Monday, 23 December 2024

GOD s beloved SON

 Dearest CHRIST followers we are in the throes of the celebration of the birth of our SAVIOUR.   

This is the SPIRIT of GOD which moves through us inspiring us to celebrate the fact that GOD loves us so much that while we were still sinners CHRIST died for us.

CHRIST came to earth as a baby born of a virhin mother - sinless and blameless - a true pure sacrificial lamb.  THE LAMB of GOD.

Christ was born and we remember this selfless loving act of mercy given us freely through the grace of GOD.

Let us worship, hinour and praise our FATHER in Heaven who loves us so much by sharing the love HE has shown for us through the way we treat this Christmas, by loving those people around us in the same way GOD loves us.

Let us make this time about the love of GOD!

Prayer. ABBA FATHER I humbly pray that I am able to shine YOUR light on this earth this Christmas.   I humbly pray this in the Holy Name of JESUS CHRIST Amen 🙏 

Stay lovingly JESUS blessed today 🙏

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