Wednesday, 31 March 2021

The way to GOD!

 Tonight I have really bad news for all the people who may read this blog and think that they are good people and are going to Heaven through their good deeds.  

Unfortunately, we on earth, every single one of us, are the worst sinners.  You may say to yourself, "not me".  Yes you.  Each and every one of us falls way short of the Glory of GOD.  We are just sinners.

But our Gracious, GOOD  loving FATHER blessed us with HIS grace through the life of HIS Son, Jesus Christ.  HE sent Jesus to earth, born of a VIRGIN mother so that no sin was in Him.  Jesus - GOD, gave up His Deity, to become humanity.  

Jesus lived on earth, died on the cross and took all our sins onto the cross.  Where Jesus washed our sins as white as snow.  Those are ALL our past sins, our present sins and our future sins.  Because, try as we might, we will never not be sinners.  And you may argue and say that you never sin.  Not true.  Even a white lie is a lie.  Every single time we think a bad thought we are sinning.

Now the beauty of the GRACE of GOD is this.  We can at any time in our lives, confess that we are sinners.  Admit to GOD that we fall way short of HIS glory.  Believe in our hearts that Jesus is our Redeemer.  Confess this truth with our mouths to GOD.  

This results in us being set free in Jesus Christ.  The Holy Spirit will come and live in us when we do this.  The Holy Spirit will gradually change our hearts and our minds to be more in line with Christ.  And we will be saved.  The saved part is instant when we confess the truth of the way to redemption.

That is why Jesus said, "the first shall be last and the last shall be first".

Today admit that you are a sinner.  Believe in your heart that Jesus is the way the truth and the life.  Confess this to GOD.  Be saved today!  

And, just for the record, no amount of good deeds will replace the above.  You cannot be saved any other way.  Good works follow when we are filled with the Holy Spirit.  Not the other way around.

Prayer:  ABBA FATHER, please forgive my sins as I forgive those who tresspass against me.  I pray FATHER, that I believe Jesus is my Lord, my Saviour and my Redeemer.  I confess this with my mouth.  Come fill me with YOUR Holy Spirit.  I pray this in the Holy Name of Jesus Christ.  Amen.

Stay graciously GOD blessed today!

Monday, 29 March 2021

Born of GOD!

 Let us read the above verse tonight and truly contemplate the statement.

"To all who received Him (Jesus), to those who believe in His name (Jesus - the Son of GOD, Truly a GOD born of a woman, without and earthly father - so that He is truly unstained by sin), born of the WILL of GOD"  We then who believe this statement, and trust our salvation was graciously given upon the cross of Calvary when Jesus died for us, we have the right to become children of GOD.

This is one of the most awesome statements of the Bible.  No longer are we born of human sinful parents, no!  We are reborn of the Will of GOD.  We become children of GOD.  CO HEIRS with Jesus Christ.

Amazing.  So when I call myself a child of GOD.  I am not boasting in anything.  I am just acknowledging my FATHER's will for my life.

Tonight, I would beg you, if you have not done so, accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and your Saviour.  Jesus is truly the ONLY way to GOD to eternal life in Heaven.  There simply is no OTHER way. 

Prayer:  ABBA FATHER, I love YOU so much.  Tonight FATHER, I would pray that anyone might read this and be saved.  I would pray for YOU to fill that person with YOUR Holy Spirit as I have been filled.  Change their hearts and their minds and let them accept Jesus through YOUR loving GRACE.  I pray this in the Holy Name of Jesus Christ.  Amen.

Stay graciously GOD blessed tonight!

Thursday, 25 March 2021

One GOD!

 There is one GOD.  And HE is our CREATOR.  HE is also our Saviour.  Through HIS grace we are saved.

On this earth, it is so easy to put everything before GOD.  Our thoughts turn from GOD to the things of this world.

What we will eat, what we will wear and where we will live.  But GOD tells us that HE is the only GOD that we are to have.

