Tuesday 20 August 2024

Return to the LORD!

 Dearest Christ followers, our FATHER is faithful to those who repent.  When we truly repent and return to our FATHER with all our hearts, HE is abounding in love and slow to anger.

The problem of the heart, is the heart of the problem.

We have hardened our hearts to our FATHER.  We want to do things our way.  We do not want to relinquish our will to that of our FATHER.

As soon as we truly repent, our FATHER knows that we are repentant, and HE forgives us.  Our sins are moved away from us as far as east is from west.

Today, no matter what we have done, let us stop and repent.  Let us acknowledge our sins to our FATHER and beg for HIS mercy.  Then wait for our FATHER.  HE loves us and HE will give us HIS peace.

Prayer: ABBA FATHER, I thank YOU that YOU have lavished to much love on me and given me all the blessings.  I humbly pray that where I have sinned, FATHER, forgive my sins.  I humbly pray this in the HOLY name of JESUS CHRIST.  Amen.

Stay faithfully JESUS Blessed today!

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