Saturday, 31 August 2024

With GOD nothing is impossible!

 Dearest Christ followers, with our FATHER nothing is impossible.  After all, our FATHER created everything on earth and in the universe.

Our FATHER can do anything HE wishes to do.

However, we often ask GOD to give us things or to do things for us that are not of HIS will.

When this happens and our prayers are not answered, a lot of us lose faith.

However, there are miracles taking place each and every day that we are not even aware of.

What we need to know, however is that with GOD all things are possible.  But we need to accept that it will be GOD's will done on earth and not our will.

Prayer:  ABBA FATHER, I thank YOU that YOU can do all things.  FATHER, I humbly pray that YOUR will be done in my life and not my will.  I pray this in the HOLY name of JESUS CHRIST.  Amen.

Stay faithfully JESUS Blessed today!

Friday, 30 August 2024

Children of GOD

 Dearest Christ followers, when we receive JESUS CHRIST into our lives as our LORD ad SAVIOUR, when we are "re born", through the Grace of GOD in faith alone, we have the power to become children of GOD.

This, however, comes with the responsibility to "act" like children of GOD.

When we become children of GOD and call ourselves a child of GOD, we need to be living lives that bring glory to GOD.

No longer are our lives ours, they belong to GOD.

We have given up our free will and we now defer to the Will of GOD.

Therefore, we need to living lives that truly bring glory to GOD.

Our speech, our behaviour, our thoughts, all need to be in line with child of GOD.  

We need to give up our old selves and put on our new selves. 

Are we living as children of GOD, or are we living for ourselves?

Prayer:  ABBA FATHER, I humbly thank YOU that I am a child of YOURS.  FATHER, I humbly pray that YOU give me the wisdom to live a life that brings glory and honour to YOU, ABBA FATHER.  I humbly pray this in the Holy Name of JESUS CHRIST.  Amen.

Stay truly JESUS Blessed today!

Thursday, 29 August 2024

Praise the Name of the LORD!

 Dearest Christ followers, we are to praise the name of the LORD all day long.  

We have been given life and time on earth by GOD.

Consider all our blessings.  Our FATHER has given us the earth and all that is in it.  Our FATHER has given us the vegetation, the animals, the people, the air that we breathe, the rain, the sunshine, the moon and the stars.

HE has given us our families, our homes, our friends.  HE has given us work to do.  

Were it not for our CREATOR FATHER, we would not be here at all.

And were it not for the Grace of our FATHER, we could never get to Heaven.  In HIS mercy HE sent HIS beloved SON JESUS to be sacrificed on the Cross to pay for all of our sins, past, present and future.  

Today, let us resolve to worship our FATHER in everything.  HE is truly a wonderful FATHER.

Prayer:  ABBA FATHER, I humbly thank YOU and praise YOU for all that YOU are and all that YOU have blessed me with.  I praise YOU in the HOLY NAME of JESUS CHRIST.  Amen.

Stay gratefully JESUS Blessed today!

Wednesday, 28 August 2024

JESUS knocks on the door!

 Dearest CHRIST followers, JESUS is knocking on the door.  I firmly believe that the Rapture is imminent.

All we are waiting for is the day that it will happen. All prophesy has been fulfilled until that event and it could happen anytime.

Are we ready?

JESUS knocks on the door and if anyone hears HIS voice and opens their door, JESUS will come in.

We, as CHRIST followers need to give every person we meet our good news.  We have booked our place in Heaven through the Grace of GOD by faith in JESUS CHRIST.

But not everyone is going to Heaven.  Only those who have accepted the Grace of GOD and put their faith in JESUS.

It is incumbent upon us all to give glory to GOD and we do that by sharing the Gospel with others.  We do not have convince them to believe, but we need to tell them they have a SAVIOUR who will save them from eternity in hell.

And the old mantra, "let everyone tell one" works well. We only need to tell them and leave the rest of the saving to the HOLY SPIRIT and JESUS.

