Saturday, 30 September 2023

Ask in faith!

 Dear Christ followers, if we want wisdom, we are told all we need to do is to ask GOD and it will be given to us generously.

This is true, because we have the example of King Solomon.  He asked for wisdom and was given it in abundance.

What our part in this is that we ask and then believe that it will be given to us.

This is true faith. 

When we ask for wisdom and do not get it, it is not GOD rejecting our request, it is us doubting that GOD will indeed give it to us.

Think about the some of the people of the Bible.  Abraham believed GOD and it was credited to him as righteousness.

We need to believe that our FATHER truly loves us and that HE will always keep HIS promises.  Do not allow the evil one to bring doubt into your minds.  Take those thoughts captive and believe in GOD and trust that HE will always give us what is truly good for us.  Wisdom is good for us.

Prayer:  ABBA FATHER, I trust YOU and I love YOU.  FATHER I humbly ask that today YOU give me wisdom.  I humbly ask this in the Holy name of Jesus Christ.  Amen.

Stay faithfully Jesus Blessed today!

Friday, 29 September 2023

Love the LORD your GOD!

 Dear Christ followers, when asked what the greatest commandment is, do you know what the answer is?

It is not to love your neighbour as yourself, no.  It is to love the LORD your GOD with all your heart, with all your sould and all your mind.

That is indeed a great commission and a great commandment.  It means that GOD is to come first in our lives, GOD is to be the last in our lives and GOD is to be everything in between.

Are we loving GOD like this?  If not then it is time to reorganise our hearts and minds.

If GOD is not first in our lives, then what is?

GOD loves you and I so much that HE sent HIS only begotten SON to die for our sins.  

Would we do the same for GOD?

Today, let us take stock and see what is stealing our priority with the LORD and then repent and put GOD back at first place, where HE belongs.

Prayer:  ABBA FATHER, I humbly pray that YOU help me to spend more and more time with YOU.  I humbly pray this in the Holy Name of Jesus Christ.  Amen.

Stay faithfully Jesus Blessed today!

Thursday, 28 September 2023

All part of one body in Christ Jesus!

 Dear Christ followers, we need each other now more than ever.  In isolation and without each other and being able to share the gifts which have been given to each of us, we can achieve very little.  But when we work together and pray together and serve together, we can make such a difference.

Prayer is far more powerful when two or more are praying together.  Service is far more effective, when we get together to help each other.

A church is not a church with only one person.  A church becomes a church when members join and unite in the power of our LORD and Saviour Jesus Christ.  

Obviously our own individual prayers are always heard.  But to come together, united by a desire to serve Jesus and to spread the gospel and to comfort and support one another, we can do so much more.

So today, if you are not part of any group or any church, my suggestion is to find a group or even just a prayer partner and start to share prayers and Scripture reading and then grow together.

Prayer:  ABBA FATHER, I thank YOU that I am able to fellowship in YOUR Holy Name with like minded people.  FATHER help all those who are reading this and who do not have anyone to pray with to find someone to pray and fellowship with.  

I humbly pray this in the Holy name of Jesus Christ.  Amen.

Stay faithfully Jesus Blessed today!

Wednesday, 27 September 2023

Thanking GOD

Dear Christ followers in these times we need to be praying earnestly.  As we hear of wars, and rumours of wars, earthquakes, floods, famines and false truths, we really need to be praying to GOD.

But more than prayer, we need to be thanking GOD each and every day. We have so many blessings.  

And in so many ways GOD is not only hearing our prayers, HE is answering them.

Many times we are praying and praying and not stopping to take stock and to realize that GOD is actually answering our prayers.

Our FATHER needs to be glorified for what HE is doing and for everything HE has done already.

In this Psalm above, David is asking our LORD to hear him and to be merciful to him.  In the very next verse, he is thanking GOD for turning his wailing into dancing and removing his sackcloth and clothing him with joy.

In the same way, if we are truthful, our prayers are being answered and our wailing is being turned into joy.

Today, let us be thankful and praise our FATHER in Heaven.

Prayer:  ABBA FATHER, today I thank YOU for all the prayers that YOU have answered. I thank YOU that YOU have turned my wailing into dancing and my sackcloth into joy.  I humbly thank YOU in the Holy Name of Jesus Christ.  Amen.

