Thursday, 31 August 2023

The LORD delivers the righteous!

 Sometimes in life we feel as if our spirits are being crushed within us.  The causes may be many or just few.  Whatever causes this feeling, it is good to remember that our FATHER will never leave us nor forsake us.

We are HIS children and HE loves each one of us unconditionally.

This is not to say that we will not become heavy hearted, or even broken hearted but we will be delivered by our FATHER who loves us.

Today, whatever it is that you are facing, take it to the LORD in prayer.  Ask the LORD to give you relief from the burden of whatever it is that you are facing.  You may be astounded at the inner peace your receive when you tell our FATHER that you are at the end of yourself and you need HIM to rescue you.

Prayer:  ABBA FATHER, today I have come to the end of myself and I humbly ask that YOU rescue me from this untenable situation that I find myself in.  I humbly pray this in the Holy Name of Jesus Christ.  Amen.

Stay faithfully Jesus Blessed today!

Wednesday, 30 August 2023

The True VINE!

Jesus is the True Vine.  When we accept Jesus as our Saviour, we are "grafted into the VINE".  Being in the Vine, we should know that our FATHER will continually prune us and refine us so that we conform to the true Vine, Jesus Christ.

We will face trials and we will face tribulations.  But we are not to conform to this world.

As we grow in our faith, the things of this world will grow strangely dim.

This is what our FATHER desires.  That we set our mind on eternity with HIM rather than on the earthly things around us.

We are not guaranteed that once we are bondservants of Jesus our lives will be easier.  In fact, very often our lives may even become harder as GOD shapes and molds us to be more and more like Jesus.

Think about Job.  He lost absolutely every material possession and all of his family.  But he never lost his faith.

This is what we need to concentrate on and we need to ask GOD daily to make us more and more like Jesus.

Prayer:  ABBA FATHER, I thank YOU for YOUR grace and favour.  FATHER make me more and more like Jesus each and every day.  This I humbly pray in the Holy Name of Jesus Christ.  Amen.

Stay humbly Jesus Blessed today!

Tuesday, 29 August 2023

Righteousness through Jesus Christ alone!

 Dear Christ followers, we can only have salvation through our faith in Jesus.  There is nothing else to be done.  No amount of good works can get us into Heaven.

That first moment we believe in Jesus as our Lord and Saviour, that Jesus came to this earth, lived as a man, sinless and died on that Cross of Calvary, taking all our punishment for our sins, past, present and future, we are saved.

But from that belief, we need to grow in our faith.  Through our faith, GOD will give us good works to do.  Good works are the result of our faith and still will not get us into Heaven.

The Holy Spirit living in us will convict us to do the good works.  The more faith we have, the stronger our bond with our FATHER becomes and the more HE can trust us to not only recognise the works HE has prepared for us to do, but to actually know the Will of our FATHER.

We need to learn about our FATHER through daily and continuous prayer and by reading the Word and by fellowshipping with other like minded people.

Righteousness only comes through Jesus Christ!

Prayer:  ABBA FATHER, today I thank YOU for my faith in Jesus Christ.  I humbly pray that YOU help me to grow my faith daily.  I humbly pray this in the Holy Name of Jesus Christ.  Amen.

Stay amazingly Jesus Blessed today!  

Monday, 28 August 2023

To Jesus be the glory forever and ever!


Dear Christ Followers, we serve a magnificent, great, powerful, Holy, Righteous CREATOR GOD.

There is nothing that our FATHER cannot do.  

Once we accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and our Saviour, The Holy Spirit comes to live in us and work in us.

Here in this Doxology Paul reminds us that our FATHER can do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or rthat we think.

But we need to give GOD the Glory for all that HE does for us and all that we owe to HIM.

Today, whatever crisis or trials you are facing, remember that the FATHER who has complete control of your life if you give it to HIM, can do anything.

Therefore, pray "Thy Will FATHER and not my will" today and give GOD the Glory!

Let our FATHER take control of your life today, in Glory!

Prayer:  ABBA FATHER, to YOU be the Power, the Glory, the Majesty and to YOU I humbly ask that YOUR Will for my life be done and not my will.  I humbly pray this in the Holy Name of Jesus Christ, my Lord and my Saviour.  Amen.

Stay obediently Jesus Blessed today!


Sunday, 27 August 2023

Do not worry!

Our FATHER loves us so much and so dearly, that HE sent HIS only begotten Son to die for us.

Our FATHER loves us so much that HE created the earth and the universe and it can sustain all life, including ours.

Our FATHER has a new Heaven and a new earth planned for us in the eternity.

Jesus knows what we need.  Jesus loves us so much that HE died to save us from our sins.  He is more than able to supply all our needs if we will but trust HIM.  Remember Jesus walking on the water on the sea of Galilee and Peter stepping out of the boat, in faith.  When Peter lost faith, he started sinking.  Jesus reached out His hand and took Peter back into the boat. All we need is faith.  Jesus is capable as our FATHER to do anything. 

