Thursday, 10 October 2024

MY sheep know MY voice!

Dearest CHRIST followers, we need to build our relationship with JESUS to such an extent that we know HIS voice.

When we are in a living relationship with JESUS we know HIM and HE will lead us.

JESUS gives us eternal life and we shall never perish when we are in HIM. 

In the verse above, JESUS tells us that no one can snatch us out of HIS HAND if we have accepted JESUS as our LORD and SAVIOUR.

This is a wonderful assurance of our salvation!

Prayer: ABBA FATHER, I thank YOU that JESUS is my LORD and my SAVIOUR.  FATHER help me to know YOUR voice so that I may always follow YOU only.

I humbly pray this in the HOLY Name of JESUS CHRIST.  Amen.

Stay faithfully JESUS Blessed today!

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