Stay gratefully Jesus Blessed today!

Tuesday, 26 September 2023

By Faith!

 God spoke the universe into existance.  It was not made from anything.  Without GOD there was nothing.

Then GOD made man after HE had made all the earth and everything in it.  We are not an accident or the result of a big bang, which would have resulted in chaos.

Rather we are perfectly formed and made in the image of GOD.

Now we have come from GOD and to GOD we shall return.  But only through Jesus Christ.  We need to grow our faith and live by faith, in the full knowledge that through the Grace of GOD we have been given a chance to spend eternity with our FATHER in Heaven.

All we need to do is to have faith in Jesus Christ as our Redeemer.  And we need to repent of our sins.  Because all have sinned and fallen short of the Glory of GOD.

Today, let us turn towards our Redeemer and through faith be saved for eternity.

Prayer:  ABBA FATHER, I thank YOU for YOUR mercy and YOUR grace.  I know that my Redeemer lives.  I thank YOU in the Holy Name of Jesus Christ.  Amen.

Stay faithfully Jesus Blessed today!

Monday, 25 September 2023

Seek GOD diligently

 Dear Christ followers, when we accept Jesus as our LORD and Saviour, we have faith.  This faith comes through our belief.  But we cannot just have faith and do nothing with it.

We need to grow our faith.  

So how do we do this?  And the verse above gives us the answer.  We need to diligently seek GOD.

GOD loves you and me.  GOD wants us to have a living, loving relationship with HIM.  This comes about when we get to know who GOD really is.  We can find out who GOD is by prayer, reading the Bible and fellowshiping with fellow Christ followers.

The nature and character of GOD are revealed to us the more we seek HIM.  Here we are told that GOD rewards those who diligently seek HIM.

This is not a monetary reward.   This is the reward of knowing that GOD hears our prayers.  It is knowing that GOD is living, loving, Holy, Majestic, kind, just, merciful and gracious.

It is peace of knowing that we are in a relationship with our FATHER, the CREATOR of everything.

Prayer:  ABBA FATHER, today I thank YOU for YOUR immense Grace.  I thank YOU that I know that YOU are my FATHER and that I may call YOU ABBA.

FATHER, I humbly thank YOU for all that I am and for the immense faith that I am blessed with and I thank YOU in the Holy Name of Jesus Christ, my Redeemer.  

Stay amazingly Jesus Blessed today!

Sunday, 24 September 2023

Bought with the Blood of Jesus!

Dear Christ followers, are you aware that Jesus has bought your salvation?   HE paid the price in full so that we can be forgiven of our sins.

The price Jesus paid was in the blood that HE spilled on that Cross of Calvary.  HE took all the punishment that we deserved so that if we accept Jesus as our Saviour, our punishment that we fully deserve is forgiven.

This is our salvation and it is the only way to salvation.

We cannot work our way into Heaven.  We cannot earn our way into Heaven.  No one else can get us into Heaven except Jesus Christ.

Therefore it is time that we tell others that if they do not accept Jesus and repent, they will not be getting to Heaven.  And this is not my opinion.  This is the Grace of GOD and HIS huge love for us that HE sent HIS Son to die on that Cross and to pay for our sins.

Please tell someone today that Jesus died for them.  If we only tell one person and save one person, at least we have not "buried" our talent in the ground.

Prayer:  ABBA FATHER, I humbly pray that someone reads this prayer today and comes to Jesus.  I humbly pray this in the Holy Name of Jesus Christ.  Amen.

Stay graciously Jesus Blessed today!

Saturday, 23 September 2023

Edify GOD

This verse above is particularly pertinent today.  A lot of things are legal, but they are against the commandments that GOD has given to us.

As Christ followers, we need to be very sure that although the things we see may be lawful, in the eyes of GOD they are abhorrent.

We need to know the Bible and follow what the Bible says.  This is why it is so important to read the Bible daily and to pray.  That way we can learn what is pleasing to GOD and what is not.

If we see people breaking the laws of GOD, it does not mean that we should follow their example. 

As Christ followers, all that we are, all that we do and all that we say should bring glory to GOD and if it does not, we need to abstain from it. 

