Monday 11 January 2021

Eternal life

 Dearest friends and readers of this blog.  My hope for you is that you will all come to accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and your Saviour.  Repent today, believe that Jesus is exactly who the Bible says He is and confess this truth with your mouths.

This life is so fleeting.  It seems like yesterday that I was but a little child.  I am now in my sixties.  

When we are young, we believe that we are here for a very long time.  But one thing that I have learned on this earth is that time passes by so very quickly.  We are here for the blink of an eye.

Do not worry about what your purpose on earth is.  Do not worry about the things of this world.  And I am not being trite when I say this.  This life is so very short.  But we have the prospect of spending eternity in the presence of our CREATOR FATHER.

So today, I would urge you to accept the good news that through the enormous grace of GOD, we can all spend eternity with our FATHER and with Jesus Christ.  And that is truly something to treasure and to spend time preparing for. 

Please, if you have not done so, accept Jesus as the Way, the Truth and the Light.  Accept Jesus as the life of eternity with our FATHER in Heaven.  After all, Jesus has gone before us to prepare the way.  And we know that the place that He has prepared for us will be nothing short of wonderful.

Prayer:  ABBA FATHER, today I would humbly ask that YOU would direct people who are reading this to soften their hearts and accept our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.  I pray this in the Holy Name of Jesus Christ.  Amen.

Stay graciously GOD blessed today!

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