Sunday, 31 March 2024

Christ is Risen - halleluja

 Dearest Christ followers, we are so privileged to be called co heirs of Jesus Christ.  We need to thank GOD each and every day, but especially as we remember that we are celebrating the Resurrection of our SAVIOUR today!

If Jesus had not risen from the dead, we would still be dead in our sins.  We would not be here as children of GOD.

Today, let us praise and worship GOD for HIS grace and favour, and let us worship, praise and honour Jesus, who came to this earth, added humanity to HIS deity and then conquered death to give us the opportunity to repent and believe in HIM.

Truly we serve an amazing CREATOR FATHER.

Prayer:  ABBA FATHER, today, I thank YOU for YOUR mercy.  I thank YOU for YOUR grace and favour.  I thank YOU that YOU gave us Jesus as a perfect lamb.  I thank YOU that Jesus gave HIS life for mine and took my punishment for my sins onto that Cross and paid the redemption in full.  I thank YOU that Jesus died and rose again to conquer death so that I may be a child of YOURS.  I thank YOU in the MOST HOLY NAME, JESUS CHRIST.  My SAVIOUR, my REDEEMER.  Amen.

Stay gratefully Jesus Blessed today!

Jesus has overcome the world!

 Dearest Christ followers, Jesus lay in the tomb today as we contemplate the celebration of HIS resurrection tomorrow.

HIS disciples, HIS family and HIS friends were grieving.  I grieve at the thought of what HE went through for me.  

What they did not know, but what we do know, is that in HIS own words, Jesus overcame the world.  Jesus conquered death so that we would no longer have to endure eternity in hell.

Jesus would rise and give us HIS peace.  Let us praise and worship our SAVIOUR today as we remember what HE has done for us.

Prayer:  ABBA FATHER, thank YOU that Jesus came and overcame the world to give me HIS peace.  I thank YOU FATHER that YOU are so gracious, merciful, loving, kind and forgiving.  I thank YOU in the Holy Name of Jesus Christ.  Amen.

Stay peacefully Jesus Blessed today!

Greatest love of ALL!

 Dearest Christ followers, it is now the day that we remember what our FATHER has done for us on that Cross of Calvary.  

Indeed, we simply are unable to grasp that magnitude of the love that Jesus has for each one of us.

I feel so sad today when I think that Jesus came to this world, lived a sinless life and died on that Cross taking all my sin with HIM.  I helped to nail HIM onto that Cross and I helped to keep HIM there until HE died to save me from the punishment I should bear.

This is truly amazing GRACE!

Prayer:  ABBA FATHER, today I am so humbled by YOUR mercy and YOUR grace.  I am so humbled by the love YOU have for me.  I thank YOU for this in the Holy and Mighty Name of Jesus Christ.  Amen.

Stay gratefully Jesus Blessed today!

Thursday, 28 March 2024

Jesus prepares HIS disciples for his crucifixion!

 Dearest Christ followers, have you ever contemplated the magnitude of these words told by our SAVIOUR to settle HIS disciples down to the coming events.

I the midst of all the things that must have been going through Jesus's mind, HE thought to speak peace to HIS disciples.

What a magnificent, gracious, kind, loving, selfless REDEEMER we serve!

Jesus give us HIS peace.  And so let it be today, that as we contemplate the upcoming death on that Cross of our Wonderful SAVIOUR, we are filled with HIS peace.  Not the peace of this world, but the unnatural, all-encompassing peace that can only come from our CREATOR FATHER.

Prayer:  ABBA FATHER, today I thank YOU for YOUR grace, YOUR mercy, YOUR love and most of all YOUR peace.  I humbly thank YOU in the Holy Name of Jesus Christ.  My LORD and my REDEEMER.  Amen.

Stay peacefully Jesus Blessed today!

Wednesday, 27 March 2024

The Blood of the Jesus!

