Tuesday 6 April 2021

The LIGHT came into the world.

 Jesus came to bring eternal life to us all.  In the light, there is no darkness.  Jesus was and is pure and Holy.  In Him, there is no sin.

Unfortunately, we are born into sin.  Through Adam and Eve and their sin, sin entered into the world.

The main thing about sin is that we always want to hide our sin in the "Darkness".  Therefore   when we expose sin, we bring it into the light.

Through Jesus, our sins are exposed and were placed upon His head and body on the Cross of Calvary.

When Jesus died, the sin died with Him, and when He rose from the dead, our sins died.  And these were not resurrected.

But if we do not accept that Jesus is the Light, if we do not accept that Jesus died for us to be freed from our sins, if we do not accept the resurrection. we reject the "light" and we continue to live in darkness - forever!

And that is the important thing.  We will remain in darkness forever.  Because we are not born for life on this earth only.  We are born for eternity.  Therefore our salvation is eternity.

Today, if you have not done so, I would urge you to confess that you are a sinner.  As indeed, am I.  I would urge you to believe with all your heart and with all your soul that Jesus is the Redeemer and that the only way to eternity with GOD is in this belief.  I would urge you to confess this truth with your mouth.


Prayer:  ABBA FATHER, as the time closes in on all of us living on this earth, I would pray with all my heart that anyone reading this who has not done so is overcome by YOUR Holy Spirit and takes Jesus Christ as their Lord and their Saviour tonight.  I would pray that they confess their sins to YOU and that they confess this truth to YOU today.  I pray this in the Holy Name of Jesus Christ.  Amen.

Stay truly GOD blessed today!

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