Friday, 14 September 2018

The law of the Spirit has set us free!

In the old Testament, GOD gave Moses the instruction by which man had to live.  These  600 odd rules were nearly impossible to observe and very few people could actually say that they truly obeyed the law.  (The book of Leviticus lists all the instructions which had to be kept)

Then GOD called Moses and he went up onto Mount Sinai where he was given the ten commandments.  These were more manageable and could be kept if people were truly devout.  However, again  very few people, even today can say that they keep the ten commandments.  We are human and we are so frail!

Then, under a new Covenant,  GOD sent HIS Son Jesus.  As we discussed yesterday, we know that the Spirit of GOD and Jesus hovered over the earth in the beginning.  Therefore when GOD sent Jesus to live on this earth as we live and to suffer on the cross and to die on this earth in human form and to overcome death and rise on the third day, HE gave us HIS grace.  We no longer have to attain perfection.  GOD knows that we are frail.  This is the new Covenant.  "Love the LORD your GOD with all your heart, and with all your mind and with all your strength and with all your soul.  Love one another as I have loved you. " (Matthew 22:37 and Luke 10:27, Mark 12:30-31).

What we have to do is have faith in GOD and believe that Jesus is HIS Son.  We have to believe that through the grace of GOD only can we be saved.  Then we need to beg GOD to forgive our sins.  We need to forgive all those who have sinned against us.  We need to ask GOD to fill us with the Holy Spirit and we need to become "Christ like".

When we truly have faith, the last part starts to come and the Holy Spirit convicts us when we sin.  We know when we sin and we need to beg for forgiveness each and every time.  

Therefore today, Children of the Living GOD, let us have faith that our wonderful CREATOR loves each one of us and wants to spend eternity with us.  Let us put away the things of this earth and let us become more "Christ like" today.  Let us forgive one another and beg GOD to forgive us.

Let us have the freedom of living in the Spirit of GOD!

Prayer: ABBA FATHER, I thank YOU for YOUR grace in giving me freedom to live in the Holy Spirit.  Come Holy Spirit and fill me.  I humbly pray, FATHER that YOU will forgive my sins as I forgive all those who sin against me.  

I pray all of this in the Name of my Redeemer, Jesus Christ, who lives!  Amen. 

Stay freely and amazingly graciously GOD blessed today! 

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