In this Book of the Bible, Peter tells us that we should cast all our anxiety on GOD and do this in faith. We are to do this in the sure knowledge that our FATHER can do anything.

Today, if you are anxious about anything at all, cast this anxiety on our FATHER and then trust that HE is able to resolve our anxiety through our faith in HIS abilities. 

Prayer:  ABBA FATHER, give me the strength of faith to cast all of my anxiety upon YOU.   I humbly pray that in faith, YOU are able to release me from the burdens of this anxiety.  I humbly pray this in the Holy Name of Jesus Christ.  Amen.

Stay faithfully Jesus Blessed today!

Saturday, 26 August 2023

Give thanks to the LORD!

 Apart from giving thanks to the LORD, dear Christ followers, we are called to make known HIS deeds among the people.

So how often do we do this?

I think the answer is almost never.

If we are not ashamed of the Gospel, then why do we find it so hard to share the wondrous things our LORD does in our lives day to day?

Imagine spending our lives not giving thanks to GOD and then getting to Jesus for HIM only to say to us: "I never knew you".?  This would be terrrible.

What we need to do is to find opportunities to share our faith with others.

This can be tricky today, but we simply have to rise above ourselves and think of Jesus.

Our purpose on earth is to give glory and thanksgiving to our FATHER in Heaven.

Let us purpose ourselves to do this at each and every opportunity.

Prayer:  ABBA FATHER, today I give thanks to YOU for all that I am and all that I have.  FATHER through YOUR Holy Spirit dwelling in me, give me opportunities to share the Gospel with people on earth.  I humbly pray this in the Holy Name of Jesus Christ.  Amen.

Stay obediently Jesus Blessed today!

Friday, 25 August 2023

No condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus!

 In Jesus Christ, we are set free from our sin.  We are no longer condemned through the righteousness of Jesus.

True believers who have repented and now have the Holy Spirit living in them, can rest assured that they are no longer facing condemnation.

But can we go on sinning?

As Paul writes, certainly not.  It is does not mean that we will not sin because we are sinful, but it does mean that we will sin less.

The more we grow in our faith in Jesus through the daily washing of the Word, through prayer and fellowship and getting to know the nature and character, of GOD, the less we will sin.  

As we sin less, so the Holy Spirit indwells us more and more.

Should we sin, the Holy Spirit convicts us immediately and calls us to repentance.

So today, let us ensure that we are growing our faith day by day.

Prayer: ABBA FATHER, today I thank YOU that I am no longer walking according to the flesh but rather daily washing myself in the Spirit.

FATHER, I humbly pray that YOU fill me anew daily with the Holy Spirit and convict me when I sin.  I humbly pray this in the Holy Name of Jesus Christ.  Amen.

Stay amazingly Jesus Blessed today!

Thursday, 24 August 2023

Always Giving thanks to our FATHER

 We are so blessed to have a CREATOR FATHER.  Our FATHER truly loves each and every one of us and HE wants none to perish or to go to hell.

Let us remember everything that our FATHER has done for us and has given us.

Our FATHER gave us the earth, the sun, the moon, the stars.  HE gave us the grass, the hills, the plains, the trees, the flowers, the animals and all the things we find in the sea.

Yet how often do we look at all this and just say "Thank YOU DEAREST ABBA FATHER"?

Our FATHER gave us life, and HE gave us our families, our friends, the people whom we work with.  How often do we say "THANK YOU ABBA FATHER"?

Our FATHER gave us food to eat and water to drink.  HE provides the oxygen which sustains us, the magnetic fields that keep us on the earth.  How often do we say "THANK YOU ABBA FATHER?

Today let's get down on our knees in total attitudes of gratitudes and thank our FATHER.

While we are down there, let us ask our FATHER to forgive us for our sinful, selfish, take it for granted attitudes.

Prayer:  ABBA FATHER, I thank YOU for all that YOU have given me.  I am so grateful for the air that I breathe and the life YOU have given me to live on this wonderful created earth.  I am so grateful for the heavens and all that lives on the earth.  FATHER I am so grateful for my family and my friends.  

FATHER forgive me for taking all this for granted.  Forgive me ABBA FATHER for my sinful, selfish, ungrateful ways.  I pray this in the Holy Name of Jesus Christ.  Amen.

Stay gratefully Jesus Blessed today!

Wednesday, 23 August 2023

Every good and perfect gift is from GOD!

 Dear Christ followers, how very blessed we are to be children of GOD.

Daily we need to be truly grateful for all the blessings we have received during the day.

Did we wake up?  That is a good gift from GOD.  

Did the sun shine today?  That is a good gift from GOD.

As a gentle reminder of how grateful we should be to GOD, what if tomorrow you awoke with only the things that you thanked GOD for today?