Dearest Christ followers, Jesus gave HIS life so that all might be saved.  GOD wants no one to go to hell.  GOD loves each and every one of us. All we have to do is to accept the Grace of GOD given freely to everyone who will believe in Jesus.

Unfortunately there is no other way to salvation.  Jesus is the only WAY.  

Today, as we approach the Passover and the celebration of our Redeemer who gave HIS life for us, HIS life blood poured out for our salvation, let us remember the true meaning of this act of love.

No greater love has been shown to all of humanity.  And humanity have largely rejected Jesus. We, Christ followers, need to spread the Gospel and tell people the true meaning of the reason behind this weekend. 

All anyone has to do is to repent of their sins, believe in Jesus Christ and be saved.  It really is that simple.

Prayer:  ABBA FATHER, I humbly pray that YOU fill my heart anew with YOUR Holy Spirit.  Help me to show others that Jesus is the light who shines in my heart.  I humbly pray this in the Holy Name of Jesus Christ.  Amen.

Stay amazingly Jesus Blessed today!

Tuesday, 26 March 2024



Dearest Christ followers, we are called children of GOD because that is what we are once we have accepted Jesus Christ as our LORD and SAVIOUR.  But there is a step to take before we accepted Jesus and that is repentance.

Our FATHER, on receiving our true repentance, forgives us of our sins.  So why would we not forgive those who sin against us?

This is a human issue, and we are born sinful.  We often want to hang on to the idea of "getting even" or retribution.  But our FATHER forgives us unconditionally when we repent.

Thus, in this manner, we are called upon to forgive those who have sinned against us.

Our FATHER knows all and sees all.  And HIS instruction is very clear to us in Romans 12:19. "Vengeance is MINE alone and I will repay!"

So today, if we have any harboured unforgiveness, let us examine our hearts and then give it over to the LORD and let us forgive that person, as we ourselves have been forgiven by the LORD.  It is was Jesus would do!  It will also release us from the burden of harboured unforgiveness. 

Prayer:  ABBA FATHER, I thank YOU that YOU forgive my sins.  I humbly ask that the Holy Spirit convicts me where I have not forgiven anyone.  Show me FATHER so that I may deal with this and forgive.  I humbly pray this in the Holy Name of Jesus Christ.  Amen.

Stay forgivingly Jesus Blessed today!

Monday, 25 March 2024

The Truth shall make you free!

 Dearest Christ followers.  As our SAVIOUR, our REDEEMER, our LIGHT, our WAY, our TRUTH, Jesus Christ is above all else the Son of our FATHER in Heaven.

When we accept Jesus, we have become children of GOD.  We are co heirs of the Kingdom of Heaven with Jesus.

This is the TRUTH.  So in our faith in Jesus, our hope in our salvation, we are set free.  We are justified.  We are made whole in Jesus.  We do not stand before GOD on our own ticket, we stand before GOD in the righteousness, the Holiness and the perfection of Jesus Christ.  

This is the TRUTH and if we are in the TRUTH, the TRUTH shall set us free from our past sinful lives.

Prayer:  ABBA FATHER, I thank YOU for YOUR grace and favour.  I thank YOU for redeeming me from my sins and setting me free to stand before YOU in the righteousness of Jesus Christ.  I thank YOU in the Holy Name of Jesus Christ.  Amen.

Stay truthfully Jesus Blessed today!

Sunday, 24 March 2024

The Light of the world!

 Dearest Christ followers, we hear so often today about mental wellbeing.  And I am sure that it is very real to people who are not feeling well and strong mentally.

However, Jesus came into the world to bring LIGHT.  Jesus is the LIGHT of the world.

I am firmly of the belief that when we accept Jesus, the darkness in our world grows strangely dim.

Yes, we still have our problems.  They do not go away with our faith.  But we know that our FATHER is bigger than all the problems we can ever face.

What we need to do is to put our hope and our faith in the LIGHT of this world.  

So today, no matter what you are facing, know that our FATHER sent HIS LIGHT into this world and when we walk with Jesus, we walk in HIS LIGHT.

