Thursday 17 December 2020

King of Righteousness - Jesus Christ!

 The King of Righteousness is such a profound passage in the Bible.  Dealing with the new Covenant that Jesus brought to the world.  This covenant replaces the Abrahamic Covenant and the Mosaic Covenant.  

This Covenant that Jesus has brought to us is the GOOD NEWS.  So I felt it so important to belabour the point by printing the whole Hebrews 7 Chapter so that you, dear reader may understand how important the coming of Jesus Christ was to us in particular.

We no longer live under the law.  We are truly set free.  We do not have to keep 603 laws to get to Heaven.  This would be impossible in any event.  But all we have to do is to believe in this beautiful High Priest in the order of Melchizedek.  Our Saviour Jesus Christ.

So, hard as I might try, the author of Hebrews (perhaps Barnabas) puts it so succinctly that I thought I might give you a really long read.  Long, but worth it.  To understand the importance of this High Priesthood.

When Abraham met Melchizedek, he gave him a tenth of all his goods and chattels.  That is truly amazing.  When Moses came to the earth, he was given stone tablets with 10 commandments on them.  But when Jesus came, He gave us the law to write on our hearts.  

We need to love GOD above everything on earth, and we need to love one another.  When we love GOD, there is no way that we can continue on our path of being selfish to our brethren on earth.  We need to love them the way GOD loves us.  Unconditionally. 

Thankfully, under the Grace of GOD. although we are sinners, we are saved if we will but accept that Jesus is the Son of GOD who came to earth, lived on earth a sinless life, died on a cross for us to be saved, and conquered death so that we might have eternal life with our FATHER in Heaven.

So I say to you today.  May the Grace of GOD be with you all today.  May this day and this season bring you all the joy and peace of our FATHER which surpasses all understanding.

Prayer;  ABBA FATHER I thank YOU for this day.  I pray that all reading this may YOUR grace and YOUR peace to guard their hearts and their minds.  I ask this in the Holy Name of Jesus Christ.  Amen.

Stay truly GOD blessed today!

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Restore people gently!

  Dearest Christ followers, we need to remember that we have all sinned.  There is no one righteous on earth.  All have sinned and have fall...