Sunday 27 December 2020

The prayers of a righteous person are powerful and effective!

 What does it mean to be a righteous person?  Truly righteous people have done the following:

  • They have admitted that they are sinners. 
  • They have gone down on bended knees and have begged GOD to forgive them
  • They have accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and their Saviour.
  • They have confessed their faith in Jesus with their mouths.
  • They have been filled with the Holy Spirit. 
  • They believe in their hearts that Jesus is exactly who He says He is and that is:
  • Born of a Virgin Mother
  • Was without sin
  • Was a GOD in a human form on this earth for 33 years
  • Performed many miracles during His life, including but not limited to walking on water, resurrecting the dead, feeding many thousands of people with very little food. 
  • Died on a cross taking all our sins with Him to His death.
  • Rose on the third day and ascended into Heaven, conquering death and He now sits at the right Hand of GOD our FATHER.
Righteous people do good works and the fruits of their belief reflect the light of GOD on earth. 

That is how we identify righteous people.  I know I have simplified it and many pastors and teachers may wish to add to the list above.  But this is my belief.

I know that once we are made righteous in GOD;s eyes through the acceptance of Jesus Christ, our sins are forgiven.  We are saved and we can pray.  Knowing that our prayers are powerful and effective.

So today, if you have not done so, I would beg you to accept Jesus Christ and ask GOD to forgive your sins. Believe in your heart that Jesus is exactly who He claims to be, our Lord, our Saviour, our Light on earth, and mostly, our entry to eternal life with our FATHER in Heaven. Confess this with your mouth and ask that you be filled with the Holy Spirit today!

Prayer:  ABBA FATHER, I admit that I am a sinner, I believe in my heart that Jesus is my Lord and my Saviour, and I confess this now with my heart.  Come Holy Spirit and indwell me and fill me with your goodness and your righteousness.  I pray this in the Holy Name of Jesus Christ.  Amen.

Stay powerfully and effectively GOD blessed today.

I pray for healing on Karen, today, FATHER, in the Holy Name of Jesus Christ.  Amen.

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Restore people gently!

  Dearest Christ followers, we need to remember that we have all sinned.  There is no one righteous on earth.  All have sinned and have fall...