I do not remember who wrote this but it is a stark reminder to come before our Heavenly FATHER each and every day with a total attitude of gratifude for all the blessings already received even before we woke up.

Today let us count our many blessings and thank our Graciour, Good, Holy, Righteous, Merciful and Just FATHER in Heaven.  As James says above.  Every good and perfect gift is from GOD.

Our FATHER gives us amazing gifts and in GOD there is no variation.

Prayer:  ABBA FATHER, thank YOU thank YOU and again I say, Thank YOU for all the good and perfect gifts that I receive minute by minute on earth.

I thank YOU in the Holy Name of Jesus Christ.  Amen.

Stay amazingly Jesus Blessed today

Tuesday, 22 August 2023

Our GOD is greater!

 Dear Christ followers, is it not the amazing thing to be a Child of GOD, co heirs with Jesus Christ, the Son, and having the Holy Spirit living in us?

What could be better?

There is absolutely nothing in Heaven or on earth that is greater than the FATHER CREATOR whom we serve.

There is nothing to overcome that Jesus has not done for us.

All we have to do is to know that if GOD is for us, who can be against us.

So, no matter what trials and tribulations you are facing today, know that you have GOD on your side, no matter what.

This is such a comfort.  

Prayer:  ABBA FATHER, today I thank YOU that with YOU I am never alone and I can face anything.  I humbly thank YOU in the Holy Name of Jesus Christ.  My Lord and my Saviour.  Amen.

Stay amazingly Jesus Blessed today!

Monday, 21 August 2023

Be humble!

Dear Christ followers, we are not to do anything out of selfish ambition or vain conceit.

Rather, we are to value others above ourselves.

This is quite a difficult thing to practise in this world where people can be so selfish.

What we need to remember is that we need to lean into Jesus.  Jesus knows what we need and Jesus gave us everything we need before we were born.

The whole earth was created in conjunction with the Heavens and this can sustain life.  All of us were created by GOD.  No one is more important to the FATHER than the other. Most of all, all people are loved by our FATHER, so we need to remember this and value each and every person we meet in humility.

We need to rather bow down and worship our FATHER in Heaven for all that we  are, all that HE has given us and all that are able to do.

Prayer:  ABBA FATHER, I thank YOU that YOU know what I need.  FATHER help me to be humble and to value others above myself.  I humbly pray this in the Holy Name of Jesus Christ.  Amen.

Stay humbly Jesus Blessed today!

Sunday, 20 August 2023

Our salvation draws near!

 Dear Christ followers, our salvation is one day closer than yesterday.  And if we believe what we are seeing worldwide, now is the time to draw very near to Jesus.

Sometimes we are lulled into a false sense of security and if anything has taught us that it is COVID.  One day we were all happily flying about the world and the next the whole world was shut down by one virus.

Are we truly ready to meet our Saviour?

Are we in a right space with our Saviour?

Have we repented and turned away from our sins?

Are we Spirit filled?

Are we in a living relationship with GOD?

Do we know and understand the Will of GOD?

Or are we just jogging along believing that the Rapture may be far off?

We could be gone tomorrow if the answer to the above questions is yes.  If not, it is time to get our lives in order and get right with Jesus.  For the time will come as a thief in the night.

Prayer:  ABBA FATHER, I thank YOU that YOU filled me with YOUR Holy Spirit.  FATHER, today I thank YOU for my Saviour, Jesus Christ.  FATHER if there are any areas in my life that are not in order for me to be saved, please let the Holy Spirit convict me urgently.  I thank YOU in the Holy Name of Jesus Christ.  Amen.

Stay graciously Jesus Blessed today!

Saturday, 19 August 2023

Honour one another!

 Dear Christ followers, Paul exhorts us to be devoted to one another in love.  And more than that, to honour one another above ourselves.

We have to remember that our FATHER loves each and every person on earth.  HIS love is unconditional.  HE is Holy and HE wants us to live in harmony with each other on earth.

We can choose to do what our FATHER wants or we can choose to disobey HIM.  HE has given us this free will because of HIS great love for us.

But, when the Holy Spirit takes up residence in our hearts, HE convicts us to love one another.  More than that, HE gives us a heart for our fellow beings on earth.  

When we are intolerant or unkind, the Holy Spirit will convict us to repent and to try to make amends to that person.

We have to look at people differently as Children of GOD and remember that each and every person is loved by GOD and therefore worthy to be loved and honoured by us.

Prayer:   ABBA FATHER, I thank YOU for the Holy Spirit that lives in me.  FATHER today give me a heart that loves my fellow person on earth and fill me with the humility to honour them above myself.  I humbly pray this in the Holy Name of Jesus Christ.  Amen.

Stay graciously Jesus Blessed today!

Friday, 18 August 2023

Do not be conformed to this world!

