Tuesday, 24 August 2021

 Jesus said that if anyone loves Him, they would obey His teaching.  And if anyone loves Jesus GOD will love that person.  And furthermore, Jesus said that He and His FATHER would come to the person and make their home with them.

What a marvellous promise we have.  When we accept Jesus and love Him, He and His FATHER come and live in you and me.

When we love someone, we want to spend time with them.  Not just time, but quality time.  We want to know what they are thinking.  We are interested in them and their lives.

This is why, if we really love Jesus, we will want to spend time with Him.  We will want to know Him more and more.  We will want to talk to Him and we will want to involve Him in every aspect of our lives.

Let us examine our lives.  Do we really love Jesus?   How much time are we spending each day with Him.  How much do we know Him?  Do we tell Him everything about our lives?

If the answer to the above questions are resonating with you and you are spending quality time with Jesus and involving Him in all aspects of your life, then Jesus and His FATHER are living with you.  If not, then it is time to get to know Jesus.

Start by daily reading the word.  Pray before you eat.  Pray in the morning.  Pray in the evening.  And you will feel the love of our gracious GOD growing daily within yourself.

Prayer:  Heavenly FATHER, I am so glad that I know YOU and I love YOU.  Show me daily how to know YOU more and to love YOU more.  Show me how to shine YOUR light on earth today.  I pray this in the Holy Name of Jesus Christ.  Amen.

Stay truly GOD blessed today!

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