Thursday 21 December 2023

Shout for joy to the LORD!

 Our FATHER in Heaven has given us everything we need to sing HIS praised.  HE is faithful to love us and to do this despite our shortcoming.  HE is true to us and HE never leaves us nor forsakes us.  GOD wants each and every one of us to come to faith in Jesus.

GOD wants none to perish and go to hell.  HE wants all to spend eternity with HIM.

We are HIS people, the sheep of HIS pasture.  Therefore we can enter HIS gates with thanksgiving and HIS courts with praise.

We need to praise our FATHER for HE is good and HIS love endures forever.  HE is faithful from generation to generation.

Today let us go down on bended knees and thank our FATHER for HIS goodness and HIS mercy as we move towards the celebration of the birth of our SAVIOUR, Jesus Christ in a few days.

Prayer:  ABBA FATHER, this year has been a year where YOU have been so faithful to me.  I humbly thank YOU for all that YOU have done for me this year.  I thank YOU that my faith in YOU is stronger than it has ever been.  I humbly thank YOU in the Holy Name of Jesus Christ and I shout for joy at the mention of YOUR NAME. Amen.

Stay faithfully Jesus Blessed today!

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