 Dearest Christ followers.  Paul urges us here not to be conformed to this world.  This is so important.  This world lures us away from GOD.

When we truly serve GOD, the things of this world should grow strangely dim. The Will of our FATHER, should become more and more clear in our lives.

The Holy Spirit will convict us of the Will of GOD.

We should never just plan and say "today I am going to do this, or tomorrow I am going to do that".  What we need to do is to pray to GOD and ask GOD to show us HIS perfect Will for our lives.  We need to read the Scriptures and search the Scriptures which allows GOD to lead us to where HE wants us to go.

This renews our mind that we may be able to discern the good and acceptable and perfect Will of GOD. 

Once we perfect the art of waiting on the LORD, we make our lives so much more content.  We know that we cannot rush into things.  We have to wait to hear from our FATHER in Heaven.

Prayer: ABBA FATHER, YOU know my heart and the way YOU wish me to go.  FATHER, I humbly pray that YOU guide me through my prayers to YOU and that YOU show me YOUR perfect Will in the Scriptures that I read today.  I humbly pray this in the Holy Name of Jesus Christ today.  Amen.

Stay obediently Jesus Blessed today!

Thursday, 17 August 2023

The Lord is my Shepherd!

 What a statement King David makes in this very pertinent Psalm.  The LORD is my Shepherd.  A Shepherd takes care of the sheep.  Jesus described Himself as the Shepherd and used the parable of the lost sheep.

How was King David to know that more than a thousand years before that?

A shepherd knows his sheep, just as Jesus knows us.  The sheep know their shepherd just as we know Jesus.

We do not want when we have Jesus in our lives.  Jesus fills us with His Holy Spirit.  Jesus gives us all His love, unconditionally.  Jesus wants a living, loving relationship with us and more importantly, Jesus gives us hope for a future filled with His presence for eternity.

Today, know that if we have Jesus, we are complete.  We shall not want!

Prayer:  ABBA FATHER, I thank YOU that YOU sent Jesus to die for my sins and to give me hope and a future.  Thank YOU FATHER, that I shall not want with Jesus in my life.  I thank YOU in the Holy Name of Jesus Christ.  Amen.

Stay amazingly Jesus Blessed today!

Wednesday, 16 August 2023

Fix our eyes upon Jesus!

 This world and the things of this world will all fade away.  GOD has promised us a new Heaven and a new earth.

Everything in this world will pass away. 

But Jesus, GOD and the Holy Spirit are eternal.  The Kingdom of GOD is eternal.  Our love in Jesus Christ can be eternal if we choose it.

We have been given free will.  That is because GOD loves us so much that HE does not want us to love HIM because HE made us do it.  HE wants us to love HIM of our own accord and choosing.

Therefore, we have choices to make.  Do we choose to idolise this world and the things of this world? Or do we choose an eternity with our FATHER in Heaven?

The choice is ours.  But one thing is sure.  We can choose Jesus today and live forever with HIM.  Or we can choose the things of this world which will pass away.

Prayer:  ABBA FATHER, I choose Jesus as my LORD and my SAVIOUR.  FATHER fill me anew with YOUR Holy Spirit and give me a heart for YOU FATHER.  I humbly pray this in the Holy Name of Jesus Christ.  Amen.

Stay graciously JESUS blessed today!

Tuesday, 15 August 2023

Jesus calls us!

Jesus calls us to come to HIM when we are weary and burdened.  HE promises us rest.

Dear Christ followers, it is so easy to become soul weary and over burdened by the things of this world.

As Christ followers, we are promised that if we will turn to Jesus, HE will give us rest.

Jesus, before HE returned to Heaven, promised us the Holy Spirit, the Comforter who takes up residence in each one of us.  So all we need to do is to let Jesus know that we need HIM.  We need our rest in HIS loving arms.

And then we need to let go and let HIM do the rest!

Prayer:  ABBA FATHER, I thank YOU that YOU are always in my heart and that YOU know what I need to give my soul rest.  Today, FATHER, I humbly pray that YOU take all my burdens and give me rest.  I pray this in the Holy Name of Jesus Christ.  Amen.

Stay amazingly Jesus Blessed today!

Monday, 14 August 2023

Made by GOD for GOD

 Dear Christ followers, tonight as we took a walk we saw the blue cranes who reside in our nature reserve.  Their magnificence and perfection is absolutely beyond belief.

But they do not come close to the complexities of the human being.  Just take our brains, our eyes, our nervous system, our DNA.  Nothing in GOD's creation in this world was created that is chaotic or disorderly.  Everything is absolutely perfect.

Through sin, we have caused problems with genetics and genetic modification.  We have polluted our earth and caused multiple problems in our world.

But when GOD created Adam and Eve and all the creation, it was perfect.  GOD looked at it and it was good.

Therefore, when we wonder what our purpose on earth is, we need to go back to the instruction manual, the Bible, the inerrant, infallible Word of GOD.