We need to be the light of this world and not partake in the darkness at all.

Prayer:  ABBA FATHER, I humbly pray today that all that I do, think and say may bring Glory to YOU.  I pray this in the Holy name of Jesus Christ.  Amen.

Stay graciously Jesus Blessed today!

Friday, 22 September 2023

Do everything to the Glory of GOD!

Dear Christ followers, in everything we do, we are to give glory to GOD our FATHER.  When Jesus taught us how to pray, HE said:

"Our FATHER, who art in Heaven

Hallowed by THY Name".

Thus teaching us that no matter what we are doing, we are to be doing it to the Glory of our FATHER in Heaven.

Today, let us resolve to give the glory to our FATHER who has given us everything we have, made us who we are, given us the earth to live on and the air to breathe.

When we eat, let us give thanks to GOD, when we wake up let us give thanks to GOD, when we drive let us give thanks to GOD, when we go to sleep, let us give thanks to GOD, when we work, let us give thanks to GOD.  

In every single detail of our lives, let us give thanks to GOD, thus giving HIM all the Power and the Glory and the Majesty that HE deserves for what HE has done for us.

Prayer:  ABBA FATHER, today I thank YOU for all that I am and all that I have.  I give YOU all the Power and the Glory and the Majesty, because YOU have given me everything. I thank YOU in the Holy Name of Jesus Christ, My Redeemer, whom YOU have given to me.  Amen.

Stay thankfully Jesus Blessed today!


Thursday, 21 September 2023

Bring our bodies into subjection!

 Dear Christ followers, we are born sinful and accepting Jesus and repenting does not mean that we are automatically becoming sinless.  But it does mean that we need to sin less.   Our bodies and our minds are under our own control and we have free will.  This has been given to us by our loving FATHER so that we have the right to choose for ourselves the directions of our lives.

But if we want to sin less, we need to bring our bodies and our minds under the subjection of our desire to be more like Jesus.

This means training ourselves daily and the help of fellow Christ followers to be grow more humble, more kind, more patient, more loving and more generous of spirit.

This can be achieved with a daily dose of prayer, and not just one.  We need to pray often and about everything.  We need to read the Word of GOD.  We need our fellow Christ followers to motivate us and to share in our lives.

We need to represent Jesus on earth and to shine HIS light on this earth. 

And this is what Paul is saying in the passage above.

Prayer:  ABBA FATHER, I humbly ask that YOU send YOUR Holy Spirit to fill me up daily and to convict me to train harder to become more and more like Jesus.  Incline my ears to YOUR Word FATHER and incline my heart to be more like Jesus.  I humbly pray this in the Holy Name of Jesus Christ.  Amen.

Stay obediently Jesus Blessed today!

Wednesday, 20 September 2023

Do Not Worry!

Jesus continued talking to the multitudes on the Mount and He gave them this instruction.

We are not to be anxious for our lives.  GOD knows our every need.  What we need to have is faith that our FATHER in Heaven, knowing our needs, will provide for us.

This does not mean that we need to stop working and stop earning a living and wait for GOD.

What it means is that we need to have faith, that GOD will provide for our needs.

After all, GOD has created a perfect earth filled with all the things we need to have life on earth.

We have gravity, keeping us on the earth.  We have oxygen to breathe and we have water and food.  What we need to know is that all of this came from GOD.  

When we face hard times, we need to have faith in our FATHER and know that before we need anything, our FATHER knows what we need and if we ask in faith, we will receive.  

Prayer:  ABBA FATHER I thank YOU that YOU know what I need.  I know FATHER that YOU provide for me.  I thank YOU in the Holy Name of Jesus Christ.  Amen.

Stay gratefully Jesus Blessed today!

Tuesday, 19 September 2023

Blessed are the pure in heart!

 Dear Christ followers, our FATHER in heaven reads our hearts.  HE knows our going out and our coming in.  HE knitted us together in our mother's womb.  HE numbers our day.  HE knows how many hairs we have on our heads.

While we may be able to hide our thoughts from each other, the one Person who knows everything about is our FATHER.

This is a daunting thought.  But it is also immensely comforting.

Because our FATHER loves us and our FATHER wants the very best for each and every one of us.

