Sunday 20 December 2020

What faith is!

 In Hebrews we read a beautiful succinct description of what faith actually is.  It is the assurance of things hoped for and the conviction of things not seen!

When we read further in Hebrews, we start to realize what our faith needs to look like.  Imagine GOD appearing to us as HE did to Abraham, then Abram.  And telling us to leave our land as HE was directing Abraham to a better land.  Not only that, Sarah was childless and yet GOD (through HIS messenger) told her that she would conceive a child in her old age.  She believed HIM and she had a son, Isaac.

By faith Noah built the ark.

By faith David slew Goliath.

By faith, Moses's mother hid him in the reeds from the decree of murder by Pharoah.

By faith Moses went to Egypt and took the Israelites out of Egypt.

And so we go on in the Bible.  

When we have faith, we truly can move mountains.  

The next question is, how do we grow our faith.  We trust in the assurance of things hoped for.  And we do this by reading our Bibles, by prayer, by being close to GOD throughout our day, not just in the morning or the evening or once a week.  We strengthen our faith through the communion with other believers.  We strengthen our faith by evangelizing and spreading the good news.

Prayer:  ABBA FATHER, thank YOU for my faith.  Help me to grow my faith daily and help me to hope for my eternity with YOU.  I pray this in the Holy Name of Jesus Christ.  Amen.

Stay faithfully GOD blessed today!

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