And here in Ephesians, Paul tell us what we were created for.  We need to walk in the good works that GOD has created for us.

So how do we know what these are?  We wait on the LORD and we pray for HIM to give us these works and when GOD gives them to us, we walk in them.

However, to hear from GOD we need to be in a close, living, loving relationship with HIM.  Therefore we have to be reading the Bible daily, fellowshipping with like minded Christ followers, witnessing to others about the Gospel and most of all praying.  Praying to GOD often about everything.  Then finally we need to be obedient to the Word of GOD.  

Prayer:  ABBA FATHER, I thank YOU that YOU have given me good works to walk in.  I humbly pray that YOU guide me into these works at THY WILL.  I humbly pray this in the Holy Name of Jesus Christ.  Amen.

Stay obediently Jesus Blessed today!

Sunday, 13 August 2023

All things are from GOD

 Dear Christ followers.  We need to remember that all things are from GOD.  All things were made through Jesus and all things belong to GOD ultimately.

Therefore in all things, we are to give thanks to GOD and we need to give GOD all the glory.

Often we are self seeking and looking for praise.  There are so many awards made to people today.  Very few people who receive these rewards give thanks and praise to GOD.

As we awake each morning, the breath in our lungs is from GOD.

The sunrise, the day, the rain, the sunshine, the clouds, the heavens all of this is from GOD.  Our salvation is from Jesus.  Our Spirit is the Holy Spirit living in us. 

Truly we are born with nothing.  Truly we shall die with no material possesions except, for a few, the final coffin we will have is the last material possession.

Once we die, we again revert to having nothing of a materialistic manner.

So let us not concentrate our efforts on the things of this world.  Rather let us store up for ourselves our treasures in heaven.

GOD wants us to have a heart for others.  GOD wants us to have a heart for HIM.  GOD wants us to do HIS Will.  And GOD wants us to spend eternity with HIM.

Let us start preparing for that today. We may not have tomorrow.

Prayer:  ABBA FATHER, today I thank YOU that I have YOU.  I thank YOU for all the blessings YOU have showered on me.  I thank YOU in the Holy Name of Jesus Christ.  Amen.

Stay gratefully Jesus Blessed today. 

Saturday, 12 August 2023

Children of GOD

 Dear Christ followers.  If we have received Jesus Christ as our Saviour, we are sons and daughters of GOD.

This is such an amazing gift given to each believer in Jesus.

Our GOD is Gracious, Loving, Just, Merciful and Holy.

Empowered now by the Holy Spirit living in us, we need to know that we must make it our mission to spread the Gospel.  But firstly we need a transformation in our lives.

This includes us giving up the things of this world.  Our materialistic desires.  Our covetousness.  Our jealousies.  Our idolatries.  Our bad habits.

It also means that we now take on the responsibilities of studying the Word of GOD.  Going to church regularly.  Fellowshipping with other Christ followers.  All of these are mandatory if we truly want to walk closer to our FATHER in Heaven.

Prayer:  ABBA FATHER, I thank YOU for YOUR enormous Grace and Favour.  I thank YOU for Christ my Lord and Saviour.  FATHER help me to become more and more like Jesus each and every day.  I humbly pray this in the Holy Name of Jesus Christ.  Amen.

Stay amazingly Jesus Blessed today!

Friday, 11 August 2023

The wisdom and knowledge of GOD!

 Dear Christ followers, whom of us can fathom the ways of our FATHER in Heaven.

We do not know why things are happening.  We do not understand the plan of our FATHER.  But what we do know is the following:

GOD is the CREATOR of everything.

We are all created in the image of GOD.

GOD loves us all, each and every person, GOD loves.

GOD wants a relationship with each one of us.

GOD has given us all a way to get to HIM through the blood of Jesus Christ which has washed us clean of our sins, if we will believe in Jesus and truly repent.

We are not alone, because GOD is always with us.

We have our Comforter, the Holy Spirit living in us when we truly are Christ followers. 

The will of GOD will be done on earth, despite the plans of man.

There will be a rapture.

Jesus will come again.

There will be a new Heaven and a new Earth.

If we are co heirs with Christ, we will live with GOD for eternity.

So today, let us celebrate all that we do know and let us take rest and comfort in the loving arms of our Saviour, Jesus Christ, despite all the bad things that are taking place right now.

Prayer:  ABBA FATHER, I thank YOU that I have my Saviour Jesus Christ through YOUR Grace.  I thank YOU that I have the Holy Spirit living in me.  I thank YOU in the Holy Name of Jesus Christ.  Amen.

Stay amazingly Jesus Blessed today!

Thursday, 10 August 2023

Share with others!

 Dear Christ followers.  GOD wants us to have a living loving relationship with HIM.  But HE also wants us to have a living loving relationship with each other.

