Sunday 6 October 2024

A blameless man died for me!

Dearest CHRIST followers, JESUS lived a completely sinless and blameless life.  HE was tempted but never gave in to sin.

Imagine if we could watch a replay of our messy, sinful lives?  How would we feel if that video went viral?

And yet, JESUS came to this earth to free us from that awful sinful state in which we have lived!

Imagine if we had to be punished for our sins.  How much punishment would we have to bear to make atonement for all the sins?

We do not have to do that.  All we have to do is to recognize that we are sinners.  Then we need to repent, believe and be saved.  No works, no atonement, no punishment.

Thank YOU, JESUS!  Thank YOU that YOU love me so much that YOU died and paid for my sins.  I thank YOU and I love YOU.

Prayer:  ABBA FATHER, I thank YOU that YOU love me and that I can be saved from eternal punishment through my faith in what JESUS did for me on the Cross of Calvary.  I humbly thank YOU in the HOLY name of JESUS CHRIST.  Amen.

Stay gratefully JESUS Blessed today!

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A blameless man died for me!

Dearest CHRIST followers, JESUS lived a completely sinless and blameless life.  HE was tempted but never gave in to sin. Imagine if we could...