Prayer:  ABBA FATHER, thank YOU that YOU knocked on my heart and I heard YOUR voice, and I invited YOU in.  Help me, FATHER to tell others about YOUR Grace.  I humbly pray this in the HOLY name of JESUS CHRIST.  Amen.

Stay faithfully JESUS Blessed today!

Tuesday, 27 August 2024


 Dearest Christ followers, when we repent and believe, we are filled with the HOLY SPIRIT.  HE takes us residence in us.  The HOLY SPIRIT is the third person of the Triune FATHER.  HE is GOD.

The HOLY SPIRIT was promised to all who believe by JESUS.  JESUS said that when HE left the earth, the HELPER/COMFORTER would be sent to us.

Today, we are never alone.  JESUS is always with us.  GOD is watching over us and the HOLY SPIRIT is living in us.

Therefore, we wait for the hope of righteousness, having been justified by Blood of JESUS.

Our hope is in Heaven, where our eternity awaits us and where we will spend every day in the loving presence of our CREATOR FATHER.

Maranatha LORD, come quickly!

Prayer; ABBA FATHER, I thank YOU that I can eagerly wait for the hope of righteousness through YOUR HOLY SPIRIT living in me.  I thank YOU in the HOLY name of JESUS CHRIST, my REDEEMER.   Amen.

Stay hopefully JESUS Blessed today!

Monday, 26 August 2024

Be wise!

 Dearest Christ followers, we need to be careful how we live.  When we have choices to make, let us pray about them first.

Then let us wait upon the LORD for the answers.  This is often the hardest part.  GOD does not always give us immediate answers.

Answers can take time to get to us from GOD.

The reason for this is often that during the wait we have lessons to learn, and GOD's planning and timing is always perfect.

As Paul writes above the days are evil.  The devil is prowling around like a roaring lion at the moment.

People want instant gratification.  They want "their truth".  They want everyone to respect their beliefs but are often quick to decry or deny our beliefs.

So let us live wisely.  Let us consult our FATHER about everything and in everything give the thanks and the glory to HIM.

Prayer:  ABBA FATHER, thank YOU that YOU give wisdom to all who ask for us.  Help me to live wisely and to do nothing without bringing it to YOU first.  I humbly pray this in the HOLY name of JESUS CHRIST.  Amen.

Stay wisely JESUS Blessed today!

Sunday, 25 August 2024

All glory to GOD!

 Dearest CHRIST followers, in everything we do, we are on this earth to have one purpose.  That is to glorify GOD.

Our FATHER sent JESUS CHRIST to save us from our sins so that we may have eternal life with HIM in Heaven.  All who believe in JESUS, repent and are reborn are called to shine the light of JESUS on earth so that others may come to know JESUS.

JESUS is the Way, the Truth and the Life.  No one will come to the FATHER except those who have accepted JESUS as their LORD and SAVIOUR.

Today, let us resolve that we will try, in all that we do, to bring glory to our FATHER and to shine the light of JESUS on this ever-darkening earth.

Prayer: ABBA FATHER, I humbly pray that YOU show me where I can shine YOUR light on earth and how I can do this in all that I do every day.  I humbly pray this in the HOLY name of JESUS CHRIST.  Amen.

Stay faithfully JESUS Blessed today!

Saturday, 24 August 2024

Blessed are the peacemakers!

Dearest Christ followers, we are called to be children of GOD.

A true child of GOD should aim to become more and more like JESUS. 

Now we can never be like JESUS because of our naturally sinful natures.  But what we can do is to read the words of JESUS CHRIST and then try our very best to do as JESUS instructed.

In HIS sermon on the Mount of Olives, (often referred to as the Beatitudes), JESUS gives us a whole long list of the blessings that await us if we attain to any of the attributes.  One of these is peacemakers.

This world could definitely do with more peacemakers today.  As CHRIST followers, this is an attribute we should all strive to grow.

