Wednesday 25 October 2023


 Here in the verse above, Joel talks about turning to the LORD our GOD.

This is so much more true for Christ followers today.  In the Old Testament, the people had GOD.  But salvation was attained through the offering of sacrifices for atonement once a year.

Today, at any time and any where, we can repent and turn from our sins and we are instantly forgiven.

We do not have to make a pilgrimage to a Temple and take with us our sacrifices.  We can go down on our knees or simply stand or even sit and bow our heads and confess our sins.

GOD reads our hearts and if we are truly repentant, our sins are instantly forgiven.  No need to do anything further to get to salvation.  

We are truly blessed through the Redemptive Blood of our Saviour, Jesus Christ, spilled on that Cross to save us from our sins.

Prayer:  ABBA FATHER, I thank YOU that I can repent anywhere and anytime.  I thank YOU for my Redeemer, Jesus Christ.  I pray this in the Holy Name of Jesus Christ.  Amen.

Stay truly amazingly Jesus Blessed today!

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