Today is the day to get right with GOD.

Let us clear out the clutter.  Let us ask GOD to forgive of our sins and let us forgive those who have sinned against us.  Let us resolve to draw closer to GOD and to live our lives in the sure knowledge that we are greatly loved by our FATHER.  

If this were not so, HE would not have sent HIS only Son to die on that Cross of Calvary for each and every one of us.

Prayer:  ABBA FATHER, today I humbly ask that YOU forgive my sins as I forgive all those who have sinned against me.  FATHER I thank YOU that YOU loved me before I loved YOU.  I humbly pray that YOU make me more and more like Jesus each and every day.  I pray this in Holy Name of Jesus Christ.  Amen.

Stay Graciously Jesus Blessed today!

Monday, 18 September 2023

Through Jesus to GOD!

 Dear Christ followers, all of us came to this earth from GOD.  We would not be here if GOD had not created the earth, the heavens and the universe.

Jesus is the WORD.  The earth and the universe were spoken into existence through Jesus in the beginning.

Therefore, once we accept Jesus as our LORD and our SAVIOUR, we have come full circle, from being created by GOD and coming back to GOD through Jesus.

We can only come to GOD through Jesus.  There is no other way.

If we want to go back and spend eternity with GOD in Heaven then we have to accept Jesus.

And we are not going to do that if we do not believe in Jesus and repent of our sins.

As stated many many times, repentence is a one hundred and eighty degree turning away from our sins.

So to come back to what Paul is saying above, there is one GOD the FATHER and we get to HIM through HIS Son, the CREATOR of all, JESUS CHRIST.

Prayer:  ABBA FATHER, today I thank YOU that YOU have given me life on earth and the opportunity to come back to YOU through Jesus Christ, my LORD and my SAVIOUR.  I humbly thank YOU in the Holy Name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

Stay graciously Jesus Blessed today!

Sunday, 17 September 2023

GOD reads our hearts!

 Dear Christ followers, when we accept Jesus as our Redeemer the Holy Spirit takes up residence within our hearts.  We are filled with the Holy Spirit.  The Holy Spirit guides us into Holy living.

This does not mean we become sinless, but it does mean that we are sinning less as the Holy Spirit convicts us not to continue in our sins.

Now if a person displays certain characteristics that are not of a Christ follower, we must question whether indeed that person is true a Christ follower.

We can only read the characteristics of that person, but GOD reads the heart.  GOD knows our thoughts.  GOD knows the number of hairs on our heads.

So in actual fact, we can leave the judgement of others to GOD.  We can point out to the person that their actions belie their beliefs, but we cannot act in manner that is anything but loving and being as Jesus was.

When Jesus met the woman at the well, HE knew she was living in sin.  And HE said to her to bring her husband to HIM knowing full well that she had no husband. When she said she had no husband, HE said that it is true.  But at no time was HE anything but civil to her.  HE did not insult her, HE simply told her the truth in love.  

She instantly knew that she was a sinner and went away and called others to come to see and hear JESUS.

This is a very good example to us.  

Prayer:  ABBA FATHER, I thank YOU that I have accepted Jesus as my LORD and my Redeemer.  FATHER show me how to behave more like Jesus each and every day and in every situation.  I humbly ask this in the Holy Name of Jesus Christ.  Amen.

Stay amazingly Jesus Blessed today!

Saturday, 16 September 2023

Live the like GOD has called you to!

 Dear Christ followers, do you know your purpose in this world?  If you are still wondering what it is, please know this.

This life is fleeting in comparison to eternity.  And none of us will escape eternity.  We are all going to live somewhere after we die on this earth.  There are only two options of where that will be.  Heaven or hell.

To know our purpose in life, we need to read the Bible, develop a living relationship with GOD and then our purpose becomes very clear.

Our purpose on earth is to give glory to GOD and to tell others about the Gospel of Jesus.  We can all be in Heaven if we will but believe in Jesus Christ.

Now, you do not have to go out and preach if that is not your "calling".  But you do need to ensure that you tell you family about Jesus if they do not know HIM.

If you are a confident evangelist, then you need to tell others.  