Darkness cannot be darkness in the LIGHT.

Prayer:  ABBA FATHER, I thank YOU that I know YOU are bigger and stronger than any problems I may face.  I thank YOU that YOU shine YOUR LIGHT in my life.  I humbly thank YOU in the Holy Name of Jesus Christ.  Amen.

Stay radiantly Jesus Blessed today!

Saturday, 23 March 2024

Immanuel - GOD with us!

Dearest Christ followers, we have been so privileged to serve a GOD who added humanity to deity and descended down to live amongst us.

Jesus was born to a virgin mother, thereby bypassing the sin nature which HE would have had, had HE been the son of a human father.

Our CREATOR FATHER, in HIS mercy and grace has come down to us from Heaven.  HE did this so that we might have a way to be with HIM for eternity.  GOD dwelt among us and experienced all the same challenges as we face.

The one difference was that our FATHER never gave in to any temptation.  HE lived a sinless, blameless life, so that, as the perfect lamb, HE was the perfect atonement of our sins.  HE took all our sins onto that Cross and paid our price in full.

All we have to do is to accept Jesus as our Redeemer.  

As we approach the Passover weekend, let us celebrate the life, the death and the resurrection of our FATHER, Immanuel - GOD with us!  

Prayer:  ABBA FATHER, I thank YOU that YOU have saved me from my sins through Jesus Christ, my Redeemer.  I thank YOU for YOUR grace and favour.  I humbly thank YOU and praise YOU in the Holy Name of Jesus Christ.  Amen.

Stay gratefully Jesus Blessed today!

Friday, 22 March 2024

Hearing the Word of GOD!

 Dearest Christ followers, this is a profound verse and one that requires our attention.

Faith comes from hearing and hearing by the WORD of GOD.  

In essence we can grow our faith through constant hearing of the WORD of GOD.  Not just listening, but actually hearing.

It is no use just listening to the WORD of GOD.  We need to hear it and take the knowledge in our heads and move it to our hearts.

Too often we listen but do not hear.  And our faith can only grow when we are hearing the WORD of GOD often.  And allowing it enter into our hearts and to grow in our hearts.

We need to have hearts that are for our FATHER in Heaven.  We are going to spend eternity with HIM.  It is important to have a living, lasting, growing relationship with our FATHER.

Prayer:  ABBA FATHER I thank YOU that I am able to hear YOUR WORD.  FATHER help me to grow YOUR WORD and put it into practise in my life.  I humbly pray this in the Holy Name of Jesus Christ.  Amen.

Stay attentively Jesus Blessed today!  

Thursday, 21 March 2024

Sanctify the LORD GOD in our hearts!

 Dearest Christ followers, Peter gives advice that we can surely use today.  We need to sanctify the LORD GOD in our hearts. 

Do we fully understand the Holiness of GOD?  Or is it head knowledge?  We know that the LORD our GOD is Holy, but we need to take this knowledge to our hearts.

It is only when Christ lives in our hearts, that we start to fully comprehend the magnitude and Holiness of the FATHER we serve.

Our heads tell us GOD is Holy but our hearts prove to us day by day, hour by hour the Holiness of GOD.

Peter goes on to say that we need to give everyone who asks us the reason that we have all our hope in Jesus.  However, we need to give the reasons in meekness and in the reverent fear of our FATHER.

Good advice - for us all.

Prayer:  ABBA FATHER, I thank YOU for YOUR Holiness.  FATHER show me how to live my life in a way that reflects my eternal hope in Jesus.  I humbly pray this in the Holy Name of Jesus Christ.  Amen.

Stay graciously Jesus Blessed today!

Wednesday, 20 March 2024

My soul magnifies the LORD!

Dearest Christ followers, we have such a wonderful example here of what we should be doing.  Our Gracious FATHER has sent HIS Son Jesus Christ, to redeem us from our sins.

Therefore, we should, like Mary, allow our souls to magnify the LORD and let our spirits rejoice in GOD our SAVIOUR.

