Sunday, 10 February 2019

The word became flesh!

In the beginning, GOD spoke the entire universe into existence.  GOD said "let there be light" and there was light.  

In the book of John, John says "in the beginning was the word".  And now in verse 14 he tells us that the "word became flesh and dwelt among us".  Not only did Jesus live amongst us, He made His home here on earth and John tells us that he has seen the glory of the one and only Son, who came from the FATHER, full of grace and truth.

As children of GOD, this is so comforting.  GOD actually sent HIS Son to live on earth in exactly the same way that we live.  With the same trials and tribulations.  However, there is one difference.  Jesus came full of grace and truth and He came to save us from our sins.  Not only to save us from our sins, but to die so that we can have eternal life with Him and His FATHER  in Heaven.

Accept this grace and truth and let us make our eternal home in heaven.  Let us furnish it with love and forgiveness. Let us drape it in kindness and compassion.  Let us paint the walls with positivity and let us hang the gospels on the walls. 

Let us carpet it with goodness and kindness and then let us invite all whom we meet to join us. 

Prayer:  Heavenly FATHER, I thank YOU that I can make my eternal life with YOU.  I accept Jesus as my Lord and Saviour.  Forgive my sins as I forgive all those who sin against me.  FATHER show me how to serve YOU well.  I pray this in the Holy Name of Jesus Christ.  Amen.

Stay eternally GOD blessed today!

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