Not all of us are called to be preachers or teachers, but all of us who believe in Jesus are to be the light of Jesus on this earth.  The Bible teaches us that.  Do not hide your light when you live in the light and see others who do not.

Prayer:  ABBA FATHER, I humbly pray that YOU show me how to spread the Good news that we can all be saved if we will believe in Jesus Christ as our LORD and Saviour.  I humbly pray this in the Holy name of Jesus Christ.  Amen.

Stay graciously Jesus Blessed today!

Friday, 15 September 2023

Choose Heaven today!

 Dear Christ followers, how very blessed we are.  We have chosen Jesus and put our faith and our hope in HIM as our Blessed Redeemer.  For all those who have not done so, here in the passage above, Paul gives really stern warnings.

We need to know that we may not have tomorrow.  

Today is the day to decide to live for Jesus, to accept Jesus, to repent of our sins and get right with GOD.

All our sins have been paid for in full through the blood Jesus spilled on that Cross of Calvary so that you and I are righteous before GOD.

It is sometimes very difficult to know people who have not accepted Jesus and to think of the fate that awaits them if they should pass away today or if the Rapture happens. They cannot choose Jesus after they have passed off this earth.

Let us thank GOD for our Saviour and our Redeemer today and know that we are indeed truly blessed to have been saved.

Prayer:  ABBA FATHER, I thank YOU in the Holy Name of Jesus Christ for YOUR Grace, YOUR mercy and YOUR lovingkindness.  I thank YOU in the Holy Name of Jesus Christ, my Lord, my Redeemer.  Amen.

Stay thankfully Jesus Blessed today!

Thursday, 14 September 2023

Live for Jesus!

 Dear Christ followers, if we truly believe in Jesus, we have to die to self.  We have to become new people.  We simply cannot go on living our "old ways".

This means that Jesus is first in everything we think, everything we say and everything we do.  Then our spouses and then our children.

We cannot deceive ourselves and believe that we are saved, but put Jesus on the "back burner" of our lives, with a quick prayer here or there and perhaps a visit to a Church once in a while.

We have to start to know Jesus and the true character of our GOD.  This means daily reading of the Bible, prayers for everything, before we eat, when we wake up and when we go to sleep.  Praying really builds our relationship with GOD.

The indwelling of the Holy Spirit convicts us to walk as Jesus would have walked had HE been in our situation.

This does not mean we will be sinless, but we will certainly start to sin less and when we do sin, we will feel an instant remorse.  This is a fact.

So today, let us evaluate our walk with Jesus.  Are we growing in our faith and walk or are we just the same as when we first believed?

Prayer:  ABBA FATHER, today I thank YOU that I know Jesus and I love YOU FATHER.  I thank YOU that I know that my Redeemer lives.  I humbly thank YOU in the Holy Name of Jesus Christ.  Amen.

Stay amazingly Jesus Blessed today!

Wednesday, 13 September 2023

Judge Nothing!

Dear Christ followers we are to be the Light of Jesus shining in this very dark world.  It is not our work to judge people as Paul tells us in the passage above.

This does not mean that we do not see the evil all around us.  But it is not our work to judge it.

The day of our LORD is approaching, I believe, quite rapidly and as such we need to be watching and waiting.  Most of all, we need to be ready to go with Jesus to our eternal home.

Therefore, as times get harder and the world gets ever more ready to enter into the final phase before our FATHER sends HIS Son back to fetch HIS bride (us, the church on earth), let us be ready.  Let us have repented.  Let us be about our FATHER's business spreading the gospel.

Prayer:  ABBA FATHER, I thank YOU that YOU are coming back to this earth to fetch YOUR bride.  May we be ready to go with you in the twinkling of an eye.

I humbly pray this in the Holy Name of Jesus Christ.  Amen.

Stay amazingly Jesus Blessed today!

Tuesday, 12 September 2023

Our bodies are the temples of the LORD!

 Dear Christ followers.  When we accept Jesus as our LORD and Saviour, the Holy Spirit comes to live in us.

We therefore become the Temple of the LORD, because the Holy Spirit is GOD.

Now Peter was shown by GOD that it is not what we put into our mouths that which  defiles us but what comes out of our mouths.

For this reason, we need to become people who fully reflect the light of Jesus on this earth.

