Saturday 30 January 2021

 Genesis 7:1

I am trying to imagine how evil the people on earth were when GOD decided to destroy the whole earth and everything that lived on it.  And GOD kept Noah and his family alive.  Now take the story a little further.  GOD spoke to Noah, who was around five hundred years old.  And GOD told Noah to build an ark.  We imagine to ourselves that this was a small backyard build.  But in actual fact the ark was huge.  It had three decks and could house all the animal species and the family of Noah.

If we go further into this story, can you imagine Noah, an old man by any standards, faithfully building the ark and this project took about one hundred years to complete.  Then Noah had to fill the ark.  What enormous faith Noah must have had.  And how often he must have thought to himself, "why did GOD choose me?".   And why is GOD destroying the world but not me. But Noah was speaking directly to GOD.  

The difference between Noah and the other people on earth, was that Noah listened to GOD and was faithful to GOD and did exactly what GOD told him to do.  No matter that it took over one hundred years to complete the task. 

But in relation to this story, I believe that we are living in the end of times and the question must continue to be "why should GOD save me".  But we know the answer to that question because our Lord and our Saviour Jesus Christ, came to this earth and gave us the answer.  And that answer is simple.  

Jesus is the way, the truth and the life.  Without Jesus there is no way to get back to GOD.  And how do we get to live after the end of this earth?  Well that is simple.  We listen to GOD and we are faithful to what GOD is telling us to do.  GOD is telling you and I every day to accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and our Saviour.  Do this today.  And then start to spread the good news.  We can all be saved, if we will just be faithful to GOD through our acceptance of HIS Son Jesus Christ.  

Prayer:  ABBA FATHER, I am listening.  I accept Jesus Christ as my Lord and my Saviour.  I admit that I am a sinner. Forgive me FATHER.   I confess that the only way to have salvation with YOU is through my Lord and my Saviour, Jesus Christ.  I pray this tonight in the Holy name of Jesus Christ.  Amen.

Stay faithfully GOD blessed today!

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