Our FATHER is good and worthy of our praise and worship.  Today, let us spend time with our FATHER giving HIM all the glory for all that HE has done for you and I. 

Let us thank our FATHER for HIS grace and favour.

Prayer:  ABBA FATHER, I thank YOU for YOUR grace and favour.  FATHER, I humbly ask that YOU fill me to overflowing with YOUR Holy Spirit.  I ask that YOU show me how to be more like Jesus in every aspect of my life each and every day.

I humbly pray this in the Holy Name of Jesus Christ.  Amen.

Stay graciously Jesus Blessed today!

Tuesday, 19 March 2024

The faithfulness of GOD!

 Dearest Christ followers, we serve a faithful and righteous GOD.  Our FATHER has kept HIS promises.

The Old Testament prophesied the Messiah.  Those prophecies all came to pass and were fulfilled.

The Old Testament also prophesied that there would a second coming of the Messiah and as our FATHER has kept all HIS promises to date, we need to be ready to meet Jesus in the clouds at a moment's notice.

Are we ready?

Today, let us get right with GOD.  Let us repent of our sins, forgive those who have sinned against us and let us determine to walk closer to GOD each and every day.

Our Redeemer, Jesus, has given us the chance to assure our salvation.  We need to accept HIS work on that Cross prepare ourselves to accept our salvation.

Prayer:  ABBA FATHER, today I thank YOU for YOUR faithfulness and YOUR Truth, Jesus Christ. I pray Dearest FATHER that YOU will fill me anew with YOUR Holy Spirit.  Give me a heart for YOU, FATHER.  This I humbly pray in the Holy Name of Jesus Christ.  Amen.

Stay amazingly Jesus Blessed today!

Monday, 18 March 2024

Admit that we are sinners, repent, believe and be saved!

 Dear Christ followers, the salvation offered to every person on earth by Jesus Christ has no strings attached.

However, if we do not admit that we are all sinners, in need of a Saviour, we are not ready to accept that Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life.

Only when we come to realize that we are sinners and have fallen short of the Holiness of our FATHER, will we be able to repent and to believe in Jesus Christ as our Redeemer.

Salvation is a free gift.  It has been paid for in full by Jesus Christ on our behalf, long before we were born.

GOD does not have time constraints, so GOD was able to see that mankind is unable to save itself.  It needed a Saviour.  So HE sent HIS only begotten, beloved Son, Jesus Christ to take all our sins onto that Cross and to accept the punishment we all deserved.

If you do not believe you are a sinner in need of a Saviour, unfortunately, you are turning down the free gift of Salvation.

Prayer:  ABBA FATHER, I admit that I am a sinner.  Thank YOU for forgiving my sins.  I have accepted Jesus Christ as my LORD and my SAVIOUR.  I thank YOU, ABBA FATHER, for YOUR grace and favour.  I humbly thank YOU in the Holy Name of Jesus Christ.  Amen.

Stay graciously Jesus Blessed today!

Saturday, 16 March 2024

Jesus came to serve!

Dearest Christ followers, our SAVIOUR and our REDEEMER, the LORD JESUS CHRIST, came to this earth, and in HIS own words, "to serve and to give HIS life as a ransom for many."

We are so very blessed to be able to call on the name of Jesus Christ in order to be saved from an eternity in hell.

Jesus gave us two commandments, that we love our FATHER GOD above all else and with all our hearts and minds and souls.  And that we love one another as HE loves us.

We can repent from our sins today and believe in Jesus and be saved.  There is no work to be done to earn our salvation.  Jesus came and did it all for us so that in HIM we are justified.

Now, what we need to do is to be obedient to Jesus.  We need to put GOD first in our lives and to love our FATHER with all our hearts and minds and souls.  We need to love one another.

Let us resolve today to try our very best to be obedient to what Jesus has asked of us.

