Monday, 18 September 2017

Obedience to God

2 Corinthians 10:5 “We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ;”

The Bible shows us how, when we disobey God our lives fall apart.  This starts with Adam and Eve and the story of how they lost access to the Garden of Eden.
God wants a good relationship with us.  

However it is very clear that God is our Father and we are his children.  Just as children must be obedient to their parents, so we are to be obedient in everything we do.  We need to obey God first and His appointed leaders of this earth second.  Where the leaders will is different from that of God, we revert to the first rule and we follow God. 

God gives us His word to read and we should start by being obedient and by reading His word.  We need to talk to God daily in prayer and supplication so that He can show us His perfect way.

Prayer:  O Ancient of Days, My Father in Heaven, today show me how to be obedient to you in everything I think say and do.  Grant me the knowledge of Your perfect plan for my life.  Give me a heart and soul and mind to do Your will here on earth.  I pray this in Jesus Name. Amen

Stay Blessed.

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