Tuesday 20 June 2023

Full of faith!

 If we as children of GOD have great faith, we too can do miraculous signs.  It is our faith that is not great that stops us from doing the same as Stephen.

What strikes me most is that Stephen is described as being full of GOD's Grace.

Are we full of GOD's Grace?  Because I feel that that is the secret to great faith.

So how do we get full of GOD's Grace?

The first thing is to understand the magnitude of the GOD whom we serve.  Our GOD is so GOOD.  Our GOD is so GREAT.  Our GOD is JUST.  Our GOD is so MERCIFUL.  Our GOD is so LOVING.

Let us meditate on the character of GOD to understand the overall magnitude of this ENORMOUS GOD we serve.

Once we begin to grasp who GOD is and how Powerful HE is, we can then work on our acceptance of the Grace of GOD in order to be filled with the Grace of GOD.

Only when we are filled to the brim with the Grace of GOD can we be filled with faith and power.

This is a very rare thing today.  We need to try to emulate Stephen.

Prayer:  ABBA FATHER, I thank YOU for YOUR Goodness, YOUR Mercy, YOUR Grace and YOUR Power.  FATHER fill me with YOUR Grace.  Let me be so filled with YOUR Power that I can spread the Gospel in the Holy Name of Jesus Christ.  I humbly pray this in the Holy Name of Jesus Christ.  Amen.

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