Prayer:  ABBA FATHER, I humbly thank YOU that through YOUR grace, JESUS came to this earth and gave us such wise sermons that we can read and that we should heed.  FATHER, I humbly pray that YOU help me to try to learn to be more like JESUS.  I humbly pray this in the HOLY name of JESUS CHRIST.  Amen.

Stay prayerfully JESUS Blessed today!

Friday, 23 August 2024

JESUS died for us while we were still sinners!

 Dearest Christ followers, JESUS died for us while we were still sinners!

We have all been given the choice by our FATHER in Heaven.  We can accept JESUS as our REDEEMER, or we can reject this.

The point of this free will is that our FATHER does not want to drag anyone into Heaven kicking or screaming.  We can choose to accept JESUS or we can reject HIM.

However, no one will get to Heaven without JESUS CHRIST as their SAVIOUR.

And JESUS died for all the people on earth.  GOD wants none to go to hell.  But we can choose to accept JESUS and accept Heaven, or we can reject JESUS as go to hell.

Our choice!

Prayer:  ABBA FATHER, I thank YOU for YOUR grace.  I accept JESUS CHRIST as the LORD of my life.  FATHER, fill new anew with YOUR HOLY SPIRIT today.

I humbly pray this in the HOLY name of JESUS CHRIST.  Amen.

Stay faithfully JESUS Blessed today!

Thursday, 22 August 2024

Repent then and be refreshed!

 Dearest Christ followers, we are all sinners. Yes, when we believe in JESUS and accept HIM as our LORD and SAVIOUR, we have repented and believed.

However, day by day, we sin a little here and we sin a little there.  That is our sinful nature.  We are fighting with our flesh on a day-by-day basis.

However, we can always contemplate how we are faring in our walk with the LORD, and we can repent.

The indwelling of the HOLY SPIRIT convicts us when we sin.  And we need to ask our HOLY FATHER to forgive us.

Our FATHER's forgiveness is unconditional, providing we come to HIM in a truly repentant state.  HE reads our hearts and if we are truly sorry, HE forgives us.

This forgiveness removes our sins from us as far as the east is from the west.  They are blotted out of the books where they were recorded in Heaven.

This forgiveness will give us a complete time of refreshing and will help us to rest and remain in the LORD.

Prayer:  ABBA FATHER, I humbly thank YOU that YOU have shown me such mercy and such grace.  FATHER, today I humbly pray that YOU forgive my sins.  I humbly ask this in the HOLY Name of JESUS CHRIST.  Amen.

Stay refreshingly JESUS Blessed today!

Wednesday, 21 August 2024

Seek first the Kingdom of Heaven!

 Dearest Christ followers, Jesus, following on from HIS sermon on the Mount of Olives, said that we were not to worry about what we would eat, what we would wear.

JESUS told the people that our FATHER in Heaven knows what we need.

We need to seek the Kingdom of Heaven first, and once we are truly in CHRIST JESUS, all these things would be added to us.

This is not a claim that if we follow JESUS, we will become rich.  As is so often preached today. This is JESUS stating that our FATHER will take care of our needs when we are truly in JESUS.

CHRIST followers, in order to first seek the Kingdom of Heaven, we need to believe that JESUS is our REDEEMER.  We need to have repented from our sins and turned away from our old lives.  We need to have been "born again".

A lot of people claim to be in JESUS, but their lives do not reflect this change of heart.

Once we are truly in JESUS, our hearts change.  No longer are we slaves to the things of this world.  Our eyes and our hearts long to serve JESUS.

Prayer: ABBA FATHER, I humbly pray that YOU guide my path and my footsteps towards YOUR KINGDOM.   I humbly pray this in the HOLY name of JESUS CHRIST.  Amen.

Stay faithfully JESUS Blessed today!

Tuesday, 20 August 2024

Return to the LORD!

