Sunday 21 January 2024

Be patient for the coming of the LORD!

Dear Christ followers, the LORD is coming back to this earth.  This has been promised to us, and GOD is faithful to keep all HIS promises. We might also die before Jesus returns. None of us is guaranteed tomorrow. 

What we need to do is to be prepared and ready to meet with our FATHER in Heaven, at any time.

Here in the verse above, James tells us to be ready, but also to be patient.  Our FATHER has HIS perfect timing.  Although we can see the signs of the end of the world, it does not mean that it will happen today or tomorrow.  

James uses the beautiful illustration of a farmer waiting for the early and the latter rains to produce his crop.  So too, we need to be about our FATHER's business  whilst we are on earth. 

Prayer:  ABBA FATHER, I humbly pray that I am ready to receive YOU whenever YOU return to fetch me.  I humbly pray that YOU show me what YOU require of me on this earth that I should do before I meet with YOU in Heaven.  

Stay patiently Jesus Blessed today!


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Restore people gently!

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