Thursday 30 May 2024

Jesus has overcome the world!

 Dearest Christ followers, Jesus has left us all HIS peace.  But this does not guarantee that we will not have trials and tribulations in this world.

Jesus, however, gives us HIS assurance that we are to know that HE has overcome the world.

In effect, no matter what we are facing, we are never alone.  Jesus is with us every step of the way. 

Regardless of the outcome of our difficulties we face, Jesus will never leave us nor forsake us.  During our lifetime, Jesus is with us. 

Following on from that, dearest Christ followers, we need to know that Jesus loves each one of us and Jesus will be waiting for us when we get to Heaven or when we are Raptured.

Prayer:  ABBA FATHER, I thank YOU that YOU are always with us.  I thank YOU i the Holy Name of Jesus Christ.  Amen.

Stay peacefully Jesus Blessed today!

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