Thursday 14 January 2021

Do not be deceived!

 We either accept Jesus or we reject Him.  There are no half measures.  GOD sent HIS Son to live on earth, to be the propitiation of our sins.  In other words, Jesus came to earth, born of Virgin mother, lived without ever sinning and never succumbed to any temptation.  And on that cross, He died for us.

Now there are many teachers, pastors, people and church leaders who say that the Bible is open to interpretation and that in this modern world of ours, we simply cannot believe in the virgin birth, the sinless life of Jesus, the miracles and the resurrection.  

Do not be deceived.  These people are FALSE teachers and John is warning us, yes even us across 2000 years, to have NOTHING to do with them. 

So if you find yourself in a situation where a teacher or a leader is telling you not to trust in the inerrant, infallible word of GOD, the Bible, then have nothing to do with them.  They are of the devil and they are sent to deceive you into an eternity in hell.

Accept Jesus today.  Believe in the fact that Jesus came to earth as man and yet was GOD.  Performed the miracles, took our sins onto that cross and washed us white as snow.  Confess your sins and confess that Jesus is the only way to Heaven.

Your salvation is at stake and depends on your faith.  Have nothing to do with false teachers!

Prayer:  ABBA FATHER, please show me false teachers and give me the wisdom to walk away from them and to walk into YOUR loving arms.  Show me when people are trying to deceive me.  I pray this in the Holy Name of Jesus Christ.  Amen. 

Stay wisely GOD blessed today!

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