Tuesday, 13 April 2021

GOD's promises!

 GOD will keep all HIS promises.  GOD promised Moses to help him to lead the people out of Egypt and into the promised land.  And Moses did.  GOD promised Moses that he would die before the people went into the promised land.  And Moses died.

There are countless Bible verses and countless stories of the promises that GOD has made - and kept.  

GOD has promised us that whomever believes in Jesus, will not die but will have eternal life.  I believe this. 

Today, I would encourage you to take Jesus as your Lord and Saviour.  

GOD says that if we ask for forgiveness, HE removes our sins as far as East is from West.  And I know that my faithful FATHER forgives, if we will just ask.

Today, I would encourage you to ask GOD to forgive your sins.  I know HE will.

GOD promises that whomever confesses with his mouth that Jesus is Lord, will be saved. 

Today, I would encourage you to confess this truth - and be saved.

GOD is love and HE keeps all HIS promises.  I know that Heaven with GOD is going to be wonderful place.  Choose life today!

Prayer:  ABBA FATHER, today, I would ask that all reading this blog admit that they are sinners and ask for YOUR forgiveness.  FATHER I am a sinner and I humbly ask that YOU forgive my sins.  FATHER, I would pray that all reading this believe that Jesus is our Redeemer.  FATHER I take Jesus as my Lord and my Saviour.  FATHER I would ask that all reading this confess this truth with their mouths.  FATHER I confess that Jesus is the only way to YOU, the only truth and the only life.  I pray all of this in the Holy Name of Jesus Christ.  Amen.

Stay truly GOD blessed today!

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Glory to GOD!

  Dearest CHRIST followers we are called to show the Glory of GOD on earth. As children of GOD, we need to be ambassadors and good examples ...