Saturday, 27 February 2021

Sing praises to our LORD GOD!

 Our FATHER in Heaven is truly amazing.  And from nothing HE created everything.  We are HIS creation.  We are HIS children and HE loves us dearly.  Even though we are sinners, HE gives us HIS grace. 

Through HIS Son Jesus Christ, HE has granted us salvation.  A chance to spend eternity, forever, with HIM.

And there is nothing that GOD cannot do or create.  We can only imagine and dream what our FATHER has created.  For no one on earth has created a planet, or stars or a moon or the sun.

We cannot create life.  We can only copy.  Therefore today, let us lift up our hands and praise our FATHER in Heaven.  For HE is truly mighty and powerful and strong.  But most of all, HE is loving and forgiving.   And HE wants you and me to get to Heaven.  Take the chance today!

Prayer:  ABBA FATHER, I thank YOU for YOUR enormous grace and favour.  I exalt YOU FATHER.  I praise YOU in the Holy Name of Jesus Christ.  Amen.

Stay graciously GOD blessed today!

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Give glory to GOD

 Dearest CHRIST followers we need to give all the glory to GOD. Our FATHER has given us everything we have. Therefore, let us always give th...