Wednesday 17 January 2024

Let us thank GOD!

 Dear Christ followers, do we really and truly appreciate what our FATHER has done for us?

Not only did our FATHER give us the universe, including the stars, the moon, our solar system and everything on our planet earth, HE also gave us HIS only begotten Son to be punished for our iniquities. 

In other words, GOD has given us everything.  We are made in HIS image.  We are loved by HIM.  We have been given the earth to rule over.  And then we had HIS Son walk among us on earth.  Sinless, Jesus was cruelly tortured and died a horrible death on a cross so that we can have eternity with our FATHER.

As we look around this world, Christ is being rejected on a colossal scale.  How awfully sad our FATHER must be.  

Today, let us give thanks to our FATHER for all the good and wonderful gifts HE has given us.  But most of all let us give thanks for the love HE has shown to us and which is so often ignored.

Prayer:  ABBA FATHER, I am so grateful to YOU.  I am grateful for the earth that I live on.  I am grateful for the sun in the day and the stars and the moon at night.  I am so grateful that YOU love me, even when I do not acknowledge and return this great love.  FATHER, today I thank YOU for everything YOU do for me and have done for me.  I thank YOU in the Holy Name of Jesus Christ.  My Redeemer, my Saviour.  Amen.

Stay gratefully Jesus Blessed today!

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Restore people gently!

  Dearest Christ followers, we need to remember that we have all sinned.  There is no one righteous on earth.  All have sinned and have fall...