Prayer: ABBA FATHER, I worship and adore YOU.  FATHER show me daily how to be more loving to everyone I encounter.  I humbly ask this in the Holy Name of Jesus Christ.  Amen.

Stay amazingly Jesus Blessed today!

Friday, 15 March 2024

Hear the LORD's loving kindness in the morning!

 Dearest Christ followers, this beautiful Psalm by King David, holds great relevance to us today.

We earnestly need to pray as King David did in this Psalm and ask the LORD in HIS mercy to let us hear HIS loving kindness in the morning.

We need to trust in our FATHER in Heaven absolutely.  And to ask that we hear HIS loving kindness in the morning is something that will give us such a beautiful start to each day.

So let us resolve to add this request to our daily prayers.

Prayer:  ABBA FATHER, I love YOU and I pray that I would hear YOUR loving kindness each and every day.  I trust in YOU, FATHER.  Cause me to know the way I should walk, for I lift up my soul to YOU.  This I humbly pray in the Holy Name of Jesus Christ.  Amen.

Stay faithfully Jesus Blessed today!

Thursday, 14 March 2024

Contend for the FAITH!

 Dearest Christ followers, it is necessary for us to heed this message even today.  Our faith is the only thing that will get us into Heaven and an eternity with GOD.

Therefore, we are to earnestly contend for our faith. 

When we first believe in Jesus Christ and become "born again", we are zealous about our faith.  We have a thirst for the Word of GOD.  We want to share our faith with other like-minded Christ followers.  

But it is easy to become jaded and to take our faith for granted.  This is our salvation that we are becoming complacent about.  

Let us today resolve not to let our faith grow cold or old.  Let us spend time in the Word.  Let us spend time reading the Word.  Let us spend time praying to our FATHER in Heaven.  Let us make our faith the most important thing in our lives.  Because it is!

Prayer:  ABBA FATHER, I thank YOU for YOUR Word which is sharper than a double-edged sword and which can cut right to my heart.  FATHER help me to revive my faith daily.  Fill me anew with YOUR Holy Spirit and help me to earnestly contend for my faith.  This I pray in the Holy Name of Jesus Christ.  Amen.

Stay earnestly Jesus Blessed today!

Wednesday, 13 March 2024


 Dearest Christ followers, we are so privileged to have the Holy Spirit living in us when we accept Jesus as our LORD and SAVIOUR.

What we need to do is to remember that the Holy Spirit is GOD.  We serve a triune GOD.  GOD, the FATHER, GOD the Son and GOD the Holy Spirit.

And when we are in Jesus Christ, our FATHER has given us the Holy Spirit who is our teacher, who will convict us and remind of the will of our FATHER.

Our part in this relationship is to learn to know the nature and character of our FATHER, to learn to be more like Jesus and to sin less.  We also need to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ. 

In all of this, the Holy Spirit will help us and guide us.  This is why it is so important to ask our FATHER continually to fill us anew with the Holy Spirit.  

Prayer:  ABBA FATHER, I thank YOU for YOUR grace and favour.  I humbly ask that YOU fill me anew with YOUR Holy Spirit.  I thank YOU in the Holy Name of Jesus Christ.  My LORD and my REDEEMER.  Amen.

Stay graciously Jesus Blessed today!

Tuesday, 12 March 2024

Would we die for the Gospel of Jesus Christ?

 Dearest Christ followers, the Gospel of Jesus Christ is the power of GOD unto salvation for each and every one of us, all peoples of this earth.

Jesus Christ, our CREATOR, added humanity to HIS deity, came to this earth as a man, died on a cross to save each and every person who would believe in this act of grace. 

Paul, who openly persecuted Christians, was converted and convicted on the road to Damascus, hunting down Christians to kill for their belief in Jesus.

What a turnaround!  Once Paul knew Jesus Christ as his LORD and SAVIOUR, he says above that he is not ashamed of the gospel of Jesus Christ.

And Paul died for his belief in Jesus.  Not ashamed of the Gospel of Jesus, but willing to die for it.