 Dearest Christ followers, our FATHER is faithful to those who repent.  When we truly repent and return to our FATHER with all our hearts, HE is abounding in love and slow to anger.

The problem of the heart, is the heart of the problem.

We have hardened our hearts to our FATHER.  We want to do things our way.  We do not want to relinquish our will to that of our FATHER.

As soon as we truly repent, our FATHER knows that we are repentant, and HE forgives us.  Our sins are moved away from us as far as east is from west.

Today, no matter what we have done, let us stop and repent.  Let us acknowledge our sins to our FATHER and beg for HIS mercy.  Then wait for our FATHER.  HE loves us and HE will give us HIS peace.

Prayer: ABBA FATHER, I thank YOU that YOU have lavished to much love on me and given me all the blessings.  I humbly pray that where I have sinned, FATHER, forgive my sins.  I humbly pray this in the HOLY name of JESUS CHRIST.  Amen.

Stay faithfully JESUS Blessed today!

Monday, 19 August 2024

The earth is the LORD's


Dearest Christ followers, we need to remember that our FATHER made the Heavens and the earth and all that is in it.

We live on the earth through the love and grace of GOD.  Our FATHER loves us so much that HE provided a planet for us to live on that can sustain life.

However, we also need to know that we should never worship the planet, but always worship and give glory to our CREATOR - GOD - our FATHER.

Today, with such skewed ideas about saving the planet, rather let us concentrate on saving ourselves for eternity and spreading the Gospel so that others may also share in eternity with our FATHER.

Prayer:  ABBA FATHER, I humbly thank YOU that YOU have given us the earth and everything on it.  I pray FATHER that I may have the opportunity to share YOUR grace with others.  I humbly pray this in the HOLY name of JESUS CHRIST.   Amen.

Stay graciously, thankfully JESUS Blessed today!

Saturday, 17 August 2024

Contend earnestly for the faith!

 Dearest Christ followers, Jude, in the verse above, appeals to his readers to contend earnestly for the faith.

We should also be contending earnestly for the faith.

We have received a gift from our FATHER.  This gift is given freely to all who repent and believe in JESUS CHRIST as their REDEEMER.

However, our faith is precious, and we need to nurture it and, as Jude urges, we need to contend for it. To contend with something is to "struggle" for it.

Our faith should be very precious to us.  It is the way for us to get to spend eternity with JESUS in Heaven.  It is the way to avoid spending eternity in hell.

Therefore, today, let us resolve to earnestly contend for our faith.

Prayer:  ABBA FATHER, I humbly thank YOU that YOU have given me the free gift of YOUR grace.  FATHER, I humbly pray that YOU help me to earnestly contend for my faith.  I humbly pray this in the HOLY name of JESUS CHRIST.  Amen.

Stay faithfully JESUS Blessed today!

Friday, 16 August 2024

JESUS knows everything!

Dearest CHRIST followers, in this story above, Thomas did not believe that JESUS was risen from the dead and he said so.  I have always looked at this story from the "doubting Thomas" point of view.  However, there is a double side to this story.  

Thomas told the other disciples who had seen JESUS that he would not believe that JESUS was risen,and had seen JESUS with his own eyes.

However, there is an implication here that may be overlooked.  JESUS, knowing that Thomas had told the disciples that he would not believe until he saw. 

JESUS knows everything.  In other words, this story proves that JESUS is all knowing and sees and knows everything that we think, say and do. 

This story proves the omniscience, the omnipresence and the omnipotence of our FATHER in Heaven.

Prayer:  ABBA FATHER, I thank YOU for showing me that YOU are always with me.  That you will never leave me nor forsake me.  I humbly thank YOU in the HOLY name of JESUS CHRIST.  Amen.

Stay faithfully JESUS blessed today!

Thursday, 15 August 2024

Do not lose heart or hope!

 Dearest Christ followers, we simply cannot lose heart or hope.  Our hope is in JESUS, the author and finisher of our faith.

