Sunday 10 January 2021

Dearest friends, let us not be deceived.  For many people claim to worship Jesus Christ and to know GOD.  But when you look deeply into what they believe, their beliefs have been skewed by false teachers.  And false teachers are not just found in "new age" churches.  More often than not, the most false teachers are found in "traditional" churches.

Do not take it for granted that your church leader and what they are preaching will take you into Heaven.  And Heaven and Hell are very real.  Jesus preached about Hell often.  

If your pastor or leader is not preaching that Jesus is the ONLY way to get to Heaven, you are in the wrong place of worship.

If your pastor or leader is teaching you that good works will get you into Heaven.  You are in the wrong church. If your pastor or leader is not preaching repentance and not preaching straight out of the Bible, you are in the wrong church. 

The only way to get to Heaven is to  know that Jesus is your only way to get there.  So please ensure that your teacher/leader/pastor  is teaching exactly according to what Scripture says.  That is the following.  

Jesus came to this earth to fulfil the promise of GOD that HE would send us a Saviour.  He came to  save us from our sin.  We are all sinners.  And we need to admit that.  We need to know that no amount of good works will get us one step closer to Heaven.  We are ONLY saved by the grace of GOD.

We need to know the ABC's of our faith.  

A - Admit that we are sinners.

B - We have to believe with all our hearts, with all souls, with all our strength and with all our mind that Jesus is exactly who the Bible tells us that He is.  

  • That He was born of a virgin mother. 
  • He was GOD come to earth as a human being.  
  • He lived a sinless life on earth.  He performed many many miracles which many people attested to. 
  • No sin could be found in Him.  
  • He was crucified  and He died on that cross.  
  • He took all our sins onto that cross and washed them as white as snow.  
  • He lay dead in His tomb for three days and on the third day, 
  • He rose from the dead and He ascended into Heaven and He sits at the right hand of GOD our FATHER.   
And then we need to confess this truth with our mouths. 

Friends let us not be deceived in these last days.  Let us come to our FATHER through our Saviour, Jesus Christ of Nazareth.

Prayer:  ABBA FATHER, I humbly pray that all reading this tonight will realize the truth and start to seek Jesus Christ as their Lord and  Saviour.  I pray this in the Holy Name of Jesus Christ.  Amen.

Stay truthfully GOD blessed today.  

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Restore people gently!

  Dearest Christ followers, we need to remember that we have all sinned.  There is no one righteous on earth.  All have sinned and have fall...