Sunday, 29 December 2024

A new creation in JESUS

 Dearest CHRIST followers, we are now new creations in CHRIST JESUS.

Once we are in CHRIST, we can no longer walk as we did before.

We are now living reflections of JESUS CHRIST on earth.

Once we profess our belief in JESUS, our lives need to reflect the love of JESUS,  the mercy, the kindness, and the truth that is in HIM.

Therefore, we now need to put off the old creature and renew our minds and hearts in JESUS.

Prayer ABBA FATHER I humbly thank YOU for YOUR grace and favour.  Renew my heart and mind and help me to be a living light on earth for my SAVIOUR. 

I humbly pray this in the Holy Name of JESUS CHRIST Amen 🙏 

Stay truly JESUS blessed today 🙏

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