We have to face all that life gives us each and every day.  But we are never alone.  JESUS is with us through it all.

When we weep, JESUS weeps with us.  When we are happy, JESUS shares in our joy.

JESUS loves you and JESUS loves me.  That is why HE added humanity to HIS deity, came to this earth, lived a sinless life and died, having paid the wages of all our sins.

Today, no matter what you are dealing with, take it to JESUS.  Tell JESUS.  HE wants to hear from our own lips what we need.  HE wants to share it with us.

Remember, we are being renewed in spirit each and every day. 

Prayer: ABBA FATHER, I humbly pray that YOU renew me today.  Fill me anew with YOUR HOLY SPIRIT.   FATHER, I love YOU.  I am so thankful that YOU are with me each and every moment of my life.  I pray this in the HOLY name of JESUS CHRIST.   Amen.

Stay lovingly JESUS Blessed today!

Wednesday, 14 August 2024

A slave to sin?

 Dearest Christ followers, we have been set free of our yoke of sin when we have repented and believed in JESUS CHRIST as our REDEEMER.

However, when we continually sin, we are making ourselves a slave to sin again.

Our sins (yours and mine), nailed JESUS to the Cross.  Yes, the Romans may have been the people who did the actual crucifixion.  But your sins and mine kept JESUS on the Cross until HE had paid the price exacted as punishment to satisfy the wrath of GOD.

When you sin again and again, you make yourself a slave to sin and you throw the Crucifixion that JESUS endured to pay the price, right back at JESUS. 

Understandably, we are born sinful, and we are going to sin occasionally.  It should not, however, be habitual sin.  We need to repent, ask GOD to fill us every day with HIS HOLY SPIRIT, who will convict us when we sin. That way, we can sin less.

Prayer:  ABBA FATHER, today I humbly pray that YOU forgive me for my sins.  Fill me anew each day with YOUR HOLY SPIRIT.  This I humbly pray in the HOLY name of JESUS CHRIST.  Amen.

Stay obediently JESUS Blessed today!

Tuesday, 13 August 2024

Pray to GOD about everything!

 Dearest Christ followers we need to pray to GOD about every aspect of our lives.  We should not face the day without praying.  We should not go to sleep without praying.  We should not make a single decision without praying to GOD.

When we take our thoughts and our plans to the LORD and ask that HIS will and not our will be done, our plans are directed with our CREATOR.

Our CREATOR knows the bigger picture, whereas we can only see through our own tunnel vision.

Starting our day praying to our CREATOR sets the tone for the day.  It calms us and centers us knowing that our FATHER is in charge.

When we go to sleep at night we can rest comfortably in the loving arms of our FATHER, knowing that all through the night, HE is with us.

Today, let us decide that we will do nothing without praying first.  Our FATHER knows best!

Prayer:  ABBA FATHER, I thank YOU in the HOLY name of JESUS CHRIST that I can pray to YOU about every aspect of my life.  Thank YOU FATHER that YOU are with me in all that I do and that YOU will never leave me nor forsake me.  I humbly thank YOU in the HOLY name of JESUS CHRIST.  Amen.

Stay prayerfully JESUS Blessed today!

Monday, 12 August 2024

Self control!

 Dearest Christ followers, we need to exercise self-control in everything.  When we use self-control, we can control what tempts us.  We can think before we act and in so doing we can show moderation and temperance.

James warns the readers of his letter to be swift to hear.  But he warns that we should be slow to speak and slow to wrath.

Using self-control helps us to listen to others without wishing to interject and assume what they are trying to tell us, but rather to listen carefully.  Then weigh up our reply and modify it if necessary.

We can ask GOD for wisdom, and HE can give us that and we can use the wisdom HE gives us to exercise more self-control.

Today let us ask our FATHER for wisdom and use freely given gift wisely!

