Tuesday 2 January 2024

Every good gift is from GOD!

 Dear Christ followers, we are so blessed and so priviliged to be children of the MOST HIGH GOD. 

Our FATHER never changes.  HE is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow.  With our FATHER we always know exactly where we stand.  HE is Holy.  HE is loving.  HE is forgiving.  HE is longsuffering.  HE is slow to anger.  HE is merciful.  He is kind.  He is just. 

Nothing about GOD changes from generation to generation and HIS promises stand.

We can be very certain that Jesus will come again because Jesus came to this earth the first tim,e and it is promised by GOD that HE will return to this earth.

We can be sure that the rapture will take place.  Regardless of whether you believe that this will be pre, mid or post tribulation.  It will happen.

With all of this knowledge, we start to see the character and nature of the FATHER whom we serve.  And our desire to be with HIM for eternity should grow daily as we see the world around us changing as it grows darker and darker.

Let us thank our FATHER that we are HIS children and let us grow in our faith daily through our prayers and the reading of HIS Word.

Prayer:  ABBA FATHER, I thank YOU that YOU are my FATHER and I worship and adore YOU.  I know that YOU are faithful and that YOUR word is true.  I thank YOU in the Holy Name of Jesus Christ.  Amen.

Stay faithfully Jesus Blessed today!

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Restore people gently!

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