Friday, 29 November 2024

Love the LORD your GOD!

 Dearest CHRIST followers  we are called to love our FATHER with our whole heart, with all our soul and with all our minds.

Thus is because our FATHER has g7vem us everything we are, everything we have and everything we need to survive on earth.

We need to thank our FATHER and give HIM all the honor and praise and worship. More than this, we need to love HIM above all else.

Lastly we need to love each other because our FATHER loves us all. 

Prayer ABBA FATHER I humbly thank YOU that YOU are my all in all.  I love YOU.   I honour's YOU.   I worship YOU.   I adore YOU. 

Thank you in the Holy Name of JESUS CHRIST Amen 🙏 

Stay lovingly JESUS Blessed today 🙏

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