And yes, sometimes it is very difficult to find the time to just chat to a person for an hour or two.  But GOD wants us to do this, especially with fellow Christ followers.

This strengthens our faith.  This grounds our faith.  This is pleasing to GOD.

Today, if you have not heard from someone for a time, pick up the phone and call them.  Give them your time.  Give them your ear to listen to their trials and tribulations.

As the world grows dimmer and dimmer, we need to strengthen ourselves with the armour of our FATHER.  There is simply no better way to do this than through fellowship with true believers.

Let us remember that we have a limited time on this earth and we need to be the light of Jesus shining for HIM in this darkening world.

Prayer:  ABBA FATHER, I thank YOU today for the fellowship of fellow Christ followers.  I thank YOU that YOU love me so much that YOU have given me such strong and loving bonds with my family and my friends.  I thank YOU in the Holy Name of Jesus Christ.  Amen.

Stay obediently Jesus Blessed today!

Wednesday, 9 August 2023

Meditate on these things!

Dear Christ followers, in this ever darkening world, it is sometimes so hard to feel that there is any good left.  But Paul tells us in his letter to the Philippians to look for the things that are true, noble, just, pure, lovely, of good report and if there is any other virtue in anything, then these are the things we need to meditate on.

Today, we had a beautiful sunrise, we had a holiday, so it was a restful day, there was very little or no load shedding.  Let us meditate on these things.

Let us think how very blessed we are to have our homes, our families, our friends, our churches, our work.  And then rather let us dwell on our blessings.

The birds were in their trees tonight as I stood outside for a little.  They were chirping away merrily without a thought about tomorrow.  They know that their needs will be met.

So, too, let us put our trust and our hope in the Hands of our FATHER.  HE loves us.  We are truly blessed!

Tomorrow let us wake up with a renewed attitude of gratitude, the LORD willing. 

Prayer:  ABBA FATHER, I thank YOU for all the blessings that YOU have showered on me.  I thank YOU for my LORD and my SAVIOUR, Jesus Christ.  I thank YOU in the Holy Name of Jesus Christ.  Amen.

Stay amazingly Jesus Blessed today!

Tuesday, 8 August 2023

Are we happy with ourselves?

Dear Christ followers, who of us is truly happy with our own appearance. We are so competitive. We would like to be taller, or shorter, fatter or thinner, blonde or dark, and on and on.

And yet each one of us is made in the "image of GOD". So ought we not to feel special, regardless of how we look.

GOD loves us as we are, after all, HE made us.

I quote Psalm 139

"13 YOU formed my inward parts; YOU covered me in my mother's womb. I will praise YOU, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Marvelous ar YOUR works, and that my soul knows very well."

Today let us rather be truly thankful to our CREATOR FATHER, who made us in HIS image. And let us be thankful for who we are, what we have, our families and our friends.

Prayer: ABBA FATHER, today I give thanks to YOU for letting me a child of YOURS. I thank YOU in the Holy Name of Jesus Christ. My LORD and my Saviour. Amen.

Stay thankfully Jesus Blessed today!

Monday, 7 August 2023

Nothing can separate us from the love of GOD!

 Paul writes one of the most powerful verses in the Bible here, in my humble opinion.

Once we believe in Jesus and truly accept Jesus as our Lord and Saviour, we are filled with the Holy Spirit.

The Triune GOD is living in us.  We are co heirs with Jesus Christ in the Kingdom of GOD.

And Paul states here that he, like I, am convinced that when this has happened and we have given our lives to the LORD, nothing can separate us from the Love of GOD which is in Christ Jesus our LORD.

To know this is such a comfort.  Come trials and tribulation, come good times and bad, when we are in Christ, filled with the Holy Spirit, nothing can separate us from the love of our FATHER.

HE holds us in HIS Hands.

This does not mean that we will not face trials and tribulations.  In fact, when we accept Jesus, we must understand that satan attacks us on a new level and we will have trials and tribulations whilst we wrestle with our flesh.

But through all of this, we are comforted by the love of our Saviour.

We continue to hope for our eternity with our FATHER.

Prayer:  ABBA FATHER, I thank YOU for the Gracious love that YOU shower on me.  I thank YOU for YOUR Grace, YOUR Favour, YOUR mercy.  I thank YOU for my hope, which rests on Jesus Christ.  I thank YOU in the Holy Name of Jesus Christ.  My Lord and my Redeemer. Amen.

Stay amazingly Jesus Blessed today!

Sunday, 6 August 2023

Romans 8 Completed


God’s Everlasting Love

31 What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us? 32 He who did not spare His own Son, but delivered Him up for us all, how shall He not with Him also freely give us all things? 33 Who shall bring a charge against God’s elect? It is God who justifies. 34 Who is he who condemns? It is Christ who died, and furthermore is also risen, who is even at the right hand of God, who also makes intercession for us. 35 Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword? 36 As it is written:

“For Your sake we are killed all day long;
We are accounted as sheep for the slaughter.”

