Tuesday 17 September 2024

Whatever things are true!

 Dearest CHRIST followers I love the way Paul advises the Philippians.  Let us read this verse again and again and then let us put this into practice whenever we feel overwhelmed by life.

Whatever things are true - there is so much falseness and so many lies in our world today.

Whatever things are noble - again, so very little of anything today is noble.

Just - If you are like me, I truly struggle with this.  It seems that politicians and people in power have laws for thee but not for me.

Pure is easier to find.  We can find this is in nature, small children, little animals, some people - again - sometimes hard to find. 

Lovely and of good report. Well, that is challenging with people, easier to say of sunrises and sunsets and the like. 

One thing I am sure of is that all of these attributes can be found in JESUS. 

Paul exhorts us to find these things, meditate on them as this will bring peace to our hearts.  Surely, we can meditate on the goodness, the love, the grace, the mercy and the love of JESUS CHRIST from morning till night!

Today, let us seek JESUS and meditate on all HIS goodness.

Prayer:  ABBA FATHER, I thank YOU that YOU are true, noble, just, pure, lovely and of good report.  I thank YOU that I can meditate on YOU day and night and this gives me YOUR peace which transcends all understanding.  I humbly thank YOU in the HOLY name of JESUS CHRIST.  Amen.

Stay amazingly JESUS Blessed today!

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