Tuesday, 31 December 2024

Reconciled with GOD through JESUS

 Dearest CHRIST followers, we are fast approaching 2025.  As we enter the New year let us reconcile with all those with whom we are in dispute.

Let us resolve that as we are reconciled with GOD through JESUS, so let us reconcile with those on the world with whom we are in disagreement with.

Prayer ABBA FATHER I humbly thank YOU that I am reconciled with YOU through JESUS.   FATHER help me to be reconciled to all with whom I am currently in disagreement with.  I humbly pray this in the Holy Name of JESUS CHRIST Amen πŸ™ 

Stay humbly JESUS Blessed todayπŸ™

Monday, 30 December 2024

JESUS is the Vine

 Dearest CHRIST followers we are so privileged to be able to call ourselves children of GOD.  JESUS is the Vine, and we are the branches.

Whilst we remain firmly rooted in JESUS, we can blossom and thrive.  

The minute we stop producing fruit, we become useless, and we need to be pruned.

We need to be firmly grafted into JESUS to be able to bear good fruit.

Prayer. ABBA FATHER I humbly pray that I stay firmly rooted in YOU. I pray this in the Holy Name of JESUS CHRIST Amen πŸ™ 

Stay fruitfully JESUS Blessed today πŸ™

Sunday, 29 December 2024

A new creation in JESUS

 Dearest CHRIST followers, we are now new creations in CHRIST JESUS.

Once we are in CHRIST, we can no longer walk as we did before.

We are now living reflections of JESUS CHRIST on earth.

Once we profess our belief in JESUS, our lives need to reflect the love of JESUS,  the mercy, the kindness, and the truth that is in HIM.

Therefore, we now need to put off the old creature and renew our minds and hearts in JESUS.

Prayer ABBA FATHER I humbly thank YOU for YOUR grace and favour.  Renew my heart and mind and help me to be a living light on earth for my SAVIOUR. 

I humbly pray this in the Holy Name of JESUS CHRIST Amen πŸ™ 

Stay truly JESUS blessed today πŸ™

Saturday, 28 December 2024

Call on the LORD with a pure heart

 Dearest CHRIST followers we need to become mature servants of JESUS CHRIST. 

This means a change of heart and true repentance of our sinful pasts.

We simply have to grow to be more CHRIST like.

Prayer. ABBA FATHER I humbly pray that YOU lead me to live a better life so that I may call on YOU with a pure heart.

I humbly pray this in the Holy Name of JESUS CHRIST Amen πŸ™ 

Stay lovingly JESUS blessed today πŸ™

Friday, 27 December 2024

Our help comes from the LORD always

 Dearest CHRIST followers we have so much to thank our FATHER in Heaven for.  His mercy and HIS grace far exceed anything we could ever deserve or earn.  

Today let us be grateful to our FATHER in Heaven from whence comes our help.

Prayer. ABBA FATHER I humbly thank YOU for YOUR grace and favour. I thank YOU for always hearing my prayers. I humbly thank YOU in the Holy Name of JESUS CHRIST Amen πŸ™ 

Stay thankfully JESUS Blessed today πŸ™

Thursday, 26 December 2024

Joy to the world!

 Dearest CHRIST followers we are so privileged to have been blessed by our FATHER in Heaven.

Our Gracious FATHER has sent HIS SON JESUS CHRIST to us as our SAVIOUR. 

JESUS was born in Bethlehem and we are able to read about HIS birth and the many signs and wonders that accompanied HIS birth. HIS birth was manifest in the stars and by Heavenly Hosts proclaiming it.

There is so much written about our MESSIAH  and we are under the Grace of forgiveness for our sins through the selfless act of our FATHER who added humanity to HIS deity in order to redeem us so that we are able to be forgiven.

Today let us bless pur FATHER with praise and worship for HIS loving kindness.

Prayer. ABBA FATHER I humbly pray that YOU forgive my sins.  I thank YOU for YOUR grace and favour. I bless YOUR Holy Name. I pray all of this in the Holy Name of JESUS CHRIST Amen πŸ™ 

Stay gratefully JESUS Blessed today πŸ™

Wednesday, 25 December 2024

Children of GOD

 Dearest CHRIST followers we are called children of GOD when we accept JESUS as our SAVIOUR.  We are co heirs of the Kingdom of Heaven.

This comes with the responsibility to act like children of GOD.  We need to take our responsibility seriously and be the light of the world.

Prayer. ABBA FATHER I humbly pray that YOU make me more like JESUS so that I may shine HIS light in this world. I pray this in the Holy Name of JESUS CHRIST Amen πŸ™ 

Stay truly JESUS blessed today πŸ™

Tuesday, 24 December 2024

Joy to the world!

