!

 When we become children of GOD, we must take on the responsibility that comes with this.

This means accepting that we need to put off our sinful natures and to take on the new nature.  We need to become more like Jesus.  We need to die to self and to start living to please GOD.

And because GOD is Holy, we need to be Holy.  This means that we can no longer live as we did before.  Doing the things of this world, just because that is the way we have always been.

A true child of GOD starts to look more and more like a new creation.  This does not mean that our sinful natures no longer exist.  What it means, is that the new nature, our Christ like nature, now needs to gain control over our lusts, our desires for things of this world and to make us more aware of our future home with GOD.

Today, be more Holy.  Take on the new creation and let it win!

Prayer:  ABBA FATHER, today I humbly ask that YOU make me more like Jesus each and every day.  I humbly pray this in the Holy Name of Jesus Christ.  Amen.

Stay truly GOD blessed today!!

Tuesday, 21 June 2022

Cast your cares on HIM!


Peter gives us life lessons here!  We are to humble ourselves under the mighty hand of GOD.  In doing so, GOD will exalt us in due time.  And we are to cast all our cares and woes upon GOD because HE cares for us.

This casting of our woes shows GOD that we trust in HIM and not in our own abilities.  It is also reflective to GOD of our true humility.

Today, whatever woes and troubles you have, cast them upon our LORD and Saviour and then humble yourself and trust HIM to take our troubles and to show us that HE is indeed Lord and Saviour of our lives.

Prayer:  ABBA FATHER, I humble myself to YOU tonight and I ask YOU FATHER to provide for my needs.  I pray this in the Holy Name of Jesus Christ.  Amen.

Stay truly GOD blessed today!

Saturday, 18 June 2022

Ask GOD for wisdom!

 As children of GOD, we should be praying to GOD about everything in our lives.  We need to thank GOD daily for our lives, for our families, for our friends, for our food, for our warmth and all of our blessings.

Indeed, we can also ask GOD for things.  In the verse above, James, the half brother of Jesus, tells us to ask GOD for wisdom.

Which brings us to Solomon, the King after King David.  He asked GOD for wisdom and it was granted to him, in abundance.

So too should we ask GOD for wisdom.  Wisdom to discern right from wrong.  Wisdom to discern good from evil.  Wisdom to understand the will of our FATHER in Heaven.  Wisdom to live our lives according to the will of our FATHER.  Wisdom to become more like Jesus each and every day.

Prayer:  ABBA FATHER, I thank YOU for my life.  I thank YOU for my family and my friends.  I thank YOU for my faith in Jesus.  I thank YOU for YOUR grace in redeeming my sins through my Lord Jesus Christ.  Today, FATHER, I humbly ask that YOU grant me wisdom.  I ask this in the Holy Name of Jesus Christ.  Amen.

Stay faithfully GOD blessed today!

Wednesday, 15 June 2022

Our race for Jesus!

 When we accept Jesus as our Lord and our Saviour, we need to feed our minds on the Word of GOD.  And we need to pray to GOD to make us more and more like Jesus.

Jesus is GOD.  But Jesus added humanity to His deity to come and live on earth to experience life as we experience it.

Jesus was tempted but never sinned.  We are born sinful, but Jesus was not born of sin because He was born of a virgin mother.

This does not mean that Jesus did not face all the trials and tribulations that we face.  The difference between us and Jesus is that we so often succumb to sin.  Jesus never sinned.  Not once.

Jesus went to the Cross an innocent man.  But He took all our sins onto that Cross for us and He paid the price for our sins in full.

Now it is up to us.  We need to run our race towards being with Jesus in Heaven and while we are on earth to run our race to be more and more like Jesus each and every day and to resist sin.

Prayer:  ABBA FATHER, help me to run this race and to finish the race to YOU in Heaven.  Help me to be more and more convicted of my sins and to repent of all the sins that I have committed.  Help me to sin less and to become more and more like Jesus on a day to day basis.  I pray this in the Holy name of Jesus Christ.  Amen.

Stay truly GOD blessed today!

Tuesday, 14 June 2022

Atonement for our sins - Jesus!

 Under the Old Testament law, a high priest was allowed to go into the inner sanctuary once a year to atone for the sins of the Israelites.  And he had to take the blood of the animals sacrificed and sprinkle it there.

GOD knows our extremely sinful natures, and no amount of atoning could or would ever wipe away the sins we commit daily.

So GOD had a perfect plan.  HIS sinless Son, Jesus Christ, would come to earth and atone, once and for all for our sins.  All our sins, yours and mine, were taken onto that Cross of Calvary and were paid for in full.

