Tuesday 1 December 2020

The mediator - Jesus Christ of Nazareth!

 As children of GOD, we are often told that we worship the same god as other religions.  I always reply the same when I am told this.

"Did your god send his son to die for my sins?  Because, if he didn't, then we are not worshipping the same god."

Now that sounds very controversial in a world where we are reluctant to enter into an argument, and the above is construed in a very negative light by the recipients.  But this is the only truth.

Our GOD, our FATHER in Heaven, put in place a plan to give you and I the means to spend eternity with HIM in Heaven.  And there is no other way to get there.  Not by good works, not by good deeds, not by leading a celibate life, not by being the best person ever.  No the only way to get to Heaven is through our faith, our belief in the fact.  There is one GOD and HE sent HIS Son Jesus Christ, to live on this earth.  To live a sinless life.  To be crucified on a cross.  To take my sins there and to wash them as white as snow.

No priests can absolve our sins.  No person can forgive our sins.  Only GOD can do that.  And we need to believein our hearts and confess with our mouths that HIS Son Jesus Christ, is our Saviour and is the  only way to get to Heaven.

Prayer:  ABBA FATHER, I know that YOU are the only GOD and that YOUR Son Jesus Christ is my Lord and my Saviour.  I accept YOUR grace and beg that YOU forgive my sins today.  I pray this in the Holy Name of Jesus Christ.  Amen.

Stay faithfully GOD blessed today!

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