Tuesday, 22 May 2018


Did you receive the Holy Spirit? How would we know if we have received the Holy Spirit?  In Acts, Luke, a Scholar of Paul writes that when the day of Pentecost came, (Pentecost being the day celebrated as the day that the Holy Spirit was poured out on the Disciples and as described above,) the Disciples began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit enabled them.
The fruits of the Holy Spirit are Love, Joy, Peace, Endurance, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness and self-control.
When we are filled with the Holy Spirit these are the character traits that we are given, some in more abundance than others. 
To know that we are filled with the Holy Spirit also gives us a conscience which enables us to discern right from wrong.  It is the “Jesus-like traits” that we are given where we are more prone to love than to hate, to be humble rather than to be proud, to desire peace more than conflict, to be long suffering rather than short tempered, to be kind rather than nasty, to be good rather than evil, to be faithful rather than faithless, to be gentle rather than harsh. These are the character traits which give us self-control over our lives.
The gifts of the Holy Spirit are being able to speak in tongues, wisdom, faith, prophesy, healing, miracles, discerning of Spirits, and being able to interpret tongues.
The question is how can we be filled with the Holy Spirit? We need to accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and Saviour, We need to repent of our sins and forgive those who have sinned against us.  And then we need to be ask GOD to baptize us with the Holy Spirit.
How will we know then if we have the Holy Spirit, just go back and read the gifts of the Holy Spirit and the fruits of the Holy Spirit and we will notice our lives being changed by the infilling of the Holy Spirit.   

Prayer:  Omniscient, Omnipresent, Omnipotent GOD, I thank YOU for sending YOUR Son Jesus Christ to die for my sins.  I thank YOU FATHER that I am saved through YOUR enormous grace.  I humbly ask FATHER that YOU forgive my sins as I forgive those who have sinned against me.  I pray FATHER that YOU will fill me and baptize me with Holy Spirit.  I pray this in the name of my Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. Amen.

Stay wondrously GOD blessed today.

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