Can we therefore, go on sinning.  Of course not!  Once we confess Jesus as our Lord and Saviour and admit that we are sinners, the Holy Spirit takes up residence in our hearts.  This convicts us when we sin.

To go on sinning as if we did not believe is to crucify Jesus over and over.

Let us therefore resolve to listen to the Holy Spirit daily.

Prayer:  Heavenly FATHER, I thank YOU that YOU sent Jesus to die for my sins.

FATHER, please fill me with YOUR Holy Spirit.  I humbly pray this in the Holy Name of Jesus Christ.  Amen.

Stay truly GOD and Jesus blessed today!

Monday, 13 June 2022

Jesus saves!

 Once Jesus is Lord and Saviour of your life, you will have the Holy Spirit living in you.  The Holy Spirit convicts us of our sin and shows us the areas of our lives to conform to our eternal life rather than to the things of this earth.

Today, accept Jesus as Lord and Saviour.  Start to think about eternity with GOD.  Rather than the very short time we spend on this earth.

Today, do not delay.  Let Jesus intercede for us today.

Prayer:  ABBA FATHER, today I thank YOU that Jesus is my Lord and my Saviour.  I pray FATHER that the Holy Spirit living in me makes me conform to become more like Jesus.  I pray this in the Holy Name of Jesus Christ.  Amen.

Stay truly GOD blessed today!

Sunday, 12 June 2022

No other way to Salvation!

Jesus is the Way.  Jesus is the Truth.  And Jesus is the Life.

You need to choose.  Heaven or hell?  It is that simple.  

If you do not believe -

  • Jesus is Lord and Saviour; 
  • Jesus is the Son of GOD; 
  •  that Jesus is GOD;
  • that Jesus came to earth; 
  • added humanity to His deity by coming to earth; 
  • was born of a virgin mother 
  • lived a sinless life on earth; 
  • performed man miracles and signs 
  • was crucified;
  • died on that cross;
  • rose again on the third day.  

Then you are choosing to spend eternity in hell.

It really is that simple.

And when we choose to accept Jesus as our Lord and our Saviour.

GOD will not give us a second chance when we leave this earth.  And all of us will die.  There is no way to avoid that.

The Bible tells us many many times, that Jesus is the only way to eternity with GOD.

Today, choose Jesus.  Admit that you are a sinner, as am I.  Ask GOD to forgive your sins.  And HE will.  Choose life in eternity with GOD.

Prayer:  ABBA FATHER, today I pray for all reading this who have never taken Jesus as Lord and Saviour, that they do so now.  I humbly pray for them FATHER,  I ask this in the Holy Name of Jesus Christ.  Amen.

Stay truly GOD blessed today!

Saturday, 11 June 2022

Hope in Christ Jesus!

 Once we accept Jesus as our Lord and Saviour,  we need to hold fast to the confidence and the rejoicing.

This is our hope.  And our hope is in Jesus.  Every single day we need to spend time with our FATHER so that we do not lose hope.

A living relationship with our FATHER in Heaven will grow our faith and strengthen our hope in Jesus.  More and more we will learn not to lean on our own understanding but to pray about everything and then to trust in our FATHER.

Our FATHER always keeps HIS promises and HE has promised that if we believe in Jesus, if we confess our sins, and keep our eyes focused on HIM He will never leave us and never forsake us.

Today, keep your eyes on Jesus.

Prayer:   ABBA FATHER, thank YOU that I can have hope in Jesus.  I thank YOU in the Holy Name of Jesus Christ.  Amen.

Stay amazingly GOD blessed today!

Friday, 10 June 2022

The grace of GOD!

 Jesus has purged our sins.  All of them.  However, if we do not believe in Jesus, if we do not believe that He came to this earth, added humanity to His deity, lived a sinless life, was crucified, died and was buried, and most importantly that He rose from the dead on the third day, we are condemned.

We then condemn ourselves to an eternity to spend in hell.

By the grace of our FATHER, when we receive Jesus as our Lord and our Saviour, we are filled with the Holy Spirit.  This leads us to realize how sinful we have been.  The Holy Spirit convicts us to confess our sins to our FATHER and to ask HIM to forgive us.  

Once we have done this our sins are removed from us.  We are no longer under the burden of guilt.

So today, accept Jesus, accept the grace of GOD given freely to all who believe in HIS one and only Son, Jesus Christ.

Accept the grace of GOD today!

