Sunday 12 May 2024

Dearest Christ followers, our FATHER is truly faithful to keep HIS promises. When we believe the promises of GOD we are blessed.

GOD sent HIS only Son to this earth to save us from our sins.  The Old Testament prophesies about Jesus  coming to this earth as the Messiah were all fulfilled.  

Here in Luke, we are once again told that she who has believed that the LORD would fulfill HIS promise to her is blessed.

We who have believed in Jesus should therefore know  that by grace, we have been saved. 

Knowing this and believing this, we are truly blessed.

Prayer:  ABBA Father, I humbly thank you for the blessing of YOUR grace, which I do not deserve and which I have not earned.  I thank YOU in the Holy Name of Jesus Christ Amen.

Stay graciously, Jesus. Blessed today!

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