You and I have not been asked to make this choice. But it could be that in the future we are required to accept death on earth for our belief.  Are we willing to die for Jesus as Jesus died for us?

Prayer:  ABBA FATHER, I thank YOU for the Grace and favour YOU have bestowed on me and how privileged I am to be a child of YOURS.  FATHER, help me to stand strong for Jesus on earth the way HE stood strong for me.  I humbly ask this in the Holy Name of Jesus Christ.  Amen.

Stay amazingly Jesus Blessed today!

Monday, 11 March 2024

Preach the GOSPEL!

 Dear Christ followers, as children of GOD, our purpose on earth is to give glory to GOD.  We can do that in a number of ways.  Pray, worship, read the Bible, and spread the Gospel.

It is difficult to speak to people about their faith, particularly today, where people have their own "truths".

However, we need to take every opportunity to tell people about Jesus and give them a chance to believe in Jesus as Redeemer and be saved.

Without Jesus and a firm unshakeable belief in Jesus, no one will enter into the Kingdom of Heaven.  And there are only two places to go after death on earth, Heaven or hell.

The choice is ours.  To evangelise or not!

Prayer:  ABBA FATHER, I thank YOU and I praise YOU and I honour YOU and I worship YOU and I adore YOU.  FATHER, today I humbly pray that YOU show me where to evangelise and when to evangelise.  I pray this in the Holy Name of Jesus Christ.  Amen.

Stay amazingly Jesus Blessed today!

Sunday, 10 March 2024

Free gift of GRACE!

 Dearest Christ followers, we are given the free gift of grace by our FATHER in Heaven.

We cannot earn this gift through good deeds, good behaviour or any other way.  The only way to get this gift is to repent and believe in Jesus Christ as our LORD and SAVIOUR.

Once we accept Jesus Christ, we are justified, and we are able to enter into the Kingdom of Heaven and spend eternity with our FATHER.

Do not take this gift for granted. Let us worship and honour our FATHER who is so generous, loving, merciful and holy that HE has created a way for us to get into Heaven.  Without Jesus, the WAY, the TRUTH and the LIFE, we have no hope of ever entering in Heaven and the only other alternative is hell.

Today, repent and believe.  Accept the free gift and an eternal life with JESUS.

Prayer:  ABBA FATHER, I humbly thank YOU for YOUR mercy, grace and love.  I believe that Jesus is my SAVIOUR.  FATHER fill me anew with YOUR Holy Spirit and if I sin at all, I humbly pray that the Holy Spirit convicts me immediately to repent.  I pray this in the Holy Name of Jesus Christ.  Amen.

Stay gratefully Jesus Blessed today!

Saturday, 9 March 2024

Great is our LORD!

 Dearest Christ followers, we are so privileged to be able to be children of GOD and Christ followers.

Our FATHER in Heaven must be praised and worshiped through the way we live our lives.

Our lives must reflect the LIGHT of this world.  We need to give glory to GOD.  

This is why it is important to be filled with the Holy Spirit who will convict us of our sins. We need to make an effort not to be conformed to this world, but to emulate the life of Jesus.

Daily we need to ask the LORD to make us more like Jesus.  We need to ask the LORD to give us wisdom and to fill us daily anew with HIS Holy Spirit.

Prayer:  ABBA FATHER, I thank YOU that YOU are my FATHER.  FATHER I praise YOU and worship YOU and I adore YOU.  FATHER fill me daily with YOUR Holy Spirit and make me more like Jesus.  FATHER grant me wisdom to be able to shine YOUR light on this earth.  I humbly pray this in the Holy Name of Jesus Christ.  Amen.

Stay graciously Jesus Blessed today!

Friday, 8 March 2024

Be strong and courageous!

 Dearest Christ followers, we must remember that we are never alone in this world.  GOD is with us wherever we go and wherever we are.

This world can be a crazy, daunting place, but our FATHER operates out with of our time, out with of our space and out with of our understanding.