Prayer:   ABBA FATHER, I accept the wonderful Grace YOU so freely give to me.  I accept Jesus Christ as my Lord and my Saviour.  FATHER, I am a sinner and I confess to YOU that I am a sinner.  Forgive me FATHER.  I pray this in the Holy name of Jesus Christ.  Amen.

Stay graciously GOD blessed today!

Thursday, 9 June 2022

Jesus will never leave or forsake us!


Believing in Jesus is a choice made with the free will that our FATHER in Heaven has given to each one of us.  Once we accept Jesus as our Redeemer, Jesus makes us right with our FATHER in Heaven.

And I have this mental image of our FATHER always with HIS hand stretched down to reach for us. All we have to do is to reach up and take hold of HIS hand.

In the above verse, the writer of Hebrews (it could perhaps be Paul or Barnabus) tell us to be happy with what we have.  Not to covet and then our FATHER will never leave us nor forsake us.

This is not necessarily talking about material possessions.  It also goes to the traits of each one of us.  We are made exactly how our FATHER imagined us.  HE knits us together in our mother's wombs.

And we are fearfully and wonderfully made.  We do not know what the plan GOD has for our lives and this covetousness  refers to the character and nature of others.  We are not to covet or to desire to be like them.  We are to become more like Jesus.  Jesus is our role model.  Jesus is the Way.  Jesus is the Truth and Jesus is the Life.

Prayer:  ABBA FATHER, please make me more and more like Jesus through YOUR Holy Spirit dwelling in me.  I pray this in the Holy Name of Jesus Christ.  Amen.

Stay truly GOD blessed today!

Wednesday, 8 June 2022

Do good and share!

 As Christians, when we are filled with Holy Spirit, we need to remember that we are now co-heirs with Christ.  And the Holy Spirit dwelling in us will guide us to do good. 

We are not to ignore the prompting of the Holy Spirit.  Because, GOD gives to us and we are to do good with what we are given and to share what we are given with others.

This does not just apply to money and possessions.  It applies to our time and our energy too.

We need to share the Gospel and spread the news that Jesus came to this earth to save as many of us as possible.  He came to earth to die for our sins and this was done out of love for us.

GOD loved us first and we are to share that love so that others may accept Jesus - when we witness to them out of love.

Prayer:  ABBA FATHER, tonight I thank YOU for the indwelling of me by YOUR Holy Spirit.  I thank YOU that YOU love me and I love YOU FATHER.  I humbly ask YOU to show me how and where I can share and do good.  I pray this in the Holy Name of Jesus Christ.  Amen.

Stay truly GOD blessed today!

Tuesday, 7 June 2022

The "Finisher" of our faith!


Yesterday we spoke about faith and how without faith, we have nothing.  But with faith in Jesus as our Lord and our Saviour, we have eternal life in Heaven.

Today, we must realize that Jesus is indeed, the author and the "finisher" of our faith, Jesus spoke the world into existence some six and half thousand years ago.  He also spoke the universe into existence.

Then GOD breathed life into Adam and through the birth of Adam, we are here.  The greatest gift of love that GOD gave us is the freedom to choose to love HIM.  It is not enforced.  It is a choice.

When GOD gave us our free will, HE had already devised a plan to save us from our own destruction through sin.  That plan was to sacrifice Jesus on a cross where we would once and for all be punished for our sins. 

There is a proviso.  If we do not accept Jesus as our Lord and our Saviour, we condemn ourselves to our own sin and we will spend eternity in hell.

That makes Jesus the Author and the finisher of our faith.  The beginning and the end.  The Alpha and the Omega.  Jesus is the Way.  Jesus is the Truth.  And Jesus is the Life.  No one comes to the FATHER except through Him.

Prayer:  ABBA FATHER, tonight I thank YOU for Jesus Christ.  My Redeemer and my Saviour.  FATHER, I thank YOU for YOUR grace and YOUR peace.  I thank YOU in the Holy Name of Jesus Christ.  Amen.

Stay faithfully GOD blessed today!

Monday, 6 June 2022


If we do not have faith, we have no hope.  Our faith in Jesus Christ, in who He is, is our hope for eternity to spend with our FATHER in Heaven.

When we have faith, it is credited to us as righteousness through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. 

We are most certainly not righteous.  No - no one is.  We are born sinful and we will always sin.

However, when we accept Jesus as our Lord and our Saviour, when we accept that Jesus came to earth born of a virgin, died on the cross and rose again, thus conquering death for us, then by propitiation, we are made right in the eyes of GOD.

Jesus took all our sins onto that cross.  That is our blessed assurance.

What do we have to do?  

