Sunday 7 January 2024

Jesus died for our sins!

When Jesus came to this earth, HE added humanity to HIS deity.  JESUS is GOD!

Jesus died without sin on a cross, taking all of our sins and being punished for all the sins we have committed.

As children of GOD who have accepted Jesus as our LORD and SAVIOUR, we simply cannot go on sinning.  It is as if we crucify Jesus all over again.  If we are truly filled with the HOLY SPIRIT, we are convicted by the HOLY SPIRIT every time we sin and we should not continue in our sinful ways.  

GOD knows that we are born sinful, but here, the writer of Hebrews is talking about habitual sin.  

If, for instance, we are given to sinning in a particular manner, repentance means that we recognise our sin and that we turn away from it.  

This does not mean we will not sin again.  What it means is that our habitual sin should now be actively on our minds.  In the knowledge that it is wrong, we pray to the LORD to help us to keep from sinning in the same manner.

If we are not convicted of our sins, it is a sign that we have not truly repented.  

Let us examine our lives and see where we habitually sin and task ourselves to be convicted not to keep doing it again and again. 

Children of GOD are not sinless, we should sin less as our faith grows!

Prayer:  ABBA FATHER, I thank YOU for JESUS CHRIST, my LORD and my SAVIOUR.  FATHER fill me anew with YOUR HOLY SPIRIT and I humbly ask that the HOLY SPIRIT convict me every time I sin.  I humbly pray this in the Holy Name of Jesus Christ.  Amen.

Stay faithfully Jesus blessed today!

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