Monday 16 October 2023

Narrow is the way!

 Dear Christ followers.  Are we truly going through the narrow gate?  Have we truly repented of our sins?  Have we stopped our habitual sinning?

It is a fact that we are all sinners, but when we accept Jesus, the Holy Spirit living in us will convict us when we sin.

We cannot simply continue on the path that we were on before.  We need to prayerfully ask GOD to fill us anew daily with HIS Holy Spirit.

Then we need to be truly repentant.  

It would be dreadful to get to Heaven only for Jesus to say "I never knew you".

Today, let us resolve, if we are not right with GOD and we have not repented, to do so immediately.  We may not have tomorrow.

Prayer:  ABBA FATHER thank YOU for Jesus Christ.  My LORD, my Redeemer.  Thank YOU FATHER that YOU love me so.  I adore YOU FATHER.  I humbly pray this in the Holy Name of Jesus Christ.  Amen.

Stay amazingly Jesus Blessed today!

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