Wednesday 4 September 2024

Food for our souls - the WORD of GOD!

Dearest Christ followers, JESUS was tempted by satan after HE had been in the desert, and JESUS had fasted for forty days and forty nights.

We cannot imagine how hungry or thirsty JESUS must have been.  And yet when the devil told JESUS to turn the stones into bread and eat, JESUS replied as above.

Indeed, we too, do not live on bread alone as CHRIST followers, we need to feed our souls by regularly being in the WORD of GOD.

Obviously fasting is what JESUS was doing in order to start HIS ministry.  We too can fast for various reasons.  It brings us closer to CHRIST and it focuses our minds on what JESUS wants for us.  When we have important decisions, we can fast and pray about it.  Prayer and fasting work well to get to know what GOD is saying to us. 

However, far more importantly than fasting, we need to be in the WORD of GOD daily.  We need to read the Scriptures, and we need to talk to like-minded CHRIST followers.  GOD talks to us through the Scriptures and through our prayers.  HE also communes with us when we fellowship with other CHRIST followers.  Going to Church also gives us the WORD of GOD.

Prayer meetings also help us to get to know GOD on a much deeper level.

But the Bible remains the authoritative, inerrant, infallible WORD of GOD and this must be at our sides all the time to truly have a living relationship with our FATHER in Heaven.

Prayer:  ABBA FATHER, I humbly pray that YOU speak to me through YOUR WORD.  Teach me YOUR WORD.  I thank YOU that I am free to read YOUR WORD at any time without fear of persecution.  I humbly thank YOU in the HOLY name of JESUS CHRIST.  Amen.

Stay faithfully JESUS Blessed today!

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