Tuesday, 3 December 2024

Do not worry!

 Dearest CHRIST followers it is so easy to listen to all the news and start to worry about things that are happening in the world. This is aside from the day to day problems that we face in our own lives.

However JESUS told us that we are not to worry. We need to know that no matter what problems we face, our FATHER is bigger than them.  

Prayer. ABBA FATHER I humbly thank YOU that YOU are greater than any problem I may face. FATHER help me to rest in the knowledge that YOU never leave me nor forsake me.  I thank YOU in the Holy Name of JESUS CHRIST Amen 🙏 

Stay peacefully JESUS blessed today 🙏

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Great forgiveness!

 Dearest CHRIST followers in Luke we read about a woman of ill repute who washed the feet of JESUS with an expensive jar of oil and dried HI...