37 Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us. 38 For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to come, 39 nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Prayer:  ABBA FATHER, I thank YOU that YOU loved me first.  FATHER I thank YOU that YOU sent Jesus Christ to save me from my sins.  FATHER I thank YOU today for all that I am and all that I have.  My family, my friends, my home, my work and everything YOU have so graciously bestowed upon me on earth.  FATHER, I humbly pray that YOU fill my heart to overflowing with the love of Jesus Christ that I may be a blessing YOUR glory.  I humbly pray this in the Holy Name of Jesus Christ.  Amen.

Stay graciously Jesus Blessed today!

Saturday, 5 August 2023

Romans 8 Continued


Sonship Through the Spirit

12 Therefore, brethren, we are debtors—not to the flesh, to live according to the flesh. 13 For if you live according to the flesh you will die; but if by the Spirit you put to death the deeds of the body, you will live. 14 For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God. 15 For you did not receive the spirit of bondage again to fear, but you received the Spirit of adoption by whom we cry out, “Abba, Father.” 16 The Spirit Himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God, 17 and if children, then heirs—heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ, if indeed we suffer with Him, that we may also be glorified together.
From Suffering to Glory

18 For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us. 19 For the earnest expectation of the creation eagerly waits for the revealing of the sons of God. 20 For the creation was subjected to futility, not willingly, but because of Him who subjected it in hope; 21 because the creation itself also will be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God. 22 For we know that the whole creation groans and labors with birth pangs together until now. 23 Not only that, but we also who have the firstfruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves, eagerly waiting for the adoption, the redemption of our body. 24 For we were saved in this hope, but hope that is seen is not hope; for why does one still hope for what he sees? 25 But if we hope for what we do not see, we eagerly wait for it with perseverance.

26 Likewise the Spirit also helps in our weaknesses. For we do not know what we should pray for as we ought, but the Spirit Himself makes intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered. 27 Now He who searches the hearts knows what the mind of the Spirit is, because He makes intercession for the saints according to the will of God.

28 And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose. 29 For whom He foreknew, He also predestined to be conformed to the image of His Son, that He might be the firstborn among many brethren. 30 Moreover whom He predestined, these He also called; whom He called, these He also justified; and whom He justified, these He also glorified.

Dear Christ followers, Paul is writing as if to you and I in this chapter of his letter to the Romans.

We have been adopted in the Kingdom of GOD through our faith in Jesus Christ by the Grace of our FATHER in Heaven.

We have now been "justified".  Our sins are forgiven and we are now "as if we had not sinned at all".  

The Holy Spirit which has taken up residence in our hearts, now makes intercession for us to our Holy Father in Heaven. 

If we continue to do the Will of our FATHER in Heaven we can look forward to being glorified and spending the rest of eternity in the Kingdom of GOD with Jesus Christ.  Maranatha!

Prayer:  ABBA FATHER, I cry out today, Thank YOU, thank YOU for loving me before I loved YOU.  Thank YOU for YOUR Grace and YOUR mercy and thank YOU for forgiving me of my sins.  I thank YOU in the Holy Name of Jesus Christ.  Amen.

Stay thankfully Jesus Blessed today!

Friday, 4 August 2023

Romans 8


Free from Indwelling Sin

8 There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus, who do not walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit. 2 For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made me free from the law of sin and death. 3 For what the law could not do in that it was weak through the flesh, God did by sending His own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh, on account of sin: He condemned sin in the flesh, 4 that the righteous requirement of the law might be fulfilled in us who do not walk according to the flesh but according to the Spirit. 5 For those who live according to the flesh set their minds on the things of the flesh, but those who live according to the Spirit, the things of the Spirit. 6 For to be carnally minded is death, but to be spiritually minded is life and peace. 7 Because the carnal mind is enmity against God; for it is not subject to the law of God, nor indeed can be. 8 So then, those who are in the flesh cannot please God.9 But you are not in the flesh but in the Spirit, if indeed the Spirit of God dwells in you. Now if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, he is not His. 10 And if Christ is in you, the body is dead because of sin, but the Spirit is life because of righteousness. 11 But if the Spirit of Him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, He who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through His Spirit who dwells in you.

Paul write here to emphasise the need to have the Holy Spirit dwelling in us. The Holy Spirit puts to death the carnal mind and focuses us on living for Jesus.

Romans is such an important chapter of the Bible for showing us how to live our lives in way that is pleasing to GOD. A way that will guarantee us eternal life in the Kingdom of GOD. A life where we are co heirs with Jesus Christ.

Only when we accept Jesus, repent and the Holy Spirit lives in us can we live a life where we can put to death the things of this world that move us away from GOD.