Prayer:  ABBA FATHER, I thank YOU for all that YOU are and all that YOU do for me.  FATHER, I humbly pray that YOU give me wisdom today.  I pray this in the HOLY name of JESUS CHRIST.  Amen.

Stay graciously JESUS Blessed today!

Sunday, 11 August 2024

Cast all our anxiety upon GOD!

 Dearest Christ followers, we have our most HIGH FATHER in Heaven, who loves us and cares for us.

Because our FATHER loves us, we are able to cast our anxieties upon HIM.  

In the world today, there are so many things to worry about.  However, our FATHER has overcome the world.

Therefore, when we start to stress and fret, Peter tells us in the verse above to cast our anxiety upon our FATHER.

This is a blessing indeed!

Prayer:  ABBA FATHER, I humbly thank YOU that I am able to cast my anxiety upon YOU.  I humbly thank YOU in the HOLY name of JESUS CHRIST.  Amen.

Stay calmly JESUS Blessed today!

Saturday, 10 August 2024

Give praise to THE LORD!

 Dearest Christ followers, we need to proclaim the name of the LORD.  Our FATHER's name is to be praised to the ends of the earth for all that HE has given us, all that HE has done for us and all that JESUS CHRIST has done for us.

We are called to make the LORD known to all the nations.

And if every person tells one person the news will spread quickly.

Have you told one person about JESUS and what HE has done for you and in your life?

Today, let us resolve to spread the good news of the LORD!

Prayer; ABBA FATHER, I humbly pray that YOU give me opportunities to spread the good news of JESUS CHRIST and what HE has done for us on the Cross.  I humbly pray this in the HOLY name of JESUS CHRIST.  Amen.

Stay faithfully JESUS Blessed today!

Friday, 9 August 2024

Do everything in humility!

Dearest Christ followers, we need to be like JESUS.  JESUS humbled HIMSELF and took on human form, adding humanity to HIS DEITY. 

And we are called upon to do the same.  Therefore, let us always consider ourselves after we have considered others.

Let us do nothing for the vanity or the glory.  But rather let us give the Glory to GOD.

GOD is everything and no matter what we do or achieve we need to take no glory or accolades for ourselves.

Without GOD we are nothing and we need to remember that it is our FATHER who gives us our very breath.

Prayer:  ABBA FATHER, I humbly pray that I be YOUR servant on earth.  I humbly pray this in the HOLY name of JESUS CHRIST.   Amen.

Stay humbly JESUS Blessed today.  

Happy women's day to all the ladies!

Thursday, 8 August 2024

Be ready to spread the Word!

 Dearest Christ followers, we need to be ready to spread the Gospel.  We have been saved by faith through the Grace of GOD.

We have not worked our way into salvation.  We have not earned salvation.  The salvation made possible to us is solely through the love of JESUS CHRIST.  HE took all our sins onto that Cross and paid for them in full.

Now, we as co heirs with JESUS CHRIST need to do the Will of our FATHER in Heaven.  And our FATHER wants none to perish but all to come to salvation.

That is where you and I come in.  If we do not know the WORD, if we do not understand the GOSPEL, how can we tell others about it?

This is why it is important to diligently read the Scriptures.  It is necessary to attend Bible studies and to fellowship with other Believers so that we can not only talk with authority, but understand the full extent of the gift of salvation that we have been given so freely.

Prayer: ABBA FATHER, today I humbly pray that you open the eyes of my heart to read YOUR WORD, to learn YOUR WORD and to understand YOUR WORD so that I may spread the Gospel of the good news.  FATHER I humbly pray this in the HOLY name of JESUS CHRIST.  Amen.

Stay graciously JESUS Blessed today!

Wednesday, 7 August 2024

Set your eyes upon JESUS!

 Dearest Christ followers, we are to have no other gods before our GOD.  This is why JESUS told this rich young man to sell all his possessions and follow HIM.

The truth of the matter is that this young man's identity was in his wealth.  JESUS knew this.

JESUS reads our hearts.  JESUS knows our thoughts.  