Today, let us challenge ourselves to see what we put before GOD.  Is it watching TV or working, or doing anything where we could be spending time with GOD.

Let us come before our FATHER tonight and ask HIM to show us how to put HIM first and last in our lives.  HE matters!

Prayer:  ABBA FATHER, I thank YOU for YOUR grace and favour.  FATHER show me how to lead my life in such a way that YOU are always first and always last.  Let me have no other gods before YOU such as money, my home or anything else.  I pray this in the Holy Name of Jesus Christ.  Amen.

Stay GOD blessed today. 

Tuesday, 23 March 2021

Trust in GOD!

Can you imagine watching your own son die for the sake of all people who are sinners?  I truly cannot imagine the scene but I can imagine the heartache GOD felt watching HIS sinless Son perish in anguish and pain on a cross so that our sins could be washed as white as snow.

Now imagine, this same GOD and we are asking for HIS help.  GOD would graciously give us eternal life and we ask about our own wants and needs on earth.  And yet our FATHER in Heaven listens to each and every one of us every time we pray.

If our prayers are not answered, we need to ask ourselves, are we praying in the will of our FATHER or to fulfil our own desires?

Today, let us pray fervently to GOD to do HIS will on earth and not to do our own selfish wills.  Let us ask GOD to guide us and to show us HIS perfect plan for our lives and knowing that we are asking for the will of our FATHER, we can be assured that our FATHER will answer our prayers.

Prayer:  ABBA FATHER, I pray today that YOUR will be done on earth, as it is in Heaven.  FATHER guide me to do YOUR will on earth.  I pray this in the Holy name of Jesus Christ, my Lord and my Saviour, Amen.

Stay obediently GOD blessed today!

Saturday, 20 March 2021

the Way to GOD!

 Dearest children of GOD, we are not to be confused as to who we are or how we get to spend eternity with our FATHER in Heaven.

Firstly, we cannot work our way in Heaven.  There is no one, not one, who is worthy of an eternity with our FATHER.  So GOD, in HIS goodness and mercy, gave us HIS grace and offered us the most simple way to get to Heaven.

We don't have to spend our lives wondering about in darkness about our salvation.  The Bible is very clear.  All of GOD's creation is from everlasting till everlasting.  Without Jesus, we are assured that we cannot get to Heaven.

And GOD made it even simpler.  HE sent Jesus to die for our sins.  Jesus was the blameless lamb slaughtered on a cross and on that cross, Jesus washed our sins as white as snow.

So how do we get to Heaven?  That is so simple. 

A Admit we are sinners.

B Believe that Jesus is who the Bible says He is.  Believe this with all our hearts.

C. Confess this truth with our mouths.  

The Holy Spirit will come upon each one of us that accepts the Grace of GOD like this, and we are saved.  

Prayer;  ABBA FATHER, tonight I accept Jesus as my Lord and my Saviour.  I am a sinner FATHER, but I know that the only way to YOU is through Jesus Christ and I confess this tonight.  I pray this in the Holy Name of Jesus Christ.  Amen.

Stay truly GOD blessed today!

Tuesday, 16 March 2021

The Glory of GOD!

 What an amazing GOD we serve.  Our GOD can fill temples with HIS glory.  HE can create anything, do anything, move anything, knows everything and yet HE still loves you and me.

Let us tonight reflect on the Glory of our FATHER in Heaven.

Today I heard the most beautiful but truest sayings that I have ever heard.  

A preacher was asked what kind of GOD would let some people go to hell.  The preacher answered, "Actually, we w all going to hell ".

But the GOD we serve wants to save as many as possible from this so HE sent HIS Son to die for us so that as many people as possible can go to Heaven. That is the loving GOD I serve".  The preacher said.  And the beauty of our FATHER is that we cannot "earn" our way into Heaven.  We do not have to do anything but admit that we are sinners, believe in Jesus as our Saviour and confess this Truth with our mouths.  That is it!  The only path in the world into Heaven is free.  Without good works, undeserving and unearned!

