Monday, 4 October 2021

Praise the LORD!

 Our purpose on earth is not a mystery.  All we have to do to know our purpose on earth, is to read Revelation.  And we see that the Heavenly Host are praising GOD.

That is our purpose on earth.  To praise our FATHER in Heaven.

So how can we continually praise GOD?  By starting our day with a prayer and a thought of our FATHER in Heaven.  Then by reading HIS word.  By praying for each and every meal and thanking GOD for our blessings of having food to eat.

We can also praise GOD by fearing HIM.  And I am not talking about being scared of GOD.  I am talking about fearing HIM.  Knowing HIS Omniscience, HIS omnipresence and HIS omnipotence.

Realizing that our FATHER is so great and so majestic and so good and so powerful and so holy and so pure, we are giving praise to GOD.  That is our purpose on earth!

Prayer:  ABBA FATHER, thank YOU for YOUR great power, YOUR majesty, YOUR grace.  I am in awe of YOU FATHER.  I thank YOU in the Holy Name of Jesus Christ.  Amen.

Stay truly GOD blessed today!

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