We should not engage in course language and neither should we engage in idle gossip.  We need to be the light shining in the dark.

This is what a Temple of GOD is.  It is a beacon of light and hope to those people who are living in darkness without Jesus in their lives.

Are we light or are we dark?  Let us decide today!

Prayer:  ABBA FATHER help me to be the light shining in this dark world of ours.  Help me to avoid course language and idle gossip.  I humbly ask this in the Name of Jesus Christ.  Amen.

Stay graciously Jesus Blessed!

Monday, 11 September 2023

Are we looking forward to Heaven?

 In his letter to the Corinthians, Paul writes that no one has seen and no one has heard nor has any mind conceived the things that GOD has prepared for those who love HIM.

If we read in Revelation and other parts of the Bible just some of the descriptions of the visions of GOD and of Heaven, we simply cannot imagine that a place like Heaven even exists.

But of one thing I am sure, Heaven is a very real place and GOD lives there with Jesus and the Holy Spirit.

This is our eternal home and nothing on earth or in the universe can compare to the reality of spending eternity in the presence of our CREATOR FATHER.

The love and the beauty of our FATHER will astound us.  And we can live there forever if we accept Jesus as our LORD and our SAVIOUR.

That is all it takes. 

Prayer:  ABBA FATHER, I thank YOU that I have Heaven to look forward to.  I thank YOU that I will be able to spend eternity in YOUR Divine Presence.  I thank YOU in the Holy Name of Jesus Christ.  Amen.

Stay amazingly Jesus Blessed today!

Sunday, 10 September 2023

Our strength lies in Christ alone!

 Dear Christ followers, we all have our challenges in life.  Some more than others and some more intense than others still.

Whatever trials and tribulations we are facing, we are not alone when we have accepted Jesus.

Firstly, we have the Comforter, the Holy Spirit living in us.  Secondly Jesus Christ is always with us and we know GOD is with us.

So we are not alone in this.  What we need to do is to hand over our will to that of GOD and let HIS will be done and not ours.

There is such strength in that.  We can take heart and know that we are never abandoned once we are children of GOD.

Prayer:  ABBA FATHER, I thank YOU that I can do all things through Jesus who is my strength and my shield, an ever present help in times of trouble.  I thank YOU in the Holy Name of Jesus Christ.  Amen.

Stay amazingly Jesus Blessed today!

Saturday, 9 September 2023

Worthy Art THOU, our LORD and our GOD!

 Our FATHER is Heaven, our Triune GOD, our CREATOR, our SAVIOUR, HE is truly worthy to receive all the Glory, all the Honour and all the Power for HE created all things. 

Without our GOD, nothing was created.

We are the product of DIVINE CREATOR.  We are also the people with whom our FATHER wants to commune.

That is why, when Adam and Eve sinned, sin came into the world and GOD had to send HIS Only Son to save us all from our sinful ways.  Without Jesus Christ, we would have to try to live according to the Mosaic laws.  And this is impossible, because there is not one of us Righteous.  No not even one.

But through acceptance of Jesus Christ as the Son of our FATHER, and our faith alone, we are saved and we will commune with our FATHER in Heaven when we leave this earth and go to be our FATHER in Heaven.

Prayer:  ABBA FATHER, today I thank YOU for all that I have in my relationship with YOU and with Jesus and the Holy Spirit.  FATHER, I humbly ask that YOU fill me to overflowing with YOUR Holy Spirit each and every day to be able to be a good ambassador for YOU on earth.  I ask this in the Holy Name of Jesus Christ.  Amen.

Stay amazingly Jesus Blessed today!

Friday, 8 September 2023

Our HOPE is in Jesus Christ Alone!

 Dear Christ followers, this world and the things of this world will eventually be replaced by a new earth and new Heaven.

This is promised to us by GOD in a few instances in the Bible and the last being in Revelation.

So let us not concentrate on trying to look at this world and what we have or what we want, but let us rather store up for ourselves things in Heaven where our hope is.

Our Hope is Jesus Christ and He has gone before us to prepare our place there and HE will return and fetch us.  Whether that is now or very soon or after we have passed on from this world.

But this confidence I have, HE will come and fetch HIS bride, (The Church) that where HE is there we may be also.  Of this I am one hundred percent sure.

