Thursday 5 November 2020

We can only get to Heaven through our faith and belief in Jesus!

 Make no mistake, there is NO OTHER way to get to Heaven.  You can do absolutely nothing to "earn" your way into Heaven.

GOD our FATHER, our CREATOR, has given us HIS perfect plan.  And HIS plan involved sending HIS only Son to save us. 

Adam and Eve sinned and gave up eternal life with GOD.  We are sinners, whether we admit it or not.  Not one is blemish free.  And the only way, the only truth and the only life is in an absolute belief that Jesus is who He says He is. 

Jesus came to earth, born of a virgin mother, lived on earth, ministered on earth.  He never sinned, not once.  He was the blemish free sacrifice sent to die on a cross with our sins running down the cross with His blood.  

He conquered death by rising on the third day.  Jesus will judge us.  He is the appointed judge of us all. 

Do not be deceived.  Accept Jesus as your Lord and Saviour today.

Prayer:  ABBA FATHER, I cry out to YOU tonight.  I am a sinner.  I believe in Jesus Christ as my Saviour.  I confess this to YOU tonight with my mouth.  Save me FATHER with YOUR enormous grace.  I pray this in the Holy Name of Jesus Christ.  Amen.

Stay truly GOD blessed today!

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Restore people gently!

  Dearest Christ followers, we need to remember that we have all sinned.  There is no one righteous on earth.  All have sinned and have fall...