 Dearest CHRIST followers we are celebrating the birth of the PRINCE of peace tomorrow. This is a time of great joy 

For GOD so loved the world that HE sent HIS only begotten SON to die for our sins.

Tonight let us be truly grateful to our FATHER in Heaven

Prayer ABBA FATHER YOU are truly amazing.  Thank YOU FATHER for loving me in my sinful condition.   Help me to know YOU more each day 

I humbly pray this in the Holy Name of JESUS CHRIST Amen πŸ™ 

Stay faithfully JESUS blessed today πŸ™

Monday, 23 December 2024

GOD s beloved SON

 Dearest CHRIST followers we are in the throes of the celebration of the birth of our SAVIOUR.   

This is the SPIRIT of GOD which moves through us inspiring us to celebrate the fact that GOD loves us so much that while we were still sinners CHRIST died for us.

CHRIST came to earth as a baby born of a virhin mother - sinless and blameless - a true pure sacrificial lamb.  THE LAMB of GOD.

Christ was born and we remember this selfless loving act of mercy given us freely through the grace of GOD.

Let us worship, hinour and praise our FATHER in Heaven who loves us so much by sharing the love HE has shown for us through the way we treat this Christmas, by loving those people around us in the same way GOD loves us.

Let us make this time about the love of GOD!

Prayer. ABBA FATHER I humbly pray that I am able to shine YOUR light on this earth this Christmas.   I humbly pray this in the Holy Name of JESUS CHRIST Amen πŸ™ 

Stay lovingly JESUS blessed today πŸ™

Saturday, 21 December 2024

JESUS - SAVIOUR of the world!

Dearest CHRIST followers we are so privileged to be able to celebrate the birth of our SAVIOUR  this Christmas. 

For I know that I am not receiving the punishment I am due for my sins.  JESUS has paid the price in full.  It is finished. Through the grace of GOD (GOD s riches at CHRIST s expense) I am able to know that my sins are forgiven.


Prayer. ABBA FATHER I humbly thank YOU for YOUR loving Grace.  I thank YOU in the Holy Name of JESUS CHRIST Amen πŸ™ 

Stay amazingly JESUS Blessed today πŸ™

Friday, 20 December 2024

Joy to the world

 Dearest CHRIST followers this is a time of great joy to all who believe in JESUS as their SAVIOUR.

For our family particularly this is an amazingly joyous time.  We nearly lost our family member in October. Through prayer and petition to our merciful FATHER in Heaven she is recovering well.

Prayer. ABBA FATHER I humbly thank YOU that YOU are gracious and kind and loving and merciful. Thank YOU in the Holy Name of JESUS CHRIST Amen πŸ™ 

Stay faithfully JESUS blessed today πŸ™

Thursday, 19 December 2024

With GOD nothing is impossible

 Dearest CHRIST followers we serve a mighty, gracious, merciful, loving GOD.  There is nothing that our FATHER cannot do.

What we need is the faith and the trust in our FATHER when we petition HIM.

Prayer ABBA FATHER I  humbly thank YOU that YOU can do anything if I ask according to YOUR will in faith. I thank YOU in the Holy Name of JESUS CHRIST Amen πŸ™ 

Stay faithfully JESUS blessed today πŸ™

Wednesday, 18 December 2024


 Dearest Christ followers we are so privileged to be able to celebrate the birth of our MESSIAH.  Our PRINCE of PEACE has come into the world to bring HIS light into this ever darkening world.

Today let us rejoice as we go towards thus joyous celebration.

Prayer ABBA FATHER  I humbly thank YOU for YOUR grace and favour. 


I humbly pray this in the Holy Name of JESUS CHRIST Amen πŸ™ 

Stay joyously JESUS Blessed today πŸ™

Tuesday, 17 December 2024

JESUS is our Peace

 Dearest CHRIST followers we are in the end times.  We need to be ready to go with JESUS.  The LORD will come suddenly and take us to Heaven.

Are you ready to go?

Prayer ABBA FATHER I thank YOU that the Peace of the earth will return to rule and reign over all.

FATHER I humbly pray that YOU find me ready to go with YOU. I humbly pray this in the Holy Name of JESUS CHRIST Amen πŸ™ 

Stay watchfully JESUS Blessed today πŸ™

Monday, 16 December 2024

A CHILD is born!

 Dearest CHRIST followers we are shortly going to celebrate the birth of our SAVIOUR JESUS CHRIST.   HE is called WONDERFUL COUNSELOR, MIGHTY GOD,  PRINCE of PEACE!

After the Rapture,  JESUS will return yo the earth and HE will rule and reign for one thousand years.  The Government will be on HIS shoulders.

Are we ready to receive the PRINCE of PEACE?