Therefore fix our eyes on that which is unseen.  It is our Hope!

Prayer:  ABBA FATHER, how faithful and wonderful YOU are.  Blessed be YOUR Holy Name, both now and forever.  FATHER my HOPE is in YOU.  My HOPE is JESUS, my Lord, my Saviour, my Redeemer.  I humbly pray this in the Holy Name of Jesus Christ.  Amen.

Stay amazingly Jesus Blessed today!

Thursday, 7 September 2023

The LORD sees our hearts

 Dear Christ followers, we are living in a world full of deception.  We are being deceived at every step and turn.  We are being asked to accept "your truth" or "my truth" to name but one deception.

What we need to know and to understand is expressed here in this verse above.

The LORD does not look at our outward appearance.  The LORD looks at our hearts.  The LORD knows our very inmost thoughts.

We cannot deceive the LORD about anything.

So today, let us look inwardly and see what the LORD sees in our own hearts.  Are we deceptive or are we truly thinking thoughts that would please the LORD.

Prayer:  ABBA FATHER, I humbly pray that YOU fill me anew with YOUR Holy Spirit so that I may grow to be more and more like Jesus each and every day.  I humbly pray this in the Holy Name of Jesus Christ.  Amen.

Stay amazingly graciously Jesus Blessed today!

Wednesday, 6 September 2023

Aceepting people like Jesus accepted us!

 Dear Christ followers, I am not sure if it is only me but it is getting really hard to live in this world without feeling that I just do not belong.

As we see the world growing dimmer and the people becoming more and more debased, greedy and impatient with one another, it is really difficult to accept each other as Christ has accepted us.

This is something I am really struggling with.  But this is what Paul says we are required to do.

So today, let us pray that we find acceptance in our hearts for the people on earth.

No matter what our personal opinions are, we need to be more and more like Jesus as we grow in faith.

Prayer:  ABBA FATHER, today help me to accept people the way Christ has accepted me.  FATHER help me to be convicted by the Holy Spirit the moment that I do not accept people the way Jesus did to me.  I humbly pray this in the Holy Name of Jesus Christ.  My Lord, my Saviour, my Redeemer.


Stay acceptingly Jesus Blessed today!

Tuesday, 5 September 2023

GOD's Love lavished on us!

 Dearest Christ followers, of one thing I am very sure, GOD loves you and HE loves me.  There is no earthly ways that GOD could watch HIS only Son die for our sins if HE did not love us.

Remember that Abraham loved the LORD above anything, even the son he was given late in life.  Abraham was willing to sacrifice Isaac in obedience to the FATHER who had given him this miraculous son.

How greatly we are loved that we might be called children of GOD.

For that is what we are when we accept Jesus Christ as our LORD and Saviour.

And as John says above, the reason that we are not known in th world is that the world does not know Jesus.

When we truly accept Jesus as our Saviour, we need to start living for Jesus.  No longer are we first in our lives, Jesus is. No longer can we behave as we did in the past, our question always should be "what would Jesus do"?

Once we are Christ followers and filled with the Holy Spirit we start to long for Jesus.  Truly the things of this world grow strangely dim.

Prayer:  ABBA FATHER, I thank YOU for being so loved that I am a child of YOURS.  FATHER fill me anew each day with YOUR Holy Spirit to convict me day by day to be more and more like Jesus in everything I think, say and do.  I humbly pray this in the Holy Name of Jesus Christ.  Amen.

Stay graciously Jesus Blessed today!

Monday, 4 September 2023

We have not been give the Spirit of Fear!

 Our Gracious FATHER in Heaven has given us, Christ followers, the Spirit of Power, of love and of a sound mind.

GOD loves us and HE does not want us to live in fear.

Fear is the exact opposite of peace.  And Jesus said to His disciples, in John 14:27

"Peace Ieave with you; my peace I give you.  I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid."

And this is what we have when we trust completely in Jesus and the Comforter He sent to us to live in us.

Whenever we feel afraid, we need to pray earnestly for GOD to remind us that we always have our Comforter and our prayers are always heard in Heaven.

Today let us place all our trust in our Wonderful, Gracious, Mighty ABBA FATHER.