JESUS says that we need to store up for ourselves treasures in Heaven and not on this earth.

We need to prioritize JESUS in our lives before our possessions, before our family and indeed, before our own lives.

Prayer: ABBA FATHER, I humbly pray that the things of this earth grow strangely dim for me in the light of YOUR glory and grace.  I humbly pray this in the HOLY name of JESUS CHRIST.  Amen.

Stay wisely JESUS Blessed today!

Tuesday, 6 August 2024

Blessed is the one who perseveres under trial!

 Dearest Christ followers, we will all face trials and tribulation in this world.  What we need to remember is that JESUS has overcome the world.

If we persevere under trial and stand the test, we are promised a crown of life, only if we love JESUS.

GOD knows that we are frail and weak.  However our FATHER has sent HIS SON JESUS CHRIST, who took all our sin onto a Cross and paid for it so that we are redeemed and justified through the blood of JESUS spent on the Cross.

We are not alone when we are Believers.  We have the HOLY SPIRIT in us.  We have JESUS who will never leave us nor forsake us.  We can face our trials and our tribulations in the sure knowledge that our FATHER is with us.

Prayer; ABBA FATHER, I thank YOU that through any trial or tribulation I may face, I face it in the sure knowledge that YOU are with me and that YOU have overcome the world.  I humbly thank YOU in the HOLY name of JESUS CHRIST.  Amen.

Stay peacefully JESUS Blessed today!

Monday, 5 August 2024

Tell the truth - always!

Dearest Christ followers, we are not to be conformed to the things of this world.  

The one thing on this earth, which is very prevalent are lies.  We are constantly being lied to by the media, by politicians and by one another.  

Let us be the example and always tell the truth, no matter what.  

As Christ followers, we need to make honestly our priority.  That way our word is our bond and people start to know that no matter what, we will be honest.  Even to our own detriment.

We, as Christ followers have put off our old selves and been renewed in knowledge in the image of our CREATOR.

Today, let us resolve that, whatever the circumstance, we will not lie.  

Prayer:  ABBA FATHER, I humbly pray that YOU give me the strength of character to always tell the truth, no matter what.  FATHER, show me YOUR way in everything I do.  I humbly pray this in the HOLY name of JESUS CHRIST.  Amen.

Stay truthfully JESUS Blessed today!

Sunday, 4 August 2024


 Dearest Christ followers, we need faith.  Without faith we are going to spend eternity in hell.

So what does it mean to have faith?

The writer of Hebrews gives us a lot of examples of faith.

When we have faith, (in Jesus Christ as our LORD and our SAVIOUR), we are credited with righteousness.

Abraham was promised offspring and this faith was credited to him as righteousness.  Noah believed that GOD would flood the earth and built the Ark.  It was credited to him as righteousness.

We are promised an eternity in Heaven with JESUS.  When we believe this, it is credited to us as righteousness.

How do we grow our faith?

We read our Bibles regularly.  We listen to the Word regularly.  We fellowship with like-minded people who believe in JESUS.  We learn to understand the nature and character of GOD.  We learn to understand that our FATHER keeps HIS promises.

Today, grow your faith.  Our FATHER will credit the righteousness to those who have the faith and keep the faith and grow the faith.

Prayer:  ABBA FATHER, I humbly thank YOU for YOUR grace.  FATHER, I humbly pray that YOU help me daily to grow my faith.  I pray this in the HOLY name of JESUS CHRIST.  Amen.

Stay faithfully JESUS Blessed today!

Saturday, 3 August 2024

Trust only in the LORD!

Dearest Christ followers, we can completely trust in the LORD.  Our precious FATHER in Heaven keeps all HIS promises.  Our FATHER will never leave us nor forsake us.

Throughout the Bible, we can read that our FATHER is faithful and true to HIS word.

HE promised to scatter HIS people throughout the world if they did not keep HIS Commandments, and HE kept HIS word.