Prayer ABBA FATHER I humbly pray that YOU find me ready to receive my LORD and SAVIOUR JESUS CHRIST.  I humbly pray this in the Holy Name of JESUS CHRIST Amen πŸ™ 

Stay watchfully JESUS Blessed today πŸ™

Sunday, 15 December 2024

Seek GOD with a our heart

 Dearest CHRIST followers we need to seek our FATHER with all our heart.

Our FATHER wants all to come to HIM.  HE wants none to perish but all to come to HIM

Today let us resolve to seek our FATHER with all our heart.

Prayer ABBA FATHER I humbly thank YOU  for YOUR grace and favour. I thank YOU in the Holy Name of JESUS CHRIST Amen πŸ™ 

Stay graciously JESUS Blessed today πŸ™

Saturday, 14 December 2024

The knowledge of the LORD will be over all the earth

 Dearest CHRIST followers we should there will come a day when JESUS returns to this earth to rule and reign over it for one thousand years 

The earth will be filled with the knowledge of the LORD.  

Before then, we need to have accepted JESUS as our LORD and SAVIOUR. 

If you have not yet done so, believe in JESUS,  repent and be saved. The time is coming sooner than we imagine.

Prayer. ABBA FATHER I humbly thank YOU for YOUR grace and favour. I thank YOU that JESUS is my LORD and SAVIOUR. I humbly thank YOU in the Holy Name of JESUS CHRIST Amen πŸ™ 

Stay faithfully JESUS blessed today πŸ™

Friday, 13 December 2024

Call upon the LORD

 Dearest CHRIST followers we need to remember to call upon the LORD in every situation.   We need to approach our FATHER with thanksgiving and praise.  

When we call upon the LORD, we have confidence that HE is able to answer us and to show us mighty things we do not know.

Prayer ABBA FATHER I humbly call upon YOU to show me great and mighty things I do not know. I humbly pray this in the Holy Name of JESUS CHRIST Amen πŸ™ 

Stay faithfully JESUS blessed today πŸ™

Thursday, 12 December 2024

Wait on the LORD!

 Dearest CHRIST followers we are called to wait on the LORD.  In this fast-paced world of instant gratification, we pray and we want instant  answers.  

However, our FATHER dies not give us instant answers. We need to be still and wait on the LORD.

Our FATHER' s timing is perfect.

Prayer. ABBA FATHER I humbly pray that YOU grant me the patience to be still and to wait on YOU.   I humbly pray this in the Holy Name of JESUS CHRIST Amen πŸ™ 

Stay patiently JESUS Blessed today πŸ™

Wednesday, 11 December 2024

Children of GOD

 Dearest CHRIST followers we are children of GOD when we are born again through our faith in JESUS as our SAVIOUR.  

This comes with a great responsibility.   We are the light that people see when we are children of GOD.

Today let us resolve to be "bright" lights in this world and to consider all our actions again the question "what would JESUS do?"

Prayer. ABBA FATHER I humbly pray that you show me daily how to be more like JESUS ever day. I humbly pray this in the Holy Name of JESUS CHRIST Amen πŸ™ 

Stay brightly JESUS Blessed today πŸ™

Tuesday, 10 December 2024

Love one another

 Dearest CHRIST followers we are called to love one another as JESUS loves us.  JESUS died for our sins and HE died for all, even while we were still in our sin

We need to love one another to the point that we would be prepared to die for one another as well.  This is what JESUS wants of us.

Praying. ABBA FATHER  I humbly pray that YOU lead me to love all the way that YOU love me. I humbly pray this in the Holy Name of JESUS CHRIST Amen πŸ™ 

Stay lovingly JESUS blessed today πŸ™

Monday, 9 December 2024

Here's my heart LORD!

 Dearest CHRIST followers we are called to love our FATHER with all our hearts, with all our souls and with all our strength.

This is what we are called to do.  Let us resolve to put our FATHER first in every area of our lives.  Let us resolve to do nothing without prayer first.  Let us further resolve to thank our FATHER for every single thing that HE has done for us.  Most of all, let us love our FATHER with every Fiber our our being.

We love HIM because HE loved us first 

Prayer. ABBA FATHER I humbly thank YOU that YOU love me so much that JESUS died for me.  I humbly thank YOU, and I worship YOU.  I adore YOU.   YOU have my heart, LORD.  I pray this in the Holy Name of JESUS CHRIST. Amen πŸ™ 

Stay lovingly, JESUS blessed today πŸ™

Sunday, 8 December 2024

GOD so loves the world!

 Dearest CHRIST followers  we are all, without exception loved by GOD.  However we cannot be "justified" in the eyes of GOD unless we believe in JESUS CHRIST.   JESUS is the only begotten SON of GOD.  JESUS is the only way, the only truth and the only life of the world.

We can only spend eternity with GOD through our faith in JESUS!

