Tuesday, 23 May 2023

Choose life in the Spirit!

 Dear Readers and fellow Christ followers, we live in a secular, carnally minded world.  We have "your truth" and "my truth".  We have people completely obsessed by the morality (or the lack thereof) and the things of this world.

What we need to be governed by the Holy Spirit who takes up residence in us when we repent and believe in Jesus.

This does not mean that we no longer live in this world and that we will not be subjected to the skewed ideology of this world, but what it will mean is that we put to death our desires and our carnally minded ways.

It means a repentance and a complete one hundred and eighty degree turn away from our old selves.

No longer should we use bad language.  No longer should we gossip and criticize others.  No longer should our focus be on attaining wealth and the material possessions of this world.

Rather our focus needs to be on presenting ourselves to the LORD one day, as pure and faultless as we can.

In every instance where we are tempted by the things of this world, we need to pray and ask the LORD to take away the temptations of this world and to give us wisdom and discernment.

No longer should we just watch any old TV show.  Rather we should choose what we watch so that we keep ourselves as Holy as we can and our thoughts as pure as we can.

Temptation lurks at every step and turn.  But we need to depend on the LORD to help us to put aside our old selves and to become new creatures in Jesus Christ.

This sounds easy.  It is not.  And the road is difficult.  But as Jesus told His Disciples, "the road is narrow, and few will find it"  Matthew 7:14.

Choose the narrow road every time you can.

Prayer:  ABBA FATHER I thank YOU for YOUR grace and favour.  FATHER lead me through the temptations of this world by giving me wisdom and discernment to choose the path that leads me to YOU.  I humbly pray this in the Holy Name of Jesus Christ.  Amen.

Stay graciously Jesus Blessed today!

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More like JESUS

 Dearest CHRIST followers we need to pray to our FATHER in Heaven to make us more like JESUS every day. We need to die to self and live with...