We serve a CREATOR FATHER who is omniscient, omnipresent and omnipotent.  Nothing and nobody can do anything to our FATHER.  HE is the beginning and the end, the ALPHA and the OMEGA.

And this is our FATHER in Heaven.  So we have nothing to fear from anything or anyone because, no matter what we face, our FATHER is greater.

As our FATHER commanded Joshua when he went to conquer the promised land, we are not to be frightened and not to be dismayed because our FATHER is with us.  All we have to do is to believe this.

Prayer:  ABBA FATHER, I thank YOU that YOU are with me wherever I go.  I thank YOU that I do not have to be afraid or dismayed because YOU are with me.  I humbly thank YOU in the Holy Name of Jesus Christ.  Amen.

Stay amazingly Jesus Blessed today!

Thursday, 7 March 2024

Our FATHER is worthy of all Glory and Honour!

 Dearest Christ followers, we serve a Mighty, Gracious FATHER.  And one day we shall see HIM face to face sitting on HIS throne.

Revelation gives us a glimpse into the Holiness and Majesty of what we will see when we get there.

Our FATHER, seated on HIS throne in all HIS splendour.  HIS Son, Jesus Christ, sitting at the right hand of our FATHER.  The twenty-four elders, sitting on their thrones, ready to cast their crowns and fall down at the feet of the FATHER in worship and praise and honour of HIS holiness.

This is a glorious picture of what Heaven will be like.

We are truly blessed to be able to call ourselves children of GOD!

Prayer:  ABBA FATHER, I truly thank YOU that YOU are HOLY, MIGHTY, GRACIOUS and I am so privileged that YOU are my FATHER.  I thank YOU in the Holy Name of Jesus Christ.  Amen.

Stay thankfully Jesus Blessed today!

Wednesday, 6 March 2024


 Dearest Christ followers, I hope and pray that you are all doing well.  If you are in Johannesburg, then you will know how hot it is.  

In the passage above, James affirms that our FATHER in Heaven is good.  All that HE gives us is perfect.  Everything we have is through the grace of our FATHER.

However, the greatest gift we have is Jesus Christ.  Jesus is our Redeemer.  Jesus is the unblemished LAMB OF GOD.

Jesus has come to this earth to save YOU and I and it is a free gift.  So today, let us worship our FATHER who has saved us from eternity in hell.

Prayer:  ABBA FATHER, I bow down today and worship and praise YOU.  Indeed everything I am and everything I have is from YOU.  I thank YOU today for all that YOU have given me.  I thank YOU in the Holy Name of Jesus Christ.  Amen.

Stay gratefully Jesus Blessed today!

Tuesday, 5 March 2024

Fix our eyes upon Jesus!

 Dear Christ followers, our help comes from Jesus.  Jesus is the author and perfector of our faith.

For our sakes, Jesus endured the Cross and now sits at the right hand of our FATHER.

Therefore, in everything, we need to follow Jesus.  In the way we live our lives, in the way we deal with people, in our thoughts, in our plans, we need to ask our ourselves "What would Jesus do?" and then to do it in that way.

I firmly believe that we are in the end of times.  Not that I know the exact time or anything.  Only GOD knows that.  But we can read the seasons.

The Rapture could happen today.  We need to be ready. 

Let us repent and believe.  Let us look up, our redemption draws nigh!

Prayer:  ABBA FATHER, today I thank YOU that YOU have conquered the world and that YOU are the judge in Heaven.  I thank YOU FATHER that YOU have saved me and I can call myself YOUR child.  I thank YOU in the Holy Name of Jesus Christ.  Amen.

Stay faithfully Jesus Blessed today!

Monday, 4 March 2024

GOD's love endures forever!

 Dearest Christ followers, we need to give thanks for everything in this world, each and every day.

Our FATHER loves each one of us and when HE made the earth and the universe, HE gave all of this beauty to us to rule over.

We are given so much.  And we paid for none of it. It is given freely and without condition.

