Friday 15 December 2023

Part of GOD's chosen people

 Dear Christ followers, when we accept Jesus, we are then a part of GOD's chosen people.  We become holy and dearly loved.  As such we are called on to become more and more like Jesus in every aspect of our lives.

We are required to be compassionate, kind, humble, gentle and patient.

The area that I often battle with is patience.  I can become very impatient quite quickly. 

In the areas where we fall short of the perfect holiness of Jesus Christ, we need to pray to our FATHER in Heaven.

Firstly, let us pray for the wisdom to see others in their true sufferings.  This helps us to be more compassionate.  Let us ask our FATHER to make us more kind.  Humility is also a great asset.  We should always think less of ourselves and more of others.  

And lastly let us ask our FATHER to make us more patient towards each other in every way.

Prayer:  ABBA FATHER, I am so blessed to believe in Jesus Christ as my true Saviour.  I thank YOU for YOUR grace and mercy in sending Jesus to save me.  FATHER give me the wisdom to become more and more like Jesus.  Especially FATHER give me the wisdom to be patient with others in every circumstance.  I humbly pray this in the Holy name of Jesus Christ.  My Redeemer.  Amen.

Stay faithfully Jesus Blessed today!

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