The prophet Isaiah wrote that the nation would be reborn in a day, 

Isaiah 66:7-9 "Who hath heard such a thing?  Who hath seen such things?  Shall the earth be made to bring forth in one day? or shall a nation be born at once? For as Zio travailed, she brought forth her children."

The State of Israel was born on the 14th May1948.  

The LORD promised HIS SAVIOUR and about two thousand and thirty years ago, JESUS CHRIST was born of the tribe of Judah, (Genesis 49:10) of the line of David (2 Samuel 7:12-13) to a virgin mother (Isaiah 7:14).  All of this is foretold in the Bible. All of this has happened.

For nearly one hundred years Noah built the Ark.  GOD had promised to send a flood to destroy everything on the earth except the people and animals in the Ark.  Our FATHER fulfilled HIS promise.  Our FATHER gave us the rainbow after that event, which is a sign that HE would never ever destroy the entire population of the earth by a flood.  We have never had a flood like that again.

And I can go on and on about prophecies in the Bible which have been fulfilled. 

Therefore, in conclusion, our FATHER is completely trustworthy.  HE loves you and I and HE wants none to perish but all to come to Heaven.  

The choice is ours.  Trust in our FATHER and live in HIS WORD or continue to trust in our own abilities and remain in a state of turmoil and uncertainty. 

Prayer:  ABBA FATHER, I humbly pray that I trust everything I think, say or do to be done in YOUR Will and not in my will.  I humbly pray this in the HOLY name of JESUS CHRIST.  Amen.

Stay faithfully JESUS Blessed today!

Friday, 2 August 2024

Blessed is the man that trusts in the LORD!

 Dearest CHRIST followers, do we truly trust in the LORD?  Do we plan our futures, and if so, have we prayed about our plans to the LORD before we set those plans in motion?

If we truly trust and hope in the LORD, the verse above tells us that we will be blessed.

How often our plans go awry.  This is because we leave GOD out of our plans.  We do not consult with GOD.  Then we wonder why our plans are thwarted.

Christ followers, we need to pray to our FATHER about every aspect of our lives and not afterwards, when things go wrong, but before, while we are contemplating the way.

It is of no use to leave our FATHER out of our planning and then to run to HIM when it all falls down.

Prayer:  ABBA FATHER, I humbly thank YOU that when YOUR WILL is done in my life, my life goes so much better.  FATHER, I humbly pray that I hand all my plans over to YOU and that YOUR WILL be done and not my will.  I humbly pray this in the HOLY name of JESUS CHRIST.  Amen.

Stay prayerfully JESUS Blessed today!

Thursday, 1 August 2024

Strive for an eternal crown!

Dearest CHRIST followers, whatever we strive for in life, is corruptible.  We can build businesses, homes, acquire trophies, but all of that passes away when we die.

However, if we are striving for our eternal life in Heaven, we shall be rewarded.

GOD will reward those who visit the poor, the sick and those in prison.  GOD will reward those who spread the GOSPEL.  GOD will reward those who devote their lives to the Church.  GOD will reward those who are persecuted for HIS name sake. 

However, if we are rewarded on earth, we cannot expect to be rewarded in Heaven.  

Paul, in his letter to the Corinthians tell us that every person who strives to master things on earth and is rewarded on earth, will be given a corruptible crown. Those who are rewarded in Heaven will be given an incorruptible crown.

Let us choose carefully where to store up our treasures!

Prayer:  ABBA FATHER, I humbly pray that I am given YOUR grace to store up treasures in Heaven.  FATHER show me what YOUR will is for my life to spread the Gospel.  I humbly pray this in the HOLY name of JESUS CHRIST.  Amen.

Stay graciously JESUS Blessed today!

JESUS - SAVIOUR of the world!

Dearest CHRIST followers we are so privileged to be able to celebrate the birth of our SAVIOUR  this Christmas.  For I know that I am not re...