Think on that the next time you are asked about Heaven and hell. 

Prayer:  ABBA FATHER, I thank YOU for the simplest way to YOU.  I believe in Jesus Christ as my Lord and my Saviour.  I confess that I am a sinner.  FATHER I give YOU my life.  Do with me as YOU will.  I pray this in the Holy Name of Jesus Christ.  Amen.

Stay truly GOD blessed today!

Monday, 15 March 2021

Keep the Sabbath HOLY!

 GOD created the earth in six days and on the sixth day, HE rested.  HE therefore commanded the Israelites to do no work on the seventh day.  And we should also follow this day and keep it Holy.

By keeping the commandments of GOD, we show GOD the reverence HE deserves.  But there is a purpose in HIS command.

We too need a day of rest to recuperate and to be able to use that day to glorify GOD.  As children of our FATHER, we need to show the people around us that we give GOD the glory.  Therefore, set aside the Sunday and make it your day of rest in reverence to our Glorious FATHER in Heaven.

Prayer:  ABBA FATHER, today, I humbly ask that YOU show me how to revere YOU more.  I humbly ask that YOU lead me to always do no work on the Sabbath.  This I pray in the Holy Name of Jesus Christ.  Amen.

Stay truly GOD blessed today!

Sunday, 14 March 2021

Our compassionate FATHER!

There are a few things about our FATHER in Heaven that we need to know.  And the greatest thing of all, is that our FATHER is truly FAITHFUL.  If we will but obey HIS commands and keep HIS commands, HE is faithful to us.  

We all have free will and we can choose to be in a relationship with GOD or we can reject HIM.

If we choose the former, GOD is ever faithful.  GOD has promised us eternity with HIM on one single condition, that we accept HIS grace.  And what, you may ask, is HIS grace.  HIS grace is to free us from our sinful ways that separate us from HIM.  And this is given when we accept that we:

Are sinners.

That Jesus came to earth, lived a sinless life and took all our sins to the cross with Him where He died and washed our sins as white as snow. He rose from the dead on the third day and conquered death for our sake so that we can live in eternity with our FATHER.

Make no mistake, GOD created us all for eternity.  And the question is, where do you want to spend eternity.  Heaven or Hell.  Because that is the choice.  And only you can make it.

So, if you have never done it, admit that you are sinner.  Ask GOD to forgive you.  Accept that Jesus is the Son of GOD and that He is our Lord and our Saviour, and then confess this with your mouth.  You will be filled with the Holy Spirit and you will be saved.

Choose life with GOD today!

Prayer:  ABBA FATHER, today I choose life with YOU.  I admit that I am a sinner.  I believe that Jesus is my Lord and my Saviour.  I confess this with my mouth.  FATHER, fill me with YOUR Holy Spirit.  I pray this in the Holy Name of Jesus Christ.  Amen.

Stay truly GOD blessed today!


Tuesday, 9 March 2021

Listen to GOD

 Our FATHER in Heaven is listening to us.  All the time.  GOD is omniscient, GOD is omnipotent and GOD is omnipresent.  So even if we cannot hear GOD, HE hears each one of us.

And GOD wants us to listen to HIM.  HE wants us to know HIM and HE wants a living relationship with each of us.

So how do we hear GOD?  We read HIS word daily.  We pray to HIM about everything.  We look for GOD.  Because Jesus told us: "Seek and ye shall find, knock and the door shall be opened."

So today, let us knock on GOD's door and tell HIM and that we want HIM in our lives and we are willing to listen to HIM.

Prayer:  ABBA FATHER, I thank YOU for YOUR love and kindness.  I thank YOU that YOU hear me, even when I do not hear YOU.  FATHER, help me to know YOUR voice and to listen to YOU.  I pray this in the Holy Name of Jesus Christ.  Amen.

Stay truly GOD blessed today!

Thursday, 4 March 2021

GOD is LORD of all!