Prayer: ABBA FATHER, today, I thank YOU that I live with the Holy Spirit living in me. FATHER fill me to overflowing each and every day with YOUR Holy Spirit and help me to live my life in a way that is pleasing to YOU. THY Will be done in my life, ABBA FATHER. This I humbly pray in the Holy Name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

Stay amazingly Jesus Blessed today!

Thursday, 3 August 2023

The Law and Sin!

GOD gave Moses the ten commandments.  And it is argued here by Paul that if it were not for the ten commandments, we would not know what sin is.  

That is the right. Following and living by the Ten commandments cannot make us into Christ followers.  But it does give us the solid foundations for Christian living.

Knowing the Law cannot make us into "good people".  Following the Law cannot guarantee us a place in Heaven.

Only our faith in Jesus Christ can do that.

And faith in Jesus does not negate the Law.  Faith in Jesus should be with true repentance.  Repentance makes us very aware of where we have failed to live up to the Law.

True repentance makes us better followers of the Law.  GOD, as HE is in the first four of the Commandments, should be first and foremost for every Christ follower.  

We should die to self and become servants of our FATHER.  We should want to know the Will of GOD in every aspect of our lives.  We should pray to our FATHER and ask that HIS Will be done in our lives.  

The following six Commandments teach us how not to sin against others and if we follow them helps us to  keep us from getting hurt as well as others.

As Paul said lastly, he would not have known that to covet was sinful had it not been for the Law.  Our world today is full of coveting.  That gives rise to a lot of sin, like theft, murder, jealousy, and not worshipping GOD.

Prayer:  ABBA FATHER, I thank YOU that YOU gave us the Law first and that we know what is right and what is wrong.  FATHER thank YOU that Jesus came and took my sin onto that Cross and saved me from my sinful self.  FATHER I humbly pray that as I grow in my faith, YOUR Holy Spirit convicts me to sin less and less.  I pray this in the Holy Name of Jesus Christ.  Amen.

Stay graciously Jesus Blessed today!


Wednesday, 2 August 2023

Walking worthy of our calling!

 Yesterday we spoke about the way we present ourselves as Christ followers and this follows that theme.  

Are we walking in a manner that is worthy of our calling.

When we accept Jesus as our Lord and Saviour, we put off the old self and put on the new person, being "born again" through the indwelling of the Holy Spirit.

We are therefore now, "co heirs with Jesus Christ" called to share in the Kingdom of GOD in Heaven.

But that calling comes with a responsibility.  And that responsibility requires that we walk in a manner befitting our calling.

We cannot claim to be "Christ followers" and continue as we did before.  True repentance means that we turn away from our sins.  It does not mean that we will not sin, but we should start to sin less.

No longer can we be of this world, we need to fix our eyes on our eternal life and start to store up for ourselves treasures in Heaven.  These are things like working on our patience, our love for one another, our gentleness, our kindness.  It also means learning to know and to understand the nature and character of the FATHER we serve.

It also means that we are now servants of GOD and by implication, servants of our neighbours and our fellow beings on earth.

This looks like something.  And it should start to resemble being more and more like Jesus.  Not that we will ever attain being "like" Jesus.  But we should try.

Prayer:  ABBA FATHER, I thank YOU for YOUR grace and favour in rescuing me from my sins through Jesus Christ.  FATHER, today, I humbly pray that YOU show me how to be more and more like Jesus each and every day.  I humbly pray this in the Holy Name of Jesus Christ.  Amen.

Stay amazingly Jesus Blessed today!

Tuesday, 1 August 2023

New in Christ!

 Dear Christ followers, as "born again" Christ followers, we need to walk in the newness of life.

No longer can we live as we used to, with impunity and under the law, sinners.  Now, as "new creations in Christ", we literally need to mind our p's and q's.

The thing that is most noticeable about a person is their choice and use of language.  As Christ followers, we need to guard our tongues.

No longer can we use bad language.  No longer can we talk badly about people.  No longer can we talk to people with anger or wrath.  Rather, like Jesus did, we need to think and pray about our usage of our language.

This is really important.  I believe that this is the reason that a lot of Christ followers are not taken seriously.  Their language and use thereof belies their "born again" status that they now enjoy.

We need to pray earnestly to our FATHER to fill us daily with HIS Holy Spirit who will convict us to guard our hearts, our minds and most of all, our tongues.

Prayer:  ABBA FATHER,  I humbly pray that YOU fill me with anew each and every day with YOUR Holy Spirit.  FATHER help me to guard my heart, my mind but most of all, let me guard my tongue.  FATHER convict me when I am hurtful, or when I use bad language.  FATHER convict me when I gossip about or slander others.  I pray this earnestly in the Holy Name of Jesus Christ. My Lord and my Redeemer.  Amen.

Be amazingly Jesus Blessed today!

JESUS - SAVIOUR of the world!

Dearest CHRIST followers we are so privileged to be able to celebrate the birth of our SAVIOUR  this Christmas.  For I know that I am not re...