Wednesday, 31 March 2021

The way to GOD!

 Tonight I have really bad news for all the people who may read this blog and think that they are good people and are going to Heaven through their good deeds.  

Unfortunately, we on earth, every single one of us, are the worst sinners.  You may say to yourself, "not me".  Yes you.  Each and every one of us falls way short of the Glory of GOD.  We are just sinners.

But our Gracious, GOOD  loving FATHER blessed us with HIS grace through the life of HIS Son, Jesus Christ.  HE sent Jesus to earth, born of a VIRGIN mother so that no sin was in Him.  Jesus - GOD, gave up His Deity, to become humanity.  

Jesus lived on earth, died on the cross and took all our sins onto the cross.  Where Jesus washed our sins as white as snow.  Those are ALL our past sins, our present sins and our future sins.  Because, try as we might, we will never not be sinners.  And you may argue and say that you never sin.  Not true.  Even a white lie is a lie.  Every single time we think a bad thought we are sinning.

Now the beauty of the GRACE of GOD is this.  We can at any time in our lives, confess that we are sinners.  Admit to GOD that we fall way short of HIS glory.  Believe in our hearts that Jesus is our Redeemer.  Confess this truth with our mouths to GOD.  

This results in us being set free in Jesus Christ.  The Holy Spirit will come and live in us when we do this.  The Holy Spirit will gradually change our hearts and our minds to be more in line with Christ.  And we will be saved.  The saved part is instant when we confess the truth of the way to redemption.

That is why Jesus said, "the first shall be last and the last shall be first".

Today admit that you are a sinner.  Believe in your heart that Jesus is the way the truth and the life.  Confess this to GOD.  Be saved today!  

And, just for the record, no amount of good deeds will replace the above.  You cannot be saved any other way.  Good works follow when we are filled with the Holy Spirit.  Not the other way around.

Prayer:  ABBA FATHER, please forgive my sins as I forgive those who tresspass against me.  I pray FATHER, that I believe Jesus is my Lord, my Saviour and my Redeemer.  I confess this with my mouth.  Come fill me with YOUR Holy Spirit.  I pray this in the Holy Name of Jesus Christ.  Amen.

Stay graciously GOD blessed today!

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 Dearest CHRIST followers, we serve a TRIUNE GOD.   Our FATHER is three persons in one.  HE is GOD the FATHER.   HE is GOD the SON.   HE is ...