 Our GOD is great.  Our GOD can do anything for us if it is HIS will to do so.  What GOD asks of us is that we have no other gods in our lives.  What that means is that we do not hold anything above GOD.  Not our families, not our jobs, our money, our homes or anything must be held above GOD. 

GOD is the head of everything.  And we need to know that without GOD we are nothing.  Therefore as children of GOD we need to bow down to our FATHER in Heaven.  We need to heed HIS voice and listen to HIS instruction.  We need to obey all ten of the commandments. 

Many people today, say that the 10 commandments are not relevant.  But Jesus preached the Old Testament.  Jesus prayed to His FATHER in Heaven about everything.  When He was tempted in the dessert, He prayed.  Before His crucifixion, He prayed.  And we need to do the same.  We need to take everything to our FATHER in Heaven.

Prayer:  ABBA FATHER, I bring my life to YOU.  Guide me in everything I do.  I pray this in the Holy Name of Jesus Christ.   Amen.

Stay Graciously GOD blessed today! 

Wednesday, 3 March 2021

Obey GOD's commandments!

 When we obey GOD's teachings and commandments, Jesus promises us that GOD will love us.  GOD and Jesus and The Holy Spirit will come and live with us and they will make their home with us.

Let us contemplate this tonight.  Are we ready to receive GOD and Jesus and the Holy Spirit.  Are our bodies clean and Holy enough to receive THEM?

Let us give our FATHER the glory that HE is due.  Let us cleanse our bodies from all the grime of this world.  Let us cleanse our hearts and our minds.  Let us put away slander and bad language and let us choose to put in the Holy Spirit and the glory of our FATHER in Heaven.

Prayer: Heavenly FATHER, today I choose to follow YOU and YOUR teachings. Forgive me my sins, FATHER.   Help me to fill my body with YOUR Holy Spirit and YOUR goodness and mercy.  Let me follow YOU FATHER and let my body be a place to receive YOU.  I pray this in the Holy Name of Jesus Christ.  Amen.

Stay truly GOD blessed today!

Tuesday, 2 March 2021

Obey GOD!

 We are called on by GOD to obey HIM.  When we accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and our Saviour, we need to know that GOD is our FATHER.  And the FATHER is the head of the household.  

There are rules in the house of GOD.  And the first rule is that we love GOD with all our hearts, with all our souls, with all our strength and will all our minds.  The second is that we love one another.

In a serious relationship with GOD, we need to listen out for our FATHER's voice.  We need to know our FATHER and to hear HIM when HE talks to us.  But most of all, we need to obey HIS will.

Prayer:  ABBA FATHER, today, I thank YOU that I am able to have a relationship with YOU.  Show me YOUR will today, FATHER.  I pray this in the Holy Name of Jesus Christ.  Amen.

Stay truly GOD blessed today!

Monday, 1 March 2021

Our GOD is greater than anything on earth or in the heavens!

 Our GOD is greater than the heavens and the earth.  Our GOD knows our going out and our coming in.  Our GOD knows every breath that we will take.  Our GOD can do anything.

Therefore, today, if you think that you are facing the impossible, take it to GOD.  Take it to our FATHER in prayer.  Ask for HIS help and if it is within HIS plan, you shall have it.

Do not be afraid to ask GOD.  It does not matter how big or how small, your prayer is heard.  If your prayer is not answered, talk to GOD and ask HIM what HIS will is for your life.  Ask HIM to guide you and HE will be your guide.

And your foot shall not stumble or slip.  GOD will be with you today!

Prayer:  ABBA FATHER, I thank YOU for prayers answered.  I asked for safe passage and YOU have graciously granted it.  I thank YOU GOD in the Holy Name of Jesus Christ.  Amen.

Stay truly GOD blessed today!

JESUS - SAVIOUR of the world!

Dearest CHRIST followers we are so privileged to be able to celebrate the birth of our SAVIOUR  this Christmas.  For I know that I am not re...