We need to accept the grace of GOD in being merciful.  GOD knows us so well.  GOD knows that we are basically sinful.  We sin.  GOD knows that we are weak.  But HE is strong.  So strong that Jesus came to this earth and died for you and for me.  We need to accept the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. We need to confess our sins and we need to forgive those who sin against us.  We need to love GOD and we need to love each other.  

Accept Jesus and have faith.

Prayer:  ABBA FATHER, we thank YOU for our faith in YOU and YOUR Son Jesus Christ.  We thank YOU that YOU fill us with YOUR Holy Spirit.  We thank YOU for the forgiveness of our sins.  We thank YOU in the Holy Name of Jesus Christ.  Amen.

Stay truly and faithfully GOD blessed today!

Sunday, 5 June 2022

Hell is a real place!

 Heaven is a real place, but so is hell.  The problem with most people who profess Christianity is that they believe that we have a GOD who is only love.

Would it be fair to let murderers, rapists, thieves, child molesters off with a warning?

Certainly not I hear you utter!

Our FATHER in Heaven is righteous, gracious and merciful.  But there needs to be a place where those go who reject the grace of GOD.  And that is hell. 

Please be aware that what we do on earth whilst we are alive affects where we go and spend eternity.  Forever.  

Choose Heaven.  But know that hell is a very real place.  Jesus spoke about hell more than 70 times.  But the New Testament alone mentions hell 162 times.  The Old Testament talks about Sheol (Hell) 31 times.

You can choose today.  Accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour.  Believe in the grace of GOD who sent HIS only Son to redeem our sins on that Cross of Calvary.  Believe in your heart that Jesus is LORD.   Confess to GOD your sins.  And then live according to the conviction of the Holy Spirit which will come to indwell you today.  

Prayer:  ABBA FATHER, today I choose YOU.  I believe in Jesus Christ as my Lord and my Saviour.  I believe that I am a sinner.  FATHER fill me anew with YOUR Holy Spirit and convict me of my sins.  FATHER I pray that YOU will forgive my sins today.  I pray this in the Holy Name of Jesus Christ.  Amen.

Stay graciously GOD blessed today!

Saturday, 4 June 2022

Nothing but the Blood of Jesus!

 Do not be deceived.  There is nothing that can save us from an eternity in hell.  Good works, giving everything we own to the poor, being "good people".   Nothing - but the blood of Jesus Christ.  

No priest can give you abs0lution of your sins.  No amount of regret for past sins, without Jesus will save us. 

Today, accept that Jesus came to this earth for one reason.  To give us hope and the chance for eternity with GOD in Heaven.  Jesus spent and shed His own blood to do away with the necessity for sacrifice.  Jesus was and is the sacrifice.  Jesus died in the place of you and me and Jesus conquered death when He rose from the dead.

Today accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour.  Put all you hope and faith and belief in Jesus.  He is the Way.  He is the Truth and He is the Life.

Prayer:  ABBA FATHER, thank YOU for Jesus Christ, my Lord, my Saviour, my Redeemer.  I thank YOU in the Holy Name of Jesus Christ.  Amen.

Stay faithfully GOD blessed today!

Friday, 3 June 2022

The Grace of GOD!


GOD has made a covenant with Israel and GOD has made a covenant with us as Christians.  Our Covenant is based on the blood of Jesus shed on the cross for us.

If we will accept who Jesus was and is, that He added humanity to His deity and came to earth, born of a virgin, lived a sinless life, died on the cross and rose again, we can have eternal salvation. 

This is the Grace of our FATHER GOD.  Our merciful, gracious, loving GOD who always keeps HIS promises.  And we have the promise of salvation through Jesus Christ. 

The only proviso is that we need to accept Jesus as our Redeemer.  And what does this mean?

It means that we are all sinners.  We are born sinful.  We sin.  We can only be redeemed by the blood of Jesus which washes us clean.

When the Holy Spirit indwells us after we accept Jesus, the Holy Spirit convicts us of our sins.  And we need to ask GOD to forgive us each and every time we are convicted.

We also need to live to be more like Jesus.  We need to love, forgive and most of all to pray and to love GOD and to do HIS will here on earth.

Prayer:  ABBA FATHER, thank YOU for sending Jesus to save me.  Thank YOU for YOUR grace and favour.  Thank YOU in the Holy Name of Jesus Christ.  Amen.

Stay graciously GOD blessed today!

JESUS - SAVIOUR of the world!

Dearest CHRIST followers we are so privileged to be able to celebrate the birth of our SAVIOUR  this Christmas.  For I know that I am not re...