Prayer:  ABBA FATHER, I humbly pray that whenever I feel afraid, YOU will remind me that I am loved and that I need not fear, because YOU are with me always.  I humbly pray this in the Holy name of Jesus Christ.  Amen.

Stay amazingly Jesus Blessed today!

Sunday, 3 September 2023


 Dearest Christ followers, let us give thanks to the LORD for HIS steadfast love endures forever.

Our FATHER is faithful to all generations.

No matter what we are facing at the moment, we should give thanks to the LORD.

This can be extremely hard to do when life seems to be giving us a proper kick in the ribs.

But when we thank our FATHER for HIS grace, we need to know that HE is listening and HE hears all our prayers.

We can tell our FATHER about our problems, knowing that HE is gracious and merciful.  But remember whenever we have "pictures" or "scenes" of Heaven, the angels and the Heavenly Hosts are giving thanks to our FATHER.  They are falling down and worshiping HIM.

So also we need to come before HIM in reverance.  Giving thanks and praising HIS Holy Name.

When we finally meet our FATHER, one thing I am sure of, is, we will be giving HIM all praise and worship.

Prayer:  ABBA FATHER, I thank YOU and I worship YOUR Holy Name.  FATHER YOU know the trials and tribulations of this world.  So today, I come before YOU with an attitude of gratitude because I know that YOU love me and adore YOU FATHER.  I humbly thank YOU in the Holy Name of Jesus Christ.  Amen.

Stay gratefully Jesus Blessed today!

Saturday, 2 September 2023

GOD our ever present help!

 Dear Christ followers, we are never ever alone, no matter how dark and gloomy things appear to be in our lives.

GOD is with us.  Jesus lives in us.  The Holy Spirit comforts us.  All we need to do is to call on the Mighty Name of Jesus.

Sometimes when the trials and tribulations of this life seem to hold us down and we feel like we are drowing, it is good to remember to fall on our knees and to worship our FATHER.

Our FATHER loves us, yes, each and every one of us.  HIS Mighty arms are ever reaching out to us.  All we have to do is to look up from whence cometh our help.  Our help cometh from the LORD. (Psalm 121).

And when we worship and praise our FATHER, His Mighty peace comes over us.  A peace so mighty that it transcends all understanding. (Philippians 4:6).

The great and merciful love of our FATHER quiets us in the storms of this world. 

If this is how you are feeling today, get down on your knees and cry out to our Wonderful FATHER in Heaven.  YOU will know that GOD is near to you.

Prayer:  ABBA FATHER, I thank YOU that YOU are my ever present help in times of trouble.  I thank YOU for Jesus Christ who lives and reigns in me.  I thank YOU for the Holy Spirit who comforts me.  I thank YOU in the Holy Name of Jesus Christ.  Amen.

Stay amazingly Jesus Blessed today!

Friday, 1 September 2023

The good news of GOD's Grace!

 Dear Christ followers, it is simply no use being a hearer of the Word and not a doer of the Word.

The world today is in really bad shape, and we are the "workers" of Jesus Christ here on earth need to tell people the good news of the Grace of GOD.

We need to tell people that Jesus came to this earth as the Son of GOD.  He added humanity to His Deity and lived a sinless life to be THE  pure "Lamb of GOD" in order to be punished for all our sins, past present and future.

Jesus was crucified on the Cross of Calvary, but HE conquered death and rose so that you and I might have eternal life in Heaven with our FATHER.

We cannot earn our way into Heaven, but that does not mean that we will not answer to GOD.  We will give an account of our lives to GOD.

Will we be able to tell our FATHER that we spread the Gospel?

If not, then today make a concerted effort to tell someone that you love them in the Holy Name of Jesus Christ.  Talk to someone about Jesus.  Tell them of the awesome Grace of GOD.  Spread the Gospel.  It is the right thing to do.

Prayer:  ABBA FATHER, today I humbly pray that YOU show me where I can spread the Gospel.  I humbly pray this in the Holy Name of Jesus Christ.  Amen.

Stay obediently Jesus Blessed today!

JESUS - SAVIOUR of the world!

Dearest CHRIST followers we are so privileged to be able to celebrate the birth of our SAVIOUR  this Christmas.  For I know that I am not re...