Prayer. ABBA FATHER I thank YOU fir my faith in JESUS. I thank YOU fir YOUR grace in sending JESUS to atone for my sins on that Cross.   I humbly thank YOU in the Holy Name of JESUS CHRIST Amen πŸ™ 

Stay faithfully JESUS blessed today πŸ™

Saturday, 7 December 2024

CHRIST died for us while we were still sinners

 Dearest CHRIST followers we need to know and understand the height and depth and breadth of the love our Heavenly FATHER has for each one of us.  HE wants none to perish but all to come to HIM through faith in JESUS CHRIST. 

We simply cannot work our way into Heaven. There is nothing we can do to get to Heaven if we do not believe in JESUS as our SAVIOUR,  our REDEEMER. 

Prayer. ABBA FATHER I humbly pray that YOU show me how to grow my faith daily. I humbly pray this in the Holy Name of JESUS CHRIST Amen πŸ™ 

Stay faithfully JESUS blessed today πŸ™

Friday, 6 December 2024

Love one another!

 Dearest CHRIST followers we ought to love one another as GOD loves each of us.

GOD wants all to come to HIM and HE loves everyone the same. There is no favoritism with our FATHER in Heaven.

Therefore we cannot be found hating one another. If we want to spend eternity with our FATHER we should want all to have the same opportunity. 

Today let us consider whom we hate and then ask GOD to forgive us and rather try to love them all.

Prayer  ABBA FATHER I humbly pray that YOU forgive me when I dislike or hate someone.  I pray that YOU convict me that I may repent.

I humbly ask this in the Holy Name of JESUS CHRIST Amen πŸ™ 

Stay lovingly JESUS blessed today πŸ™

Thursday, 5 December 2024

Faith in JESUS

 Dearest CHRIST followers we are so privileged to be under the grace of GOD through our faith in JESUS. We have a responsibility as children of GOD and that is to be the light of the world.

We cannot be carnal and behave in a manner that dies not give glory to GOD.

Therefore we need to be mindful that we ambassadors for JESUS.  

Prayer. ABBA FATHER I humbly pray that YOU lead me to be a light for JESUS.  I humbly pray this in the Holy Name of JESUS CHRIST Amen πŸ™ 

Stay faithfully JESUS blessed today πŸ™

Wednesday, 4 December 2024

JESUS is the bread of life!

 Dearest CHRIST followers  JESUS is our hope in eternal life in Heaven.  Without JESUS as our LORD and SAVIOUR we are going to spend eternity in darkness and despair.

When we hope in JESUS we have the bread of life.

Prayer ABBA FATHER I humbly thank YOU for giving me the way to an eternal life with YOU through my faith in JESUS. I thank YOU in the Holy Name of JESUS CHRIST Amen πŸ™ 

Stay faithfully JESUS blessed today πŸ™

Tuesday, 3 December 2024

Do not worry!

 Dearest CHRIST followers it is so easy to listen to all the news and start to worry about things that are happening in the world. This is aside from the day to day problems that we face in our own lives.

However JESUS told us that we are not to worry. We need to know that no matter what problems we face, our FATHER is bigger than them.  

Prayer. ABBA FATHER I humbly thank YOU that YOU are greater than any problem I may face. FATHER help me to rest in the knowledge that YOU never leave me nor forsake me.  I thank YOU in the Holy Name of JESUS CHRIST Amen πŸ™ 

Stay peacefully JESUS blessed today πŸ™

Monday, 2 December 2024

Stay firm in the faith!

 Dearest CHRIST followers we need to always stand firm in The LORD.   Our faith needs to be constant. We cannot let the wokeness of thus world cloud our walk with our FATHER.  Let us pray fervently to our LORD to give us strength to withstand the onslaught of all the wiles of the devil in this world today.

Prayer ABBA FATHER I humbly pray that YOU give me the strength to live in this world.  Show me how to remain firm in my faith. I humbly pray this in the Holy Name of JESUS CHRIST Amen πŸ™ 

Stay strongly JESUS Blessed today πŸ™

Sunday, 1 December 2024

GOD is light!

 Dearest CHRIST followers we have a FATHER who is light. Our FATHER is love and our FATHER is gracious and Righteous and kind.  Our FATHER wants all to come to HIM and to spend eternity with HIM.

All we need to do is to accept JESUS as our SAVIOUR.   We need to repent and believe.  

Prayer ABBA FATHER I thank YOU for YOUR love YOUR grace,  YOUR mercy, YOUR kindness and YOUR love.  I humbly thank YOU in the Holy Name of JESUS CHRIST Amen πŸ™ 

Stay gratefully JESUS Blessed today πŸ™

Great forgiveness!

 Dearest CHRIST followers in Luke we read about a woman of ill repute who washed the feet of JESUS with an expensive jar of oil and dried HI...