Do we love GOD in the same fashion?  Do we realize that we are also given the opportunity to spend eternity with GOD, again through HIS gift of grace, the death of HIS Son on that cross of Calvary? 

Again we paid nothing to accept this gift.  We are only asked to repent of our sins and believe.

So today, let us give thanks to the LORD, for HE is indeed GOOD and HIS love endures forever.

Prayer:  ABBA FATHER, today I humbly give thanks to YOU for all that I have been given.  I give thanks for my family, my friends, my home and my life.  I thank YOU in the Holy Name of Jesus Christ.  Amen.

Stay thankfully Jesus Blessed today!

Sunday, 3 March 2024

Christ died for us while we were sinners!

 Dearest Christ followers, it is with such grace that Christ died for you and for me.  While we were sinners, HE gave up HIS life on that Cross so that you and I might have salvation.

The proof of the existance of Jesus is that all of HIS disciples were more than willing to die for HIM.

But the grace of GOD abounds even more.  That GOD would send HIS only begotten, beloved, sinless Son to die for us, is such an unimaginable gift to us.

Let us bow down and worship our FATHER in Heaven today and thank HIM for HIS grace and favour.  And let us further resolve to stop being the sinful people that we can be.

Our FATHER deserves our love, our obedience and our worship.  For truly HE is a glorious FATHER.

Prayer: ABBA FATHER, today I worship and adore YOU.  I praise YOU and YOUR mightly Name.  I thank YOU for my Redeemer, Jesus Christ.  FATHER show me how to be obedient to all YOUR commandments.  I humbly pray this in the Holy Name of Jesus Christ.  Amen.

Stay obediently Jesus Blessed today!

Saturday, 2 March 2024

Forgive one another!

 Dearest Christ followers, in order to become more like Jesus, we need to be kind to one another.  We need to be tender hearted and we need to forgive each other as Jesus forgives us our sins.

We are all sinners and there are none righteous.  We cannot expect Jesus to forgive us if we are not prepared to forgive those who sin against us.

Strangely, this subject of forgiveness has come up numerous times for me in the past few days.

I am examining my life to see where I have not forgiven.  And I am sorry to say, but this is an area where I think I often fail.

Perhaps, like me, in retrospection, you may find the same.  So today let us together resolve to go through our lives and see where we have not forgiven and make a conscious effort to forgive.

Prayer: ABBA FATHER, I humbly thank YOU for YOUR grace and favour.  FATHER show me where I have not forgiven and let my heart be softened to forgive.  This I humbly pray in the Holy Name of Jesus Christ.  Amen.

Stay graciously Jesus Blessed today!

Friday, 1 March 2024

Confess our sins!

 Dearest Christ followers, it is imperative to ask GOD daily to forgive our sins.  Many times we are sinning that we may not even be aware of it.

The Holy Spirit will convict us of our sins, but we still need to ask GOD to forgive them.  We also need to forgive those who sin against us, for GOD to forgive us for our sins.

The other important thing to remember is that we must try to get to know Jesus Christ and HIS will for our lives.

It is sinful to go and do things without prayer and asking GOD to show us what HE wants for our lives.  Then, when things go awry, we want to expect GOD to jump in and help us.  Our plans need to be aligned with the will of GOD.

So, today, let us ask our FATHER in Heaven to forgive us our sins.  Those we know we have committed and those we have committed unintentionally.

Prayer:  ABBA FATHER, I thank YOU for YOUR grace and favour.  I thank YOU for my Redeemer, Jesus Christ.  FATHER, I humbly pray that YOU forgive my sins as I forgive those who sin against me.  FATHER I ask that YOU purify me from all unrighteousness. I humbly pray this in the Holy Name of Jesus Christ.  Amen.

Stay faithfully Jesus Blessed today!

JESUS - SAVIOUR of the world!

Dearest CHRIST followers we are so privileged to be able to celebrate the birth of our SAVIOUR  this Christmas.  For I know that I am not re...