Saturday 2 December 2023

Saved by Grace through faith!

 When Jesus died on that Cross for you and me, it was done out the Grace of GOD.  We are saved through grace alone by faith alone.

We cannot work our way to salvation.  It is an impossible task.  We are sinful and we fall way short of the Holiness of GOD.  

That is why we need a Saviour.  Our Saviour is Jesus Christ alone.  There is no one else who can get us into Heaven.

As Paul puts it so well here.  Grace is a free gift from GOD to anyone who believes in Jesus Christ as the Messiah.  "Lest anyone should boast".

Today, if you have not done so, believe in Jesus Christ.  Repent and be saved.

Tomorrow may be too late!

Prayer:  ABBA FATHER, I thank YOU for YOUR Grace and favour.  I thank YOU that I believe that Jesus Christ is YOUR Son who died on that Cross to save me from my sins.  FATHER forgive me today for my sins as I forgive all those who sin against me.  I humbly pray this in the Holy Name of Jesus Christ.  Amen.

Stay graciously Jesus Blessed today!

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