Friday, 27 April 2018

Liberty through the Spirit of the Lord!

GOD is the Spirit and He is glorious.  HIS Glory is everywhere.  When we want to contemplate this all we need to do is walk outside on a glorious clear black night and look up and see the myriads of stars in our universe.

Get up really early and watch the sunrise and contemplate the majesty of the rays starting to come up over the horizon and light up the earth and turn darkness into day.

Today let us together worship our GOD.  Let us cry out to HIM in unison "Majesty, we adore YOU".  

Let the Heavens resound with our rejoicing in the love of GOD our Heavenly FATHER.  

Prayer: MAJESTY, GOD, ABBA FATHER, we cry out to YOU today and worship YOU.  We bow down to YOUR glory and we give thanks to YOU for your Grace and the salvation YOU have granted us through the death and resurrection of YOUR Son Jesus Christ.  We adore you FATHER and we worship YOU.

We pray all of this in the Holy Name of